View Full Version : African-American Customers Asked to Pay More by McDonald's, As a Result of Robberies!

General of Darkness
12th June 2011, 01:22 PM
LMMFAO, this should be interesting. Blacks and their jew lawyers will say it's racist and sue, McDonalds will show the numbers and then the numbers will be deemed racist. This is going to be a fricken hoot.



12th June 2011, 01:32 PM
Jesus H. Ponce...........there is going to be hell to pay......I see riots in the future with a lot of Macs broken windows.

12th June 2011, 01:36 PM
That's got to be some real world trolling. No way Mcdonalds would do something so controversial.

12th June 2011, 01:38 PM
That will go over like a screen door in a submarine, that place will burn to the ground in a hurry.

12th June 2011, 01:39 PM
That's got to be some real world trolling. No way Mcdonalds would do something so controversial.

I think you're correct...
A reply on the original site says the sign has KFC's phone number!

12th June 2011, 01:43 PM
That's got to be some real world trolling. No way Mcdonalds would do something so controversial.


Someone trying to stir shit , and the dam thing is there will be some that will believe it. Doing something like that is a death sentence for any store that
tried it.


12th June 2011, 02:34 PM
I think you're correct...
A reply on the original site says the sign has KFC's phone number!

That's extra funny if the offended african-americans called KFC and chimped out on the phone.

12th June 2011, 06:06 PM
That's got to be some real world trolling. No way Mcdonalds would do something so controversial.

hard to say.

it says that McDonald's outlet has had a lot of robberies. plus they are owned by Franchisees, who have some latitude in how they deal with chimp-outs.

i'm guessing it's real.

could get ugly fast, couldn't it.

oh wait a minute, the only reason the Franchise management would do this is because - things have already gotten ugly.

12th June 2011, 06:48 PM
Making the Twitter (https://twitter.com/#%21/search?q=%23SeriouslyMcDonalds) rounds on a super-sized scale today (under the hashtag of #seriouslymcdonalds) is this obviously fake sign that’s allegedly in a McDonald’s restaurant. It claims that “African-American customers are now required to pay an additional fee of $1.50 per transaction.” The picture originated on twitpic (http://twitpic.com/5ao8ys) and has gone viral from there.
The key tipoff that this is a fake? That 800 number you see at the bottom goes to phone sex line. But really, think about it: Would any McDonald’s franchisee or employee tape such a sign on the door of a McDonald’s restaurant? It would be career suicide.
Further proof: On McDonald’s official Twitter account (https://twitter.com/#%21/McDonalds), the company says it’s a hoax:

http://7.mshcdn.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/06/screencap00180.jpgUpdate: We called McDonald’s and got an official statement from the company’s director of social media Rick Wion:

“The sign is obviously a hoax. The phone number goes to a phone sex line.

“As a company and a brand we have a long and proud history of diversity inclusion across our system on both sides of the counter.
“From our management crew, franchisees — across the board, we’re very proud of our record of diversity. This is unfortunately an example of how rumors can outspeed the truth. Over the last 48 hours we’ve been tweeting and striving to clarify that this is a hoax.”


12th June 2011, 07:17 PM
...As a company and a brand we have a long and proud history of diversity...

No shit! They do have a damn CLOWN as their main spokesperson, fer fucksake! ;D

12th June 2011, 10:00 PM
Pic related:

willie pete
12th June 2011, 10:01 PM
from the Onion?

13th June 2011, 12:11 AM
Fake. 4chan did it.

13th June 2011, 05:55 AM
No shit! They do have a damn CLOWN as their main spokesperson, fer fucksake! ;D

Not just an ordinary clown, but a gender-ambiguous clown.;D29