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View Full Version : US government to set up internet Ministry of Truth

10th June 2011, 10:54 AM
(NaturalNews) It sounds like such an innocent idea, one rooted in "fairness" and wrapped in good intentions. An internet "ministry of truth," run either by the federal government or the United Nations, to protect against "misinformation and rumors" that find their way to the information superhighway.

Such an agency "would have to be an independent federal agency that no president could countermand or anything else because people wouldn't think you were just censoring the news and giving a different falsehood out."

No, that's not Russia's Vladimir Putin or Chinese President Hu Jintao making that absurd suggestion. That one came from former President Bill Clinton, the man who lied to the American public about his affair with Monica Lewinsky. If such an agency would have been in existence during his tenure, you have to think he would have been convicted during his impeachment trial in the Senate for sure.

A truth ministry would operate something like the BBC or perhaps National Public Radio (no bias there), Clinton said, and its scope would be narrowly defined to "not express opinions" and to identify "relevant factual errors." Clinton, of course, does not go on to say who gets to define what a "factual error" is, but we presume it would be the commies who run this agency.

Clinton's call for this new federal agency comes on the heels of similar rantings by a man named Cass Sunstein, the Obama administration's info-czar, who all Web sites should be forced to link to opposing viewpoints or contain pop-ups filled with government information.

George Orwell must be laughing in his grave; our founding fathers must be rolling over in theirs.

No doubt part of Clinton's angst about the internet is the fact that it was an early internet entrepreneur - Matt Drudge, founder of DrudgeReport.com - who broke the story about the Clinton/Lewinsky scandal after Newsweek refused to run it.

Clinton's "suggestion" that Congress move to regulate the internet builds on that same common theme shared among other members of our Legislative branch, as well as the Federal Communications Commission. In April House Republicans led the effort in passing legislation aimed at preventing the FCC from imposing so-called "net neutrality" regulations on the World Wide Web that opposing lawmakers said would give the agency immense censorship power.

"The FCC power grab would allow it to regulate any interstate communication service on barely more than a whim and without any additional input from Congress," said Rep. Greg Walden, R-Ore.

The call to regulate the internet is no different than other calls to limit free speech, such as the establishment of "protest zones" on college campuses, public streets and in other venues. When the "fairness" angle hasn't polled well, other lawmakers have resorted to calling for internet regulation based on "national security concerns."

It was Thomas Jefferson, the father of the U.S. Constitution and third president of the United States, who once said, "The price of freedom is eternal vigilance." Clinton's call for a dictatorial info-suppression agency, with support from some U.S. lawmakers and the federal agency charged with guarding free speech, means Americans had better keep their heads in the game if they want to continue to experience the freedom the internet helps guarantee.

http://www.naturalnews.com/032667_Ministry_of_Truth_internet.html#ixzz1OtfVmm rS

10th June 2011, 03:36 PM
Only a war on our own government will save us all, I know what will happen and happy that I might not be around to suffer and your kids will..........to them it will be a natural thing and the way that is supposed to work but if they had lived and seen what the past was like they would unite as one in a revolution to bring it back.

10th June 2011, 04:35 PM
TRUTH. The actual state of things.

2. In contracts, the parties are bound to toll the truth in their dealings, and a deviation from it will generally avoid the contract.

Notice and silence together constitute a form of truth. If the subject is something that does not affect you personally then why care? On the other hand if the subject is something that does affect you then you might want not to remain silent. If you find out a long time after the notice you can still go back nunc pro tunc and correct for an action you should have taken but for one reason or the other did not.

In other words truth might not be universal. A truth for one might not be a truth for all.

General of Darkness
10th June 2011, 04:39 PM
WTF, it's like the foxes want to guard the hen house.

10th June 2011, 04:41 PM
All is going according to plan.

Remember Remember the...

10th June 2011, 05:05 PM
Remember Remember the...

I was reciting this to a friend just yesterday.

Remember remember the fifth of November
Gunpowder, treason and plot.
I see no reason why gunpowder, treason
Should ever be forgot...

10th June 2011, 05:33 PM
fahrenheit 451...

Bubble Fat
10th June 2011, 06:37 PM
"1984 isn't that far away." - Bill Murray, National Lampoon's That's Not Funny, That's Sick LP 1978(?)

Hatha Sunahara
10th June 2011, 10:02 PM
So if MiniTruth doesn't give its stamp of approval, it's not the truth? And if they do give their stamp of approval, it is the truth?

This is a brilliant idea. All the sheep who rely on authority to make things true will love this. They won't have to think at ALL. That's what makes this idea so dangerous.


10th June 2011, 11:15 PM
To me "Minister Of Truth" and "Homeland Security" are like something from a Si-Fi movie ..... soon will have block cops like in Cuba "Observers Of Peace"?........I am glad that I live away from everybody but I know that they will bring the trouble to me.

11th June 2011, 07:19 AM
So if MiniTruth doesn't give its stamp of approval, it's not the truth? And if they do give their stamp of approval, it is the truth?

This is a brilliant idea. All the sheep who rely on authority to make things true will love this. They won't have to think at ALL. That's what makes this idea so dangerous.


An excellent observation. It is implied truth that wields so much power. The omnipotence it wears on the outside is sufficient for the majority to accept as truth without the personal initiative to rationalize the controls that come with it. The whole "stamp of approval" meme is revealing in that it shows most people have abandoned individuality for the sake of collective thought and its convenience.

11th June 2011, 08:40 AM
I'd like to submit this video for the ministry of truth to debunk or valadate.


11th June 2011, 08:44 AM
Here is some truth:
Obama: 'My government is not about making jobs (but of course is about making the effort more taxing), it is about a corporate controled state making well behaved slaves.'
Basicaly that is what he said.


WASHINGTON (AFP) - US President Barack Obama on Saturday called for the private sector to create more jobs, but underlined the government's role in promoting professional education.

"Now, government is not -- and should not be -- the main engine of job-creation in this country. That’s the role of the private sector, " the president said in his weekly radio and Internet address.

"But one thing government can do is partner with the private sector to make sure that every worker has the necessary skills for the jobs they’re applying for," Obama added.

Hatha Sunahara
11th June 2011, 09:16 AM
Here is some truth:
Obama: 'My government is not about making jobs (but of course is about making the effort more taxing), its about a corporate controled state making well behaved slaves.'
Basicaly that is what he said.


When government 'partners' with the private sector, it is known as fascism. That is a corrupt alliance between government and large economic interests to wage war on the people. It cannot last long because the nature of fascism is corrupt, and it rots itself into oblivion. It only lasts as long as people are afraid of it.


13th July 2011, 10:53 AM
'Truth' for them is what they want you to believe today (and will be used to take from you when they change their 'truth' tomorrow).

Drudge (http://drudgereport.com/) headline today: BERNANKE: GOLD NOT MONEY

Forbes article: Bernanke Fights Ron Paul In Congress: ‘Gold Isn’t Money’ (http://blogs.forbes.com/afontevecchia/2011/07/13/bernanke-fights-ron-paul-in-congress-golds-not-money/)

“Is gold money?” [Ron Paul] asked. Clearly bothered, Bernanke told the representative “no, gold is not money, it’s an asset. Treasuries are an asset, people hold them, but I don’t think of them as money,” said Bernanke.

Rep. Ron Paul again jumped in, noting the long history of gold being used as money, and then asked Bernanke why people didn’t hold diamonds, clearly hinting at his fiat money criticism of the U.S. monetary system. The Fed Chairman told Rep. Paul it was nothing more than tradition [history].

13th July 2011, 10:55 AM
WTF, it's like the foxes want to guard the hen house.

Hillary ain't no fox, buddy!;D

13th July 2011, 11:02 AM
Hillary ain't no fox, buddy!;D

You are correct Sir! She is more in the family of this critter!


13th July 2011, 01:16 PM
Drudge (http://drudgereport.com/) headline today: BERNANKE: GOLD NOT MONEY

Bernanke is correct. A house might be made of stone but the stone is not a house. Gold is merely a thing which is aptly described in this 1598 book entitled Treatise on the Laws of the Forest:

wheresoever there are any Mynes of gold or silver to be found, and digge the land at his pleasure for the same mynes, and carry them away, for that they are things that do belong unto the king onely, in whose freehold or land soever [M.y& 10 Eliz Comm sol 312b] they chance to be found: for gold and silver are things of the most excellency, that are upon the earth: and therefore, when they are found in the land of any man, the Law doth attribute them, being things of such excellency, to belong to the most excellent person, which is the King.

Should you hold onto gold then you do so as the King.

We have to go to Shakespeare to find out what money is about

Who steals my purse steals trash; 'tis something, nothing;
'Twas mine, 'tis his, and has been slave to thousands;
But he that filches from me my good name
Robs me of that which not enriches him,
And makes me poor indeed.

13th July 2011, 01:29 PM
Gold is merely a thing which is aptly described in this 1598 book entitled Treatise on the Laws of the Forest:
My title says the Queen has rights to anything sub surface, not just gold and silver. It is probably because gold and silver have a long tradition of being money that so much treatise and rule singles them out for treatment above all other things and fiat no-thing. ;)

13th July 2011, 02:22 PM
the gov't is setting up a ministry of truth??


govt ministry of truth....that's a good one!