View Full Version : Preparing Ahead of Time for the 10th Anniversary of 9-11

13th June 2011, 09:31 AM
I know there's going to be wall-to-wall coverage of 9-11 in a little less than 3 months.

Pushing the official Scary Muslims Conspiracy Theory.

Therefore I am preparing a post stating what I think happened, and why. Not for here, for other websites.

But I thought I'd show you guys a draft. All editing suggestions welcome.

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Commemorating the 10th Anniversary of 9-11 - I Remember 9-11

In about 2 months, the mainstream media will engage in a Massive "Commemorate 9-11" media program, whereby the Official Conspiracy Theory is reviewed one more time.

Regardless of who you think did 9-11, it has been used to justify a military occupation of the entire Mid-East - Iraq & Afghanistan, in addition to Saudi Arabia & Egypt, 2 other countries that the US already occupied via their proxies - the Saudi Royal Family, and, in Egypt, Mubarak and his American-supported probable successor, Suleiman.

Regardless of who you think did 9-11, it is all about oil. The alleged mastermind of 9-11, Osama bin Laden, his beef with the US was the occupation of Saudi Arabia after the first Iraq/ Gulf War. And the US didn't occupy Saudi Arabia, in service of the first Iraq War, because they wanted to harvest Mid-East Olives.

On September 11, 2001, I remember specifically, not being able to check the stock market. "What the Hell is Going On ?" Well, that became apparent in the hours, days, weeks, and months that followed.

The first signs that things were odd were the reports in various local newspapers that certain people had received warnings about 9-11. Specifically, Willie Brown, the California politician, received a phone call warning him not to fly that week. This was reported in local Bay Area media, and it certainly flew in the face of the US government "no foreknowledge" Official Conspiracy Theory.

THEN, it was reported in British media that Salman Rushdie had received similar warnings.

How could it be that Willie Brown & Salman Rushdie had foreknowledge of the attacks, if the US Government was caught completely by surprise ?

Well, the US Government was not caught by surprise ... they just lied about it. For example, John Ashcroft stopped flying commercial airlines in July 2001. Looks like someone tipped him off, too !

I wasn't the only one who noticed these discrepancies. A man named Paul Thompson started investigating them, and found dozens of instances of documented foreknowledge of the attacks. Going as far back as February 1993, when a bombing occurred in the garage of the WTC. At that time, the FBI reported that the bombers had in their possession written plans regarding flying planes into the WTC.

The link for Paul Thompson's 9-11 Timeline. The project was eventually taken over by History Commons, who maintains the historical archive.

The next oddity that occurred was the collapse of WTC Building 7. A 48 story building housing primarily government offices, the home base for numerous ongoing investigations into fraud in the New York financial community, a building designed to withstand 100 mile per hour winds, situated over 100 yards from WTC1 & WTC2, not struck by airplanes, collapses on the afternoon of 9-11.


For we engineers, the collapse of the WTC1 & WTC2 buildings themselves was very odd, a paranormal event, when the rules of physics were suspended for a day. 90,000 gallons of jet fuel do not contain enough energy to raise the temperature of the WTC structure -100,000 tons of steel - to the boiling point of water, much less to a temperature where it loses its structural qualities.

In short, you need a blast furnace to melt steel.

Add in the dozens of reports by uniformed servicemen (NYPD & NYFD) that they heard multiple explosions in the minutes before the respective buildings' collapse, and the plot thickens.

Physicist & Programmer Jim Hoffman was another person to whom the collapse of WTC 7 & WTC 1 & WTC 2 seemed quite odd. Normally, concrete does not turn to dust when a building collapses. It ends up in a humongous pile of rubble at the disaster location - it does not disintegrate. Civil engineering textbooks have look-up tables for how much energy it takes to pulverize concrete. In short, a LOT of energy.

Not only was there not enough energy to raise the steel structure to above the boiling point of water, there was also not enough energy input to account for the disintegration of 100,000+ tons of concrete into dust before it hit the ground, on the day of 9-11.

Yet that is what happened. Steel melted, concrete was pulverized. Where did the additional energy come from ?

It didn't come from the gravitational potential energy. It didn't come from the jet fuel - although an analysis of energy inputs & outputs would obviously account for those 2 sources of energy.

Jim Hoffman's Website on the Demolition of WTC1, WTC2, & WTC7

"Looks like a building demolition to me" - that was the initial reaction of many demolition experts. Most of them were hushed up. One professor who refused to be hushed up was BYU Professor Dr. Steven Jones. Like Jim Hoffman, he used his technical background to investigate the collapse of the WTC buildings. He participated in the founding of 2 organizations - Architects & Engineers for 9-11 Truth, and Scholars for 9-11 Truth & Justice -


"1,512 verified architectural and engineering professionals and 12,269 other supporters have signed the petition demanding of Congress a truly independent investigation."


"We are a group of scholars and supporters endeavoring to address the unanswered questions of the September 11, 2001 attack through scientific research and public education."

As it became obvious that the collapse of the 3 WTC buildings was not normal, one other researcher that stood out was Neils Harrit, Associate Professor in the Department of Chemistry at Copenhagen University.

A link to his own research into the chemistry of the explosives used to bring down 3 WTC buildings on September 11, 2011 -

We are then left with the questions of Means, Motive, and Opportunity. Michael Ruppert explored Motive & Opportunity in his book, "Crossing the Rubicon: The Decline of the American Empire at the End of the Age of Oil."


Ruppert's book provides a historical backdrop for the events of 9-11, and insight into why the United States government would go along with such a diabolical plan.

But Ruppert refuses to look at the biggest pieces of physical evidence - the collapse of 3 buildings.

Al Qaeda didn't have access to the WTC complex. Al Qaeda didn't have access to state-of-the-art building demolition technology.

But Israel did. And Israel also has a long history of false flag attacks - that's when Israel or Israel supporters stage an attack, and try to pin the blame on Scary Muslims.

The extent of Israel's access to the WTC Building Complex - Building Security, especially - is best explored in a now-famous thread at The Info Underground, "Israel did 9-11 - All the Proof in the World" -

Some of the prominent names -
1/ Building Owner & Israeli PM Confidante Larry Silverstein -
Silverstein was such good friends with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu that he would speak with him on the phone every single Sunday.
2/ WTC Mall Lessor & Semi-Retired Israeli Terrorist Frank Lowy -
Lowy leased the shopping concourse area called the Mall at the World Trade Center, made up of approximately 427,000 square feet of retail floor space. Frank Lowy was a member of the Golani Brigade, and fought in the Israeli war of independence. Before this he was a member of Hagganah, a Jewish terrorist organization.
3/ Lewis Eisenberg -
Head of the Port Authority of New York, and another major Israel supporter via his work with United Jewish Appeal & United Jewish Federation.
4/ Jules & Jeremy Kroll -
Owners of Kroll Security, a contract they were awarded by Lewis Eisenberg.
[b]5/ Jerome M. Hauer -
managing director of Kroll Security, and son of Rose Muscatine Hauer, the Honorary President of the New York Chapter of Hadassah, the Daughters of Zion movement.
6/ Ezra Harel and Menachem Atzmon -
Who ran airport security at all three ports of alleged hijackings, via their company, ICTS International.

Everywhere you look on 9-11, persons loyal to Israel managed all key aspects of WTC building ownership, building security, and airport security.

Quite a coincidence.

Finally, there is the issue of - Cui Bono ? Who Benefits ?

Israeli Prime Minister admitted on September 14, 2001, that "9-11 was very good for Israel".

The only human beings known to celebrate 9-11 on 9-11 were 5 Israeli citizens, who did their celebrating in Bergen Park, New Jersey. They were taken into custody, and subsequently deported.

But - what about al Qaeda - and the fact that 15 of the 19 alleged hijackers were from Saudi Arabia ?

It looks like what happened on 9-11 was 2 terrorist attacks.

Israel & their supporters in the US knew that the old plan to fly airplanes into buildings was imminent. They knew they could take advantage of this incident to benefit Israel, to rope Americans into the "Scary Muslims" theme.

But in order for the attacks to succeed, the Scary Muslims had to be allowed to hijack the planes. As testified by FBI Agent Coleen Rowley, she was "called off" the investigation. She discovered the plot to hijack airplanes before 9-11, and was ordered to stand down.

Then it was just a matter of going for the Grand Effect. Airplanes flying into buildings is one thing. Buildings collapsing is quite another. All you need is a skilled demolition team - a group of high-tech workers who knew they would be rewarded for their efforts. Israel was quite capable in that regard.

All of the above statements are factual.

Here's the theory part: Israel was happy to provide the Demolition Team.

And so we have the events of 9-11, a double terrorist attack that in time will be recognized for what it was - the sacrifice of 3000 American Gentiles by Israel, for the benefit of Israel, and for the benefit of their supporters in the United States.