View Full Version : Richard Gage Live on TV3 - The Masterplan Event

Large Sarge
11th June 2011, 12:38 PM

11th June 2011, 01:44 PM


11th June 2011, 06:39 PM
That was good, thanks!

11th June 2011, 06:55 PM
Interesting how the female presenter zeroes in on 1500 architects out of "how many, 1 million? 2 million? registered in the US?" -subtle. Then her male counterpart pipes in and says with factual voicing "America has been wrapped with angst about it" - freeze that - has America been wrapped in angst about it? Here it is, a laboratory sample of subterfuge. The presenter is using implied legitimacy to convey there is a national catharsis related to the World trade Center collapse. It goes without saying the entire media and propaganda apparatus have been feeding minds like goldfish for almost ten years on this. Along comes Gage staying true to evidence and being a stick in the eye so he is very carefully pilloried with suggestive conversation disguised as journalism. The science and conviction of this guy is impressive. I have been to one of his lectures and he spells it right out - controlled demolition all the way all 170,000 tons of it. He stands as an example of truth in plain sight that only a few can see.

General of Darkness
11th June 2011, 07:18 PM
Interesting how the female presenter zeroes in on 1500 architects out of "how many, 1 million? 2 million? registered in the US?" -subtle. Then her male counterpart pipes in and says with factual voicing "America has been wrapped with angst about it" - freeze that - has America been wrapped in angst about it? Here it is, a laboratory sample of subterfuge. The presenter is using implied legitimacy to convey there is a national catharsis related to the World trade Center collapse. It goes without saying the entire media and propaganda apparatus have been feeding minds like goldfish for almost ten years on this. Along comes Gage staying true to evidence and being a stick in the eye so he is very carefully pilloried with suggestive conversation disguised as journalism. The science and conviction of this guy is impressive. I have been to one of his lectures and he spells it right out - controlled demolition all the way all 170,000 tons of it. He stands as an example of truth in plain sight that only a few can see.

Agreed. A simple google search you find this.

Total Architects: 96,966


Now I wonder how many of them are jews they know the truth and won't ever go against the tribe?

11th June 2011, 07:44 PM
Agreed. A simple google search you find this.

Total Architects: 96,966


Now I wonder how many of them are jews they know the truth and won't ever go against the tribe?

There are no Jew architects, they don't do any work. Usury and control is all they can do.

12th June 2011, 04:35 AM
"The Cork News"

Events of 9/11 to be discussed in Cork (http://www.thecorknews.ie/articles/events-911-be-discussed-cork)
Friday, 10 June 2011
Niamh O'Mahony

An alternative theory about what happened in New York on September 11th, 2001 will be presented to a Cork audience next week. American Richard Gage is the founder of Architects & Engineers for 9/11 Truth and believes that a series of explosions were actually responsible for the collapse of three World Trade Centre buildings and not jet fuel fires as maintained by the US Government.

A San Francisco-based architect with 23 years experience, Gage’s suspicions began as he watched events unfolding live on television but it was not until four years later - when he heard testimony describing a series of explosions in and around the WTC buildings before, during and after the structures collapsed - that he took a more serious interest. US activist Luke Rudkowski and former MEP Kathy Sinnott will also speak at The Masterplan event.

“People coming along to the Montenotte Hotel will learn about the 1,500 architects and engineers that are demanding a new investigation into the destruction of all three World Trade Centre high-rise buildings,” Mr. Gage explained to the The Cork News this week. “The third tower was World Trade Centre 7 and we realised that we, as professionals, knew nothing about the third worst structural failure in modern history when a 47-story skyscraper dropped cleanly, symmetrically and straight down into its own footprint.

"Our Government told us the destruction was caused by small, scattered fires but that makes no sense because fire had never brought a skyscraper down before and it’s not what was seen at the base of these buildings. We don’t see a gravitational collapse - 90,000 tonnes of concrete was pulversied in mid air and four tonne perimeter wall units were ejected and landed 600 feet away.

“Molten iron droplets were found throughout all the World Trade Centre dust and they can’t have come from the jet fuel fires because it takes 2800 degrees to melt iron. However, Thermite, an incendiary used to cut through steel, was also found - documented in an uncontested paper - and that's a sophisticated material that is not made in a cave.

“In the case of the north tower, we're told that the block of building above where the plane hit drove the rest of it into the ground. Again, that’s not what we see - the upper block itself is destroyed in the first four seconds so there’s nothing left to actually drive the rest of the building down. There’s no jolt as the building implodes, there’s no stopping and starting associated with any real collapse - it just gives way.

“We also have testimony from the first responders – evidence that was recorded orally by their own department and only released under court order in 2005. We now know that 118 of 500 of these people talked about explosions going off and flashes of light, particularly at the onset of the collapse. This points to an explosive destruction.”

The battle for a new and independent enquiry is likely to be a “slow, uphill climb” according to Mr. Gage. He is acutely aware of cynics that have cried foul on his group’s findings and beliefs but says the architects and engineers’ mission is simply to present the scientific evidence and encourage individuals to draw their own conclusions.

“Most people are shocked when they have to wrestle with the implications of this. It’s obvious these buildings were set up with explosives so you’re looking at some sort of inside job. Then you have to ask yourself how wide it goes and how high it goes, and these are things that architects are not qualified to answer.

“Conspiracies have been par for the course throughout history, especially when it comes to starting wars. We understand that Iraq was not involved in 9/11 – we were lied to about that – but people have a much harder time understanding being lied to in relation to Afghanistan. The evidence speaks for itself though and it’s all been documented by official sources. Iron was melted by the tonne, it takes 2800 degrees to melt iron and office fires and jet fuel can only get to about half of that temperature.”

Tickets for the event on Wednesday, June 15th are available from www.sovereignindependent.com and cost €12.50 but will also be available on the night.


13th June 2011, 08:23 PM
I watched the one he did in Ireland, and was very disappointed he had no response on why anyone would go to such lengths to start a war in Iraq. Richard just drew a blank, and tried to switch topics but got it handed back to him, and it made him look foolish.

He should know it's not just about the war in Iraq, but a much larger plan as laid out in PNAC to restructure the middle east.

He may know a lot about buildings, but not enough about politics, history, and foreign policy.

They needed to create a carte blanche reason to completely change the rule book around the world. This required something rather massive, and incredibly visual. This is what is was.

But then again maybe it was incompetent booze drinking gambling muslim cave dwellers who couldn't fly the simplest of single prop planes, pulling off ground breaking maneuvers in huge complicated multi engine multi passenger airliners.

Sure, it can happen.

Large Sarge
13th June 2011, 11:42 PM
I watched the one he did in Ireland, and was very disappointed he had no response on why anyone would go to such lengths to start a war in Iraq. Richard just drew a blank, and tried to switch topics but got it handed back to him, and it made him look foolish.

He should know it's not just about the war in Iraq, but a much larger plan as laid out in PNAC to restructure the middle east.

He may know a lot about buildings, but not enough about politics, history, and foreign policy.

They needed to create a carte blanche reason to completely change the rule book around the world. This required something rather massive, and incredibly visual. This is what is was.

But then again maybe it was incompetent booze drinking gambling muslim cave dwellers who couldn't fly the simplest of single prop planes, pulling off ground breaking maneuvers in huge complicated multi engine multi passenger airliners.

Sure, it can happen.

I think he just avoids the who did it part.

seems like the ones who start pointing fingers, end up dead.

he can safely say "none of it adds up"


"we need a new investigation"

but if you start mentioning our lil ally in the mid east....

well the death threats start flying (look at Jim Willie)

another example is professor jones, does his research, tenured chairman at that university, etc

does 1 radio show on the topic, and gets a caller "who did it professor?

he responds "well certainly Israel benefited from all of this"

that was the end of his job, seriously

14th June 2011, 05:25 AM
I agree with Sarge. This guy goes to all the trouble of figuring out the science of this mess but doesn't have any ideas who or why? Please. He knows exactly how it will end if he starts in with the conjecture.

14th June 2011, 06:39 AM
It is because Gage is honest he is an easy mark for conjecture. Almost every interview I see inevitably drifts to the "who did it" question. He has science on his side and needs to stop there - the evidence is irrefutable within its own space but once he is drawn out his message is - what a surprise - given a veneer of lacking credibility which is just the idea.

Hatha once summed it up best when he said: "If you try to make others see the collusion and the agenda, you become a threat to them. They marginalize you. If you persist, they threaten you. If you persist, they destroy your livelihood, and if you persist further, you are assassinated"

It's a foregone conclusion that Gage is being set up wherever he goes with planted audience members or media interviewers. They do not like the idea of someone with legitimate credentials and the science to back it up being out there but for now can only use their ability to confuse and divide the message. We here can of course speculate on the reasons, but Gage has the cause nailed down and I'm sure that's very uncomfortable to the people who thought they had it made with their grand charade.

14th June 2011, 06:51 AM
Probably the case. I wonder if he's touched on those areas in the past and got a sample.

Crossing the rubicon no doubt.

3rd July 2011, 09:16 PM
Richard Gage Talk at Royal Institute of British Architects Ignites Firestorm (http://911blogger.com/news/2011-06-24/richard-gage-talk-royal-institute-british-architects-ignites-firestorm)

9/11 (http://911blogger.com/topics/911)
Architects and Engineers for 9/11 truth (http://911blogger.com/topics/architects-and-engineers-911-truth)
RIBA (http://911blogger.com/topics/riba)
Richard Gage (http://911blogger.com/topics/richard-gage)
September 11th (http://911blogger.com/topics/september-11th)

RIBA comes under fire for hosting ‘bonkers’ 9/11 talk (http://www.bdonline.co.uk/news/riba-comes-under-fire-for-hosting-%E2%80%98bonkers%E2%80%99-9/11-talk/5020382.article)
24 June 2011 | By Will Hurst, David Rogers
Institute reviews policy after controversial event booked by Zaha Hadid Architects associate
The RIBA (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Royal_Institute_of_British_Architects) is reviewing its policy on hiring out 66 Portland Place following a storm of criticism over its hosting of a group claiming that New York’s Twin Towers were brought down through a controlled explosion.
Leading architects on both sides of the Atlantic hit out at the institute this week after American architect Richard Gage, part of the group Architects & Engineers for 9/11 Truth (http://ae911truth.org/), delivered a lecture at RIBA HQ on Monday night.
The venue was booked by fellow American and RIBA member Craig Phillip Kiner, an associate at Zaha Hadid Architects.


3rd July 2011, 10:33 PM
Agreed. A simple google search you find this.

Total Architects: 96,966


Now I wonder how many of them are jews they know the truth and won't ever go against the tribe?

Trust me, that's not it. I've worked in multiple offices with dozens of licensed architects, and ALL OF THEM BUT ME don't give a shit one way or another. My last boss, a registered architect for over 4 decades didn't even know three towers fell that day; he thought it was only the twin towers, he'd never heard of building 7. In all my attempts to talk about this with my professional peers, none of them care, if anything I hear a "well that's weird" and a shrug of their shoulders.

3rd July 2011, 10:36 PM
I watched the one he did in Ireland, and was very disappointed he had no response on why anyone would go to such lengths to start a war in Iraq. Richard just drew a blank, and tried to switch topics but got it handed back to him, and it made him look foolish.

He should know it's not just about the war in Iraq, but a much larger plan as laid out in PNAC to restructure the middle east.

He may know a lot about buildings, but not enough about politics, history, and foreign policy.

I totally disagree. He is smart to stick to what he knows and nothing else. It's a tall order to hope folks will listen to the evidence of demolition, but it's an almost impossible order to discuss who was behind it. I've read and studied Gage's evidence and have presented it to my colleagues, and when they ask me who did it I tell them I don't know, my expertise stops at building design and technical matters.

willie pete
3rd July 2011, 10:48 PM
I totally disagree. He is smart to stick to what he knows and nothing else. It's a tall order to hope folks will listen to the evidence of demolition, but it's an almost impossible order to discuss who was behind it. I've read and studied Gage's evidence and have presented it to my colleagues, and when they ask me who did it I tell them I don't know, my expertise stops at building design and technical matters.

wouldn't you think though, out of 2.5 million A & E's in the country; only 1500 are signed on with this guy, there'd be LOT'S more agreeing with his hypothesis if something was really fishy about the collapse? .....just sayin'... in fact my neice is a new grad (2010) civil engineer, works for Jacobs, I asked her several years ago about the WTC collapses and what she or any of her professors thought, she really didn't have much of a definitive answer, she seemed indifferent about it

in fact it seems like the European countries are treating this guy like a buffoon, as is the AIA.....saw a vid of him in Ireland I think(?) on some "talk show"..them seemed to be really skeptical of him too....

3rd July 2011, 11:39 PM
wouldn't you think though, out of 2.5 million A & E's in the country; only 1500 are signed on with this guy, there'd be LOT'S more agreeing with his hypothesis if something was really fishy about the collapse? .....just sayin'... in fact my neice is a new grad (2010) civil engineer, works for Jacobs, I asked her several years ago about the WTC collapses and what she or any of her professors thought, she really didn't have much of a definitive answer, she seemed indifferent about it

No, I wouldn't. I personally have discussed this with dozens of A&Es and none of them have any interest in it whatsoever. Not a single one of them has independently looked into what I told them or reviewed any evidence that would force them to make a decision about it. There's nothing special about architects and engineers, folks, the vast majority of them go to work, do their job, go home and forget about it. The last thing they want to do is devote another 20-30 hours of serious study and time to anything resembling work. They may hear something once or twice but their faith in what they're told through the MSM and their government is strong enough to convince them of the official story.

willie pete
4th July 2011, 11:25 AM
No, I wouldn't. I personally have discussed this with dozens of A&Es and none of them have any interest in it whatsoever. Not a single one of them has independently looked into what I told them or reviewed any evidence that would force them to make a decision about it. There's nothing special about architects and engineers, folks, the vast majority of them go to work, do their job, go home and forget about it. The last thing they want to do is devote another 20-30 hours of serious study and time to anything resembling work. They may hear something once or twice but their faith in what they're told through the MSM and their government is strong enough to convince them of the official story.

...Well maybe, it just seems though that only 1 out of every 1800 A & E's go along with this guy, that's a very small percentage; on the premise of him being correct

Large Sarge
4th July 2011, 12:25 PM
...Well maybe, it just seems though that only 1 out of every 1800 A & E's go along with this guy, that's a very small percentage; on the premise of him being correct

i kind of doubt all A&E's even know about this organization, the premise of demolition, or WTC7 (etc etc)

so the "small percent" is not really valid

remember in the past, the majority believed that if took a ship out of sight on the horizon, you would fall off the planet

or the classic

the earth is the center of the universe (for which Copernicsus I believe spent most of his life in prison, for disproving)


willie pete
4th July 2011, 12:42 PM
i kind of doubt all A&E's even know about this organization, the premise of demolition, or WTC7 (etc etc)

so the "small percent" is not really valid

remember in the past, the majority believed that if took a ship out of sight on the horizon, you would fall off the planet

or the classic

the earth is the center of the universe (for which Copernicsus I believe spent most of his life in prison, for disproving)


I'm not sure comparing the average knowledge or the ability to search for answers (the Internet) we have present day to the life and times of those whole lived 4-5 hundred years ago is Fair....sure a very few in those times were extremely intelligent and inquisitive enough to seek out answers or at least ponder it deeply....also the church (Roman catholic?) had emmense control over some societies which probably stifled many, I'd say a fair comparision to your analogy would be mankind today looking off deep into our galaxy and beyond; as for ALL 2.5 million A&E's knowing about this guy's organization, of course I don't know that, but I think it'd be safe to say most of them do, because he has gotten lots of exposure...it just seems to me that if he had really fallen upon something "Spectacular" the whole field of A&E's and beyond would be intrigued

4th July 2011, 12:44 PM
That number of architects and engineers that will officially and publicly count there names as 911 CD believers is probably very small compared to the actual number of architects and engineers that believe 911 was a CD, but are not willing to put their names in the spotlight of a government list.

I know 911 was a CD inside job, but I won't put the bumper sticker on my car. I don't need the heat from the NWO enforcers.

willie pete
4th July 2011, 12:53 PM
That number of architects and engineers that will officially and publicly count there names as 911 CD believers is probably very small compared to the actual number of architects and engineers that believe 911 was a CD, but are not willing to put their names in the spotlight of a government list.

I know 911 was a CD inside job, but I won't put the bumper sticker on my car. I don't need the heat from the NWO enforcers.

Is he or any of the A&E's that signed on getting heat from the NWO enforcers?

4th July 2011, 01:07 PM
as for ALL 2.5 million A&E's knowing about this guy's organization, of course I don't know that, but I think it'd be safe to say most of them do, because he has gotten lots of exposure...it just seems to me that if he had really fallen upon something "Spectacular" the whole field of A&E's and beyond would be intrigued

You just gave me an idea. For the next few weeks I'm going to be attending various CEU classes (continuing education units) because the State makes us take 8 hours of continuing education each year to keep our licenses current. They have to be done by the end of July so they host lots of classes this month for all the slackers who wait until the last minute to do their CEUs. When I go I'm going to ask as many of my architectural colleagues as possible if they've ever heard of Richard Gage or AE911 truth. I'm not going to go into debate mode or lecture mode, just casually ask in the course of conversation. I'm betting very few, if any, will have heard of him.

Large Sarge
4th July 2011, 03:39 PM
I'm not sure comparing the average knowledge or the ability to search for answers (the Internet) we have present day to the life and times of those whole lived 4-5 hundred years ago is Fair....sure a very few in those times were extremely intelligent and inquisitive enough to seek out answers or at least ponder it deeply....also the church (Roman catholic?) had emmense control over some societies which probably stifled many, I'd say a fair comparision to your analogy would be mankind today looking off deep into our galaxy and beyond; as for ALL 2.5 million A&E's knowing about this guy's organization, of course I don't know that, but I think it'd be safe to say most of them do, because he has gotten lots of exposure...it just seems to me that if he had really fallen upon something "Spectacular" the whole field of A&E's and beyond would be intrigued

look architecture and engineering are big fields

you have chemical, electrical, civil, industrial, aeronautical, etc engineers
and as is usually the case, the classes teach a specialty, and then whatever job you land, goes further into another specialty (a subset if you will)

Architecture is similar as engineering, in the same specialty and subset employment (i.e. likely some architects only work on churches, others only do bridge design, etc)

there is little or no exposure to what richard gage is tlaking about, from the vast majority.

he has had a few small successes on local tv stations in the states (san francisco I remember), and he has had large support outside the U.S.

no general interest from the public, and no real background in it...

add in the threat of retaliation (which richard gage has mentioned on occasion)

and you see a small percent of folks who would be able to understand it, and then have the balls to put their name on some public list....

willie pete
4th July 2011, 03:49 PM
You just gave me an idea. For the next few weeks I'm going to be attending various CEU classes (continuing education units) because the State makes us take 8 hours of continuing education each year to keep our licenses current. They have to be done by the end of July so they host lots of classes this month for all the slackers who wait until the last minute to do their CEUs. When I go I'm going to ask as many of my architectural colleagues as possible if they've ever heard of Richard Gage or AE911 truth. I'm not going to go into debate mode or lecture mode, just casually ask in the course of conversation. I'm betting very few, if any, will have heard of him.

That'd be interesting....report back to us.. ....Wow, only 8 CEUs a year? ..not bad...you can do them online too Right?