View Full Version : Apple accused of ripping off student's iPhone app they had rejected a year before.

10th June 2011, 05:49 PM
Like the bigger company who stole not only my product but also the display box and 85% of the wordings on the display box.......they lost the case, paid me X ammount of $ and 30 days to destroy all their boxes.'
================================================== ==========

Apple accused of ripping off student's iPhone app they had rejected a year before.

By Daily Mail Reporter

Last updated at 5:29 PM on 10th June 2011

A student who launched a hugely successful iPhone App last year is considering legal action, after Apple allegedly released their own application with the same name, functions and a near-identical logo.

Greg Hughes, 20, came up with Wi-Fi Sync in his second year at Birmingham University.
Developer: Greg Hughes developed Wi-Fi Sync a year ago but his app was rejected by the official Apple store
The downloadable software synchronises a user's iPhone and computer wirelessly
The computer sciences student offered it to Apple for sale through its official App Store.
Mr Hughes said he was contacted by an App Store representative called Steve Rea who said the iPhone engineering team had looked at his proposal and were impressed. However, they couldn't approve it due to 'security issues.'
'They asked for my CV as well,' he told El Reg.

Undeterred, Mr Hughes put his $9.99 app on sale at the Cydia Store for jail broken phones (mobiles that can run non-Apple approved applications) in May 2010 and earned £80,000 in the first two months. He has now sold 50,000 copies.

He told The Birmingham Post at the time he was sure Apple would implement their own feature at some point in the future.

However, he was amazed when Apple unveiled wireless functionality for the iOS 5, under the same name as his own app and with a very similar logo.

'Obviously I was fairly shocked,' Mr Hughes told The Register.
'I'd been selling my app with that name and icon for at least a year. Apple knew that, as I'd submitted it to them, so it was surprising to see that.'

He told The Daily Telegraph he intended to pursue the matter further after taking legal advice.
Apple is known for being fiercely protective of its own intellectual property.
Last month the company took legal action against Samsung alleging its Galaxy line of smartphones and tablet computers infringed its copyright.

They accused the South Korean company of 'slavishly copying' their designs.

'This kind of blatant copying is wrong,' Apple spokesperson Kristin Huguet said in a statement shortly after their lawsuit was filed.
The company also sued a student who sold white iPhone 4 conversion kits.

Apple have not yet responded to a request for a comment on the case.

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/sciencetech/article-2002170/Apple-accused-ripping-students-iPhone-app-rejected-year-before.html#ixzz1OubdwFHC

10th June 2011, 05:58 PM
Very good example of the saying "Do as I say , not do as I do!