View Full Version : Welcome to VBulletin

9th June 2011, 11:17 PM
Looks like we're up and going!

9th June 2011, 11:43 PM
Woohoo! Looks good.
Thanks for getting us up and running JohnQPublic.

10th June 2011, 12:13 AM
Hey, the Gaillo's Halloween skin ain't all that bad.

Good job guys

D sciple
10th June 2011, 12:22 AM
Was there a reason given somewhere concerning the deletion of the religion and philosophy forums? Also politics seems to be missing as well.

10th June 2011, 12:28 AM
I can't get the neo-ethnic dance & youtube vids to show up properly.

This is more important than any lost info.


10th June 2011, 12:46 AM
I just got here... took me a bit of time to configure everything to my liking (I'm sure there will be a LOT of growing pains during the next few days!). The biggest difficulty for me was figuring out how to convince the VBulletin software that my iPad is not a "mobile device" - and to send the "full" data to it like any other desktop computer. For any users having this problem, I finally solved it by dumping my cookies, then telling my browser to impersonate Internet Explorer.

Anyway, looks OK so far - though Horn does bring up a good point that the youtube embedding needs to be fixed... It is a feature that a lot of members use.

As for the "Gaillo's Halloween Nightmare" skin - I must admit COMPLETE ignorance about that - A joke on me by the boss, no doubt! :D I tried all the skins, I like the default forum skin best personally -easiest on my aging eyes!

10th June 2011, 12:48 AM
Hmmm... smileys don't seem to work yet. ???

Hatha Sunahara
10th June 2011, 12:55 AM
I'm impressed. Must have taken quite a lot of work to get this thing set up and configured. I'm sure there's plenty more to do, but it is in a usable state of functionality. I actually was able to change my password--something I couldn't do when visiting the incarnation a week ago. My compliments to JQP and Gaillo and everyone else who worked to get this going.


10th June 2011, 01:11 AM
Handy link...


is under quick links on some pages.. but good to make a shortcut/bookmark to

10th June 2011, 02:56 AM
Nice work.
I hope this board will be tougher for the evil ones to penetrate.

10th June 2011, 03:09 AM
I like Da Fault Style! Looks good. I saw GD forum was not there for a while. The only thing it took was patience, and there it was. I got the easy job. Much Kudos and Thanks.

10th June 2011, 04:38 AM
I just switched from the lucifarian black satan to default, much better.
Logging in from my iphone was a surprise; much, much easier to read!

10th June 2011, 04:42 AM
I like Da Fault Style! Looks good. I saw GD forum was not there for a while. The only thing it took was patience, and there it was. I got the easy job. Much Kudos and Thanks.

GD seems to be available only if you log in....

"Member Only" areas are public w/o logging in. Needs a few tweaks still.... :cool:

10th June 2011, 05:21 AM
The Halloween Nightmare style could be renamed the BurgerKing Nightmare.

10th June 2011, 05:22 AM
Is there a way we can get back the dark color scheme from the old forum?

As in, white text on a dark background?

Also, I think I'm missing a few hundred posts....

10th June 2011, 05:47 AM
on the top right of the page where it says "welcome, notifications, my profile, etc." the spot price ticker seems to be layered behind these words, not below. makes it very hard to read them. anyone else notice this? i mentioned this on the old forum, but was not acknowledged.

other than that, everything looks good, nice work john (and any others that helped)

1970 silver art
10th June 2011, 05:54 AM
So far so good. I am satisfied with it.

General of Darkness
10th June 2011, 06:03 AM
I fricken changes my view to mobile something or another and it's really messed up.

10th June 2011, 06:05 AM
I fricken changes my view to mobile something or another and it's really messed up.

Hey, GD- change it back. Bottom right hand corner, pull the menu down and pick the view you want.

10th June 2011, 06:35 AM
there's a little switch in your edit settings that allows you to post videos.:rolleyes::eek:

At this link under miscellaneous options, then bump it up to the most yhwiw (whatever) setting



10th June 2011, 06:53 AM
yeah, looks good. Thanks y'all.

I spend more time here than most other forums I go to, so it will take a lil time to get it comfortable I reckon.

Anybody know how to nix the envelope next to thread titles?

oh, and increase the text size of the thread titles without increasing the whole browser window?

gunny highway
10th June 2011, 08:18 AM
i'm liking the new look. gonna take some getting used to i suppose. onward and upward!

10th June 2011, 08:21 AM
Thank you JQP and Staff. When you get a chance can we get a metal ticker?

General of Darkness
10th June 2011, 08:28 AM
Hey, GD- change it back. Bottom right hand corner, pull the menu down and pick the view you want.

Got it, thanks.

10th June 2011, 08:30 AM
Thank you JQP and Staff. When you get a chance can we get a metal ticker?

It shows up for me (using the default setting).

10th June 2011, 09:29 AM
I'm using default. Maybe it's the Firefox Ad Blocker.

10th June 2011, 09:55 AM
Looks good.

Twisted Titan
10th June 2011, 11:00 AM
thanks for all your hard work behind the scences........I will figure everything out in short order


10th June 2011, 12:17 PM
on the top right of the page where it says "welcome, notifications, my profile, etc." the spot price ticker seems to be layered behind these words, not below. makes it very hard to read them. anyone else notice this? i mentioned this on the old forum, but was not acknowledged.

other than that, everything looks good, nice work john (and any others that helped)

I noticed it, and I'm putting it on the back burner for now but I'll make sure to keep it on my radar when the larger kinks get worked out.

10th June 2011, 12:20 PM
yeah, looks good. Thanks y'all.

I spend more time here than most other forums I go to, so it will take a lil time to get it comfortable I reckon.

Anybody know how to nix the envelope next to thread titles?

oh, and increase the text size of the thread titles without increasing the whole browser window?

Click "My Profile" on the upper right screen, then "Customize my Profile" and you can alter the font size by using the "font family" buttons.

10th June 2011, 12:35 PM
Is there a way we can get back the dark color scheme from the old forum?

As in, white text on a dark background?

Also, I think I'm missing a few hundred posts....

Same here about 300 lost but not what the hay!

i was chad
10th June 2011, 12:37 PM
i didn't change my password before this went live, and now i am locked out of my chad account. someone take pity on me + let me in to my old me :(

10th June 2011, 12:39 PM
i didn't change my password before this went live, and now i am locked out of my chad account. someone take pity on me + let me in to my old me :(

Why should we believe you?


10th June 2011, 12:42 PM
i didn't change my password before this went live, and now i am locked out of my chad account. someone take pity on me + let me in to my old me :(

Are you who you is or are you who you think you is? That is the question! You is who you is because you are or think you is because you say you is?

i was chad
10th June 2011, 12:45 PM
who else would be retarded enough to claim ownership of all of my old, homotron posts? eh, i don't know. maybe i am secretly scorpio. :D

10th June 2011, 12:50 PM
who else would be retarded enough to claim ownership of all of my old, homotron posts? eh, i don't know. maybe i am secretly scorpio. :D

I was thinking more along the lines of ice-cream-truckers...


i was chad
10th June 2011, 12:55 PM
well, hopefully someone can unlock/reactivate me. i have way too much energy invested in go gator! to start over from scratch.

hey gonzo, also meant to tell you, i talked to my friend stacy the other night. she doesn't see him around much anymore, but she assured me from what she has seen of him, he's still the same old ron from the back deck in galveston.

anyway, i'm out of here until i get turned back on. see you guys later.

10th June 2011, 01:05 PM
Sign in as Chad. When the singin fails, hit the "forgot my password" link. The forum software will email you a new password to your registered email account. Sign in using that password, then change your password in the control panel back to your old password.

i was chad
10th June 2011, 01:11 PM
i can't, because the email address i had listed in the SMF database was fake. it's not a real account, so i can't log in to it. after i first registered i became all paranoid and abandoned the account (it was the same one i had at gim1). can't you just give me super, secret test to prove i am really me?

10th June 2011, 01:26 PM
i can't, because the email address i had listed in the SMF database was fake. it's not a real account, so i can't log in to it. after i first registered i became all paranoid and abandoned the account (it was the same one i had at gim1). can't you just give me super, secret test to prove i am really me?

When I'm in trouble or out of step
If my balance has been upset
Oh there's a feeling I can't accept
There's one thing that helps me to forget

Wonder what I'm thinking
Wonder why I'm drinking
But it's plain to see
I'm not the man I used to be

If life were easy and didn't ask,
didn't tease me or take things back
I'd just start to understand,
what makes me the man I am

Wonder what I'm thinking
Wonder why I'm drinking
But it's plain to see
I'm not the man I used to be

Oh it's plain and it's a shame
I'm not the man I used to be

I've lost dreams that won't come back
memories fading fast
I should save the ones I have
What's the use, most of them are bad

Wonder what I'm thinking
Wonder why I'm drinking
But it's plain to see
I'm not the man I used to be

Oh it's plain and it's a shame
I can't explain
But I'm not the man I used to be

It's a shame don't know my name
I can't blame
I'm not the man I used to be


10th June 2011, 01:37 PM
i can't, because the email address i had listed in the SMF database was fake. it's not a real account, so i can't log in to it. after i first registered i became all paranoid and abandoned the account (it was the same one i had at gim1). can't you just give me super, secret test to prove i am really me?

Faked email address eh?
Only JQP can help you now... if he wants to and has the time between fixing bugs in the new forum.
Send him a PM - see if he can change the email address on the Chad account to something real.

10th June 2011, 02:17 PM
for some reason, my password for SHTF2010 wasn't working

so i signed up as Canadian-guerilla



10th June 2011, 02:19 PM
Lookin' good. Good work, JQP. Thanks to you and everyone involved in the switch.
Now I lost my Avatar, so if you have a backup copy, please email it to me at non-inculcated at hotmail.com

Thanks brother.

i was chad
10th June 2011, 02:27 PM
madfranks pm'd me. hopefully he can fix me up. i pm'd j6p, but he must be offline because i didn't hear anything back from him. yes, i am a retard.

10th June 2011, 02:38 PM
for some reason, my password for SHTF2010 wasn't working

so i signed up as Canadian-guerilla



Where the hell is the "Like" button, or the "thanks" feature?

10th June 2011, 03:08 PM
This is going to take a while to get used to. I hate change.

10th June 2011, 03:37 PM
Can't seem to get the smileys to work in either FireFox or IE. Granted, I am using old versions. None of them pop up in the advanced options.

10th June 2011, 04:11 PM
The smiley issue is known and is being worked on. As for thanks, I inquired and JQP said that there WILL be a feature for that, but all our thanks counts can't be imported from the old database, so we'll be starting out "fresh" with a clean thanks slate. As for Avatars, I lost mine too... hopefully I stashed a backup somewhere!

10th June 2011, 04:17 PM
I noticed it, and I'm putting it on the back burner for now but I'll make sure to keep it on my radar when the larger kinks get worked out.

thanks madfranks!

10th June 2011, 05:44 PM
i can't, because the email address i had listed in the SMF database was fake. it's not a real account, so i can't log in to it. after i first registered i became all paranoid and abandoned the account (it was the same one i had at gim1). can't you just give me super, secret test to prove i am really me?

You could of joined as Chad, you could of put in any new email to register here,
and saved your account.

This applies to everyone here.

10th June 2011, 05:47 PM
You could of joined as Chad, you could of put in any new email to register here,
and saved your account.

This applies to everyone here.

Actually, he couldn't have joined as Chad - that user name was already taken (imported from the old SMF forum). That's why JQP sent emails to everyone to reset their password on this new site.

11th June 2011, 01:53 PM
Actually, he couldn't have joined as Chad - that user name was already taken (imported from the old SMF forum). That's why JQP sent emails to everyone to reset their password on this new site.

I meant he could of saved his original account and still can maybe, don't know.

I didn't set up my account here from email notification, I followed the instructions,
even if you changed your original email I believe the process would of let you keep
your account, put in new email, verify it is you with password, pick up email, re register here,
etc, save your original account name, I believe this was possible. Maybe it still is. ?
Maybe chad can do it himself and save his account ?

When I was setting up my account here it asked me for email, typed twice to confirm.
This is why I believe you can put any new email in and register, it still asked for password, etc
Then link from new email, to here, etc

11th June 2011, 01:57 PM
I meant he could of saved his original account and still can maybe, don't know.

I didn't set up my account here from email notification, I followed the instructions,
even if you changed your original email I believe the process would of let you keep
your account, put in new email, verify it is you with password, pick up email, re register here,
etc, save your original account name, I believe this was possible. Maybe it still is. ?
Maybe chad can do it himself and save his account ?

JQP is going to reset his email address, so he will be able to save his old account.

11th June 2011, 02:11 PM
JQP is going to reset his email address, so he will be able to save his old account.

I don't think he is going to be the only one.

The process I followed, I am pretty confident any new email could of been used.
There was still safeguards to prevent hijacking.

11th June 2011, 02:32 PM
I don't think he is going to be the only one.

The process I followed, I am pretty confident any new email could of been used.
There was still safeguards to prevent hijacking.

Yep. I'm aware of at LEAST 5 people who are in the same situation as Chad, using a fake email address so JQP now has to reset their email address to something that works. The "safeguards" you talk about pretty much ARE a valid email address... as entered by the member on the previous (SMF) forum.

11th June 2011, 02:38 PM
Yep. I'm aware of at LEAST 5 people who are in the same situation as Chad, using a fake email address so JQP now has to reset their email address to something that works. The "safeguards" you talk about pretty much ARE a valid email address... as entered by the member on the previous (SMF) forum.

HAHAHA. That is funny. I may have used one too. But I can still retrieve emails from it and acknowledge them.

11th June 2011, 05:09 PM
Locking this thread. Please re-direct all problems, complaints, etc. to the (now stickied) "Board Issues" thread.