View Full Version : Phil Giraldi Spills the Beans on Israeli Espionage in America

10th June 2011, 06:44 AM
“Over 125 investigations into Israeli Espionage in America… stopped due to political pressure.”…FBI Counter Intel Officer John Cole."

Phil Giraldi stepped out today to do his country a great service and save some honor for the American counter intelligence community.

He put the spotlight on America’s greatest national security scandal, the decades old investment that Israeli Intelligence has made in attacking its so called America ally by stealing everything it can get it’s hands on.

But there is a second darker side to this first betrayal, and that is their corruption of our own political, Justice and State Department organs to literally act as protectors for them.

As a group they have betrayed the American people, and all those involved should receive long prison sentences for high treason.

Why would they do this you ask? The reasons are many. If you wanted to get Congressman Weiner you could supply him a stable of ‘talk dirty to me girls’ to liven up his boring daytime job. Others may want political donations, or government job career enhancement so they can be put in better and better positions where they can provide more important information. The communists used this tactic in the Roosevelt administration.

And then there are those who are thinking about their second careers. Many American spies for Israeli, especially government officials, prefer the ever popular deferred compensation program. Once they have left government service, say like after tweeting some porn around, they want a soft landing in a nice high paid think tank job.

Instead of whip cream on their ice cream sundae they can ask for some Israeli or American defense contractor directorships, or they can even continue spying for Israel by lobbying their former Congressional buddies for classified info which will guarantee them a good slot down the road.

Have any of you ever heard of a top American government official warn Americans to be on the look out for Israeli espionage here, or familiarizing them with the most used recruiting tactics? No, you haven’t. They are not allowed to do that, thus making a mockery of their oaths of office.

It is a great tragedy and irony that Anthony Weiner’s Congressional career will be over soon, when the safest crime in America these days is spying for Israel, especially if you are in the Congress, Pentagon or the Whitehouse.

Our sources tell us that FBI counter Intel agents are ordered not to open espionage investigation cases on high government officials because they simply will not prosecute them.

The Israelis are ahead of the curve. They were smart enough to know that there would be loyal American government security people would attempt from time to time to break up some of the top penetration networks. They made sure that these investigations would go nowhere.

That’s right folks, foreign terrorists don’t have the juice to block their prosecutions but an enemy force right here called Israel that we financially subsidize does. And still they demand that our own people on the public payroll assist them. I think the word the use of it is ‘chutzpah’!

To them….you are chumps…both to the Israelis and those selling you out to them. Brother Giraldi will fill you in on more of the details. After his long CIA career he has never been tagged as a conspiracy theorist, and he is well respected in the Intel community.

And when you contact your Congresscritter, be sure to ask him why he or she has never made an inquiry as to why no major Israeli Intel network has EVER been broken up in America. Ask them if part of the problem might be that Congress has been neutralized through campaign bribery and the rest of us have been left as sitting ducks while they all laugh on their way to the bank.

To be a chump, or to not be one…that is the question. The bad guys have already placed their bets. We sense a whiff of change coming in the air. The Intel community is ready and waiting to come forward to put a trainload of people in jail. The only thing holding the process up is that there is literally no place to go for prosecution. Nowhere…that the fix is not already in.

We are going to have to build some kind of new, independent prosecution structure, answerable only and directly to the public. Our government itself has already been compromised for decades. They will never investigate themselves. Those I have interviewed are generally just apathetic about it, because it has been going on for so long.

And when a lot of our young aspiring counter intel people learn that our political system protects Israeli espionage here, they leave government service in disgust, as have many of our best FBI people. It’s a national disgrace.

They sold your country out from under you folks. And to get it back, they will need to be hunted down and removed…all of them who have worked with the Israelis. The numbers are huge and the names involved are big. So its not going to be pretty. And if you haven’t figured it out already, they have tons of money, their own private intelligence resources, and they are not going out quietly. They have bet you will be the losers…and to date they have been correct.


10th June 2011, 07:05 AM
Vid at link. I wonder if MSM will cover it :confused:
