View Full Version : To house Doctor.............symtoms.

13th June 2011, 02:04 PM
For the past 24 ours I have been feeling really bad......with.......dry throat, drinking a lot of water, headache, dizzy, breathing with open mouth, sleeping a lot.....chivers and cold now gone.......you think it is?

big country
13th June 2011, 02:10 PM
You're probably going to die. Better send me all your TP ASAP so that the auction company that sells your house for the taxes doesn't just throw it all away. I'll make sure to collect Art's 3 rolls he's going to owe you at the end of the year. I'll even keep it in a special place in your memory!

On a serious note, I hope you get it figured out and start feeling better. I'm under the weather right now too though not a severe as what you're having.

13th June 2011, 02:12 PM
I'm no Doctor, but I can get your treatment started.

Did you have a fever?

13th June 2011, 02:15 PM
It's radiation poisoning from your 37 surveillance camera monitors! ;D

13th June 2011, 03:02 PM

Those symptoms are generic - it could be lots of things. Most likely, it's a bad cold virus infection or mild flu. You should drink lots of Gatorade, not water and supplement your diet with vitamin C 2 gms a day and try to eat some high protein foods like eggs. Avoid dairy as it will worsen mucus formation and stuffiness. Make a notation of anything you may have eaten prior to the symptoms - could be food poisoning.

If you aren't feeling better in 24 hours and haven't developed stiff neck, severe frontal headache, photophobia or cough/sputum production, I would stick it out another day. If it persists more than 48 hours, considering seeing an MD.

13th June 2011, 03:10 PM
Feel better Ponce!

13th June 2011, 03:11 PM
For the past 24 ours I have been feeling really bad......with.......dry throat, drinking a lot of water, headache, dizzy, breathing with open mouth, sleeping a lot.....chivers and cold now gone.......you think it is?

Just don't stick your hand in a beehive okay.

13th June 2011, 03:46 PM
Feel better Ponce, and Mamboni, thanks for being the resident MD; you've helped a lot of us. :)

13th June 2011, 03:59 PM
Feel better Ponce, and Mamboni, thanks for being the resident MD; you've helped a lot of us. :)

True true... good to have around in a sticky spot

13th June 2011, 04:03 PM
Hmmm... Ponce logged out shortly after making that post, and hasn't been back. Hope he's OK - anyone have his phone # who might give him a call?

13th June 2011, 04:19 PM
I think Agnut is close by.

13th June 2011, 04:28 PM
Just go up, once again.....taken 2 naps today........nothing to eat since yesterday, body hurting and specially right knee, chivering and cold once again ........going to try and eat some soup.

This is Ponce's death watch........with you here I don't feel alone :)......thanks guys.

Soup and back to bed, my kitty cat sleeping next to me.

13th June 2011, 04:29 PM
Just go up, once again.....taken 2 naps today........nothing to eat since yesterday, body hurting and specially right knee, chivering and cold once again ........going to try and eat some soup.

This is Ponce's death watch........with you here I don't feel alone :)......thanks guys.

Soup and back to bed, my kitty cat sleeping next to me.

Oh good... He's alive...!!!

13th June 2011, 05:49 PM
I thought gatorade is packed with sugar now? The high fructose poison type.

Gatorade used to be good, then they got bought out. From my understanding it;s just another sugary drink marketed towards kids (flavor), rather than a sports drink or a drink that's good for you.

13th June 2011, 06:10 PM

El Doctor will now see Ponce in the Cuban Peoples Clinic. Please leave a chicken with the cashier.


13th June 2011, 06:50 PM
I was unable to have the soup.......so.......I took a super duper of a pain pill that knock me off and made me sleep like a baby, I just had a milk shake and later will try for the soup once again, feel about 30% better..........you guys wont get rid of me so easily.............thanks gang.

13th June 2011, 07:06 PM
Get well old man. Start upping the Vitamin C and D. Smoke more cigarettes and drink plenty of alcohol.

7th trump
13th June 2011, 07:23 PM
Of all the silver buffs in this forum not one said anything about colloidial silver.
Any of that stuff around Ponce?
You Ponce of all people I'da thought would have gallons on hand for when the shtf.
I bet in Cuba they make CS out of old rusty tail pipes!

13th June 2011, 09:29 PM
Of all the silver buffs in this forum not one said anything about colloidial silver.
Any of that stuff around Ponce?
You Ponce of all people I'da thought would have gallons on hand for when the shtf.
I bet in Cuba they make CS out of old rusty tail pipes!

Good call 7th, I had something similar last friday. Layed in bed on/off all day, canceled plans and everything. Around 5 in the evening I remembered the coloidal silver and had a shot, was fine the next morning but a little weak and get dizzy when laying down working on the car. Real strange bug or whatever it was.

D sciple
13th June 2011, 09:43 PM
Would sucking on a silver coin be just as good?

13th June 2011, 10:31 PM
Start injecting Heroin, and soon you will feel much mucho better... Continue with the treatment until you feel perfect, then you send a map of the location of you genormous silver hoard to a long time trusted member (like myself) with instructions how to avoid booby traps etc.

14th June 2011, 06:44 AM
I hadn't considered the sugar load in Gatorade - definitely not a good thing. Optimal fluid replacement is natural fruit juice (i.e. apple) and a couple of teaspoons of sea salt. If the patient has high blood pressure and is non-compliant, salt and fluid supplementation must be administered cautiously. I'm very much opposed to America's obscene dependence on pharmaceuticals to treat everything. If memory serves, blood pressure can be lowered naturally through weght loss, elimination of dietary salt (of which there is way too much) and supplementation with a certain natural salt (?sea salt) in many people. Certainly, it is a proven fact that the lower one's blood pressure, the lower his chance of developing cardiovascular diseases.

14th June 2011, 06:47 AM
I hadn't considered the sugar load in Gatorade - definitely not a good thing. Optimal fluid replacement is natural fruit juice (i.e. apple) and a couple of teaspoons of sea salt. If the patient has high blood pressure and is non-compliant, salt and fluid supplementation must be administered cautiously. I'm very much opposed to America's obscene dependence on pharmaceuticals to treat everything. If memory serves, blood pressure can be lowered naturally through weght loss, elimination of dietary salt (of which there is way too much) and supplementation with a certain natural salt (?sea salt) in many people. Certainly, it is a proven fact that the lower one's blood pressure, the lower his chance of developing cardiovascular diseases.

Doc, what do you think of Pauling Therapy. http://www.paulingtherapy.com/

14th June 2011, 06:58 AM
Doc, what do you think of Pauling Therapy. http://www.paulingtherapy.com/

I first learned of Pauling's work on Vitamin C vis-a-vis heart disease circa 1980 while in medical school (no, it was not part of the school curriculum) through the writings of Adele Davis. I think Pauling has a lot of merit. Personally, I take 1000 mg vitamin C each day in divided doses. When I am ill, stressed, or rundown, I will double or triple this dosage. For the record, I haven't missed a days' work for illness in 10 years and have never taken any prescription drug except the rare antibiotic before a dental extraction (one tooth!). Everyone should be taking 1000-2000 mg vitamin C and most especially, anyone with cardivascular diseae such as coronary artery disease, peripheral vascular disease and stroke/TIA.

7th trump
14th June 2011, 07:46 AM
Start injecting Heroin, and soon you will feel much mucho better... Continue with the treatment until you feel perfect, then you send a map of the location of you genormous silver hoard to a long time trusted member (like myself) with instructions how to avoid booby traps etc.
Hey doc,
I was wondering if this apple juice and sea salt combination was a close comparison to the saline solution they use in hospitals?
BTW, just what is in saline solution?

14th June 2011, 07:54 AM
Hey doc,
I was wondering if this apple juice and sea salt combination was a close comparison to the saline solution they use in hospitals?
BTW, just what is in saline solution?

Saline is an isotonic solution of [pure] sodium chloride in [distilled sterile] water. Sea salt is about 95% sodium chloride plus other things - and the other things appear to be the key to good health even though in small quantities:

The one big difference between sea salt and regular salt is this: Regular salt is about 99.9 percent pure sodium chloride whereas natural sea salt is about 95 percent sodium chloride, 4 percent potassium chloride plus the remaining 1 percent consisting of over 50 other minerals and trace elements.
The actual composition of natural sea salt varies, depending on where the salt comes from, how it is processed, and so on. But there is a real, measurable difference – just that some doctors and scientists fail to appreciate the significance of this difference and call it "dirt".
This is utter stupidity. Just because certain substances occur in very small amounts does not mean that they are not important.


14th June 2011, 09:42 AM
Everyone should be taking 1000-2000 mg vitamin C and most especially, anyone with cardiovascular disease such as coronary artery disease, peripheral vascular disease and stroke/TIA.

Man dies while raping elderly South Texas woman (http://www.wfaa.com/news/texas-news/Man-dies-while-raping-elderly-South-Texas-woman-123777409.html)

http://www.freesmileys.org/smileys/smiley-ashamed004.gif whew

willie pete
14th June 2011, 09:49 AM
Man dies while raping elderly South Texas woman (http://www.wfaa.com/news/texas-news/Man-dies-while-raping-elderly-South-Texas-woman-123777409.html)

http://www.freesmileys.org/smileys/smiley-ashamed004.gif whew

Damn......those people just CAN'T stop....the guy was out on parole for doing the same thing....

"Wright said the 5'-7", 230-to-250 pound man sneaked into the woman's house and raped her at knifepoint.

During the assault, he said he wasn't feeling well, rolled over, and died.

Gutierrez' body was sent to the Nueces County medical examiner in Corpus Christi for autopsy.

Gutierrez was a registered sexual offender on parole from a sentence for aggravated sexual assault and indecency with a child."

14th June 2011, 10:23 AM
Man dies while raping elderly South Texas woman (http://www.wfaa.com/news/texas-news/Man-dies-while-raping-elderly-South-Texas-woman-123777409.html)

http://www.freesmileys.org/smileys/smiley-ashamed004.gif whew

There is a followup story:

The dead man's family has engaged the services of trial lawyer Myron Goldfarb who will be filing charges of Involuntary Manslaughter against the rape victim. Goldfarb will make the case that the woman, by allowing the dead man to have his way with her, acted to entrap him in a dangerous activity that was fatal to his health.

14th June 2011, 10:32 AM
Sea salt... trace minerals. Gotta see where it comes from. Some of the trace minerals could be cesium and plutonium. There is a sea salt production still going on in Japan!!

14th June 2011, 04:34 PM
Have we heard from the Cuban today?

14th June 2011, 04:38 PM
Have we heard from the Cuban today?

Nope. Last forum activity by Ponce was 7:52 P.M. yesterday.

15th June 2011, 12:00 PM
Has he logged in today?

15th June 2011, 12:04 PM
NO. I PM'ed him about an hour ago - no response so far. Let's hope he's OK.

Ironically, we have recently discussed Lyme disease in another thread. Many of Ponce's symptoms match acute Lyme infection - his particular citing of knee pain in particular. Of course, the symptoms are too generic to make a specific diagnosis without physical exam and testing.

15th June 2011, 12:09 PM
I wonder if Agnut has checked in on him.

15th June 2011, 12:14 PM
Says yesterday at 1:52 AM:

15th June 2011, 12:15 PM
I know we all here suffer from some degree of paranoia.. But I think examples such as this go to show that its good to have a point of contact other than the computer. Wish someone could give the old fart a call :/

Celtic Rogue
15th June 2011, 12:45 PM
Yeah I hope ole Ponce is OK... and Mamboni ... lyme disease does sound like what he was complaining about.

15th June 2011, 02:05 PM
I have a call in to agnut for him to see if Ponce is ok. As far as I know, agnut is the only one who has ponce's phone #.

15th June 2011, 02:22 PM
The fellow has said he lives alone, sounded to me like food poisoning, I hope he could call for a doctor but who knows.

15th June 2011, 04:11 PM
Thanks Madfranks, we have got to lookout for the old Cuban ! he just got new pets;)

General of Darkness
15th June 2011, 04:24 PM
This sounds like that fricken DOOOM in the Desert flu I got and gave to Peter. I was not hungry, sore and tired as hell for about a week. Take Mamboni's advice and get some rest. Hope you get better Ponce.

15th June 2011, 05:40 PM
Ponce? Get well will you!

15th June 2011, 05:50 PM
Dibs on the silver. ;D

15th June 2011, 06:47 PM
Hi all. I called Ponce about an hour ago and he said that he is doing better.

Best wishes,


16th June 2011, 03:59 PM
Its Alive, ITS ALIVEEEEEEEEE........hi gang, thanks for your concern but I still won't put you in my last will and testament :), I am about 75% better but still not eating as I should or used to...... I was super sick for two days and all that I did was to sleep and drink water......it was at this time that I realise that I was to depended on the computer that by then was like what cocaine is to a druggie, I was also thinking, what wold happen if the comp was gone for good?.......so.......I decided to find out by staying away for three days, to tell you the truth it was wonderfull and I know now that I will survive without it because there is always something to do..............this gave me time to complete my inner fence with rolls and rolls of barbewired and so on but no booby traps, that will be later.

I never turned on the computer one single time and the news came from my short wave radio.......anyway, silver supposed to go up in another three weeks but who knows......all gavernments and banks are having a race to see who will be holding most of the gold and silver in the future.........I don't have to wonder why and that's why I am ready.........anyway, glad to be back so that I can be, once again, a pain in your ahemmmmmmmm........once again, thanks.......love to all, Ponce.

16th June 2011, 04:06 PM
Well some here did become concerned! Glad you are feeling better, and yes the net and forums are addicting.

TRY AND GET FEELING BETTER! Your health is more important than anything else!

16th June 2011, 04:08 PM
For whatever my overall opinion is...........I'm glad to see that you're not on deaths doorstep and are doin' ok.

16th June 2011, 04:08 PM
Hes Ok while we where all worrying about him he was rolling out the razor wire.....

16th June 2011, 04:15 PM
I know Serpo, I am waiting for you heheheheheheheheh.......two of my neighbords are doing the same and I don't have to wonder why, more movile homes in private yards and also more vegetable gardens.

16th June 2011, 04:23 PM

16th June 2011, 05:27 PM
Here's a pic of Ponce working on his home while the rest of us are worried sick about him:


16th June 2011, 05:36 PM
You missed the 3 dozen flood lights, 2000 cameras, the cat, the dog, booby traps, and the 40' tall double row of razor wire/electrified fence. I wouldn't doubt that the guy may have his own missile silo.

You could also add a mountain lion in the background. ;D

16th June 2011, 05:37 PM
Glad to see your still kicking old man. I was wondering if you took the heroin and booze route as was suggested. ;D

willie pete
16th June 2011, 06:24 PM
Glad to see your still kicking old man. I was wondering if you took the heroin and booze route as was suggested. ;D

heroin & booze? ...I thought it was a hooker...lol

16th June 2011, 06:39 PM

16th June 2011, 07:13 PM
Hey Franks? Osoab is right, you forgot all that and a few more that I haven't said anything about........like I said before "is not a matter of livng or dying but as to how I play the game"........

Almost forgot......a beautifull black fox is living under one of my outside sheds, I am looking at it right now....lucky for my dog it cannot come into my inner fence and my cat can run like a bat out of hell.....I wonder if it has any babies in there but I don't want to disturb the place.

16th June 2011, 08:25 PM
Folks here were geniunely worried, apparently needlessly. Next time you complain about being severely ill, you might reconsider the decision not to post for three days. At minimum, you could have posted "I'm OK" so some of us wouldn't get a mental image of a bearded corpse with flies buzzing over head and surrounded by 6 foot stacks of toilet paper.;)

willie pete
16th June 2011, 08:47 PM
Folks here were geniunely worried, apparently needlessly. Next time you complain about being severely ill, you might reconsider the decision not to post for three days. At minimum, you could have posted "I'm OK" so some of us wouldn't get a mental image of an animal-disturbed bearded bloated cyanotic maggot-ridden corpse oozing a "melted-velveeta cheese" like purulent discharge attracting flies buzzing over head and surrounded by 6 foot stacks of toilet paper.;)

.....there...had to embellish our concerns....

16th June 2011, 09:05 PM
Folks here were geniunely worried, apparently needlessly. Next time you complain about being severely ill, you might reconsider the decision not to post for three days. At minimum, you could have posted "I'm OK" so some of us wouldn't get a mental image of a bearded corpse with flies buzzing over head and surrounded by 6 foot stacks of toilet paper.;)
That! And many tons of silver buried deep under ground, protected by decoys, land mines, engine blocks, hellhounds, and Ponce's ghost...

Anyway, I am glad that you are OK Ponce. Buy that Silver Island before you decide to kick the bucket, call it La Isla GSUS H Ponce.... And let the GSUS members come there when TSHTF. As we repopulate the earth, you will go down in memory as the great saviour, possibly even a god.

Make sure the Island is a couple of square miles, has fertile soil, and is located on the Southern hemisphere to avoid the radioactive rain... Maybe close to Tasmania?

16th June 2011, 09:25 PM
Neuro? Tasmania now belongs to the Zionist "Jews", they have control of the island........"Silver Island" hummmmm how about "TP Island" lollllllllll.........by the way, that would be "God Jr. in training".

Doc?......that's why I had to test myself in staying way from here, when you depend to much on people then they have some sort of control over you......... and that's way I have stayed away from everyone in this town........one of the prediction that was given to me was that I would die rich but alone, I have to stick to the plan hahahahaahahahahahah.

I don't mind telling you guys that I was really sick and even that soup that I was supposed to eat? I never ate it, made instead a shake and that night it came out.........in a way it felt good being sick and I wasen't hurting that bad, it was like waiting to die in peace.

16th June 2011, 09:57 PM
Ponce? Close to Tasmania is good, we need a common enemy, not to kill each other in infighting! Further we need to stop those Tasmanian devils to reconquer the world when the dust settles. The last battle of WWIII, the battle of Tasmania...

Now you have risen from the dead, so I think we can call you just God Jr, the training is over! ;D

16th June 2011, 10:35 PM
Ponce, after your passing away of course, I was starting to ponder the irony of one of us having to get the police to break down your front door and get to you.

Also reminded me of when Sapiens checked out just weeks before GIM dissapeared. Another irritant I have about the passing of GIM, that thread was destroyed (along with all the others) sooner than it should have been.

16th June 2011, 11:57 PM
Keehah, if I knew that I was going to die, for sure, I would try to make it as far as I could inside the forest, better to be eaten by the animals than to be torn apart by the examiner and then either burried or burn to dust......I have seen a lot so that to me death is only part, or, and extension of life itself.........I don't know why but when I think of death I can only smile :)

17th June 2011, 05:26 AM
Ponce? How about this island? Maybe a bit small, but just off the coast of Tasmania... Only 775.000 AUD!


27th April 2012, 11:03 AM
Here's a pic of Ponce working on his home while the rest of us are worried sick about him:


Bump, just because I searched for "Food Poisoning" & I missed this original thread. (It may lure Ponce back in too.)

So, I am still recovering from my first (& hopefully last) episode of food poisoning. The pain was comparable to child-birth imo. My gosh, what pain. I'm guessing it was the coleslaw from a restraurant we visited Wed. night. No one else had coleslaw & luckily, thank God, no one else got sick.

I can hardly imagine how you'd cope if your whole family come down with food poisoning. I seriously think you'd have to summon someone to help you out (close neighbor, etc.) because it incapacitates you so severely.

Just something to consider.

Old Herb Lady
27th April 2012, 12:06 PM
Hi MNangel, I mean MNeagle ! Hope you feel completely better soon !! SOO sorry you had food poisoning !!!
I used to travel alot when I was younger and unfortunately I've had it 3 times......AWFUL ! I know I was on my knees BEGGING for mercy !

Keep activated charcoal capsules handy & it can be a Godsend .

Slippery Elm bark helps but LOTS of acidophilus is a MUST .

Get well soon baby girl !

Hug !

27th April 2012, 12:17 PM
Bump, just because I searched for "Food Poisoning" & I missed this original thread. (It may lure Ponce back in too.)

So, I am still recovering from my first (& hopefully last) episode of food poisoning. The pain was comparable to child-birth imo. My gosh, what pain. I'm guessing it was the coleslaw from a restraurant we visited Wed. night. No one else had coleslaw & luckily, thank God, no one else got sick.

hope it passes quickly and you have some good Quality Analgesics.

i had food poisoning twice in 2002, once from my own kitchen & once from fast food.

it was just like you said. un-believable pain. i thought i was going to die. i didn't see how you could have that much pain & not die.

the doctor made comments about my "unusual behavior". i was on all 4's on the floor vomiting, calling up family members to say my goodbyes. even told my Republican sister-in-law that i loved her.

they gave me injections of Fentanyl. it did not kill the stomach pain. 2 injections, about 75 micrograms each. that is a lot.

there is a silver lining. if you get through it without a heart attack, you will know that you have a strong heart.

27th April 2012, 01:02 PM
I'm sorry MN, glad your getting over it.

27th April 2012, 01:06 PM

Those symptoms are generic - it could be lots of things. Most likely, it's a bad cold virus infection or mild flu. You should drink lots of Gatorade, not water and supplement your diet with vitamin C 2 gms a day and try to eat some high protein foods like eggs. Avoid dairy as it will worsen mucus formation and stuffiness. Make a notation of anything you may have eaten prior to the symptoms - could be food poisoning.

If you aren't feeling better in 24 hours and haven't developed stiff neck, severe frontal headache, photophobia or cough/sputum production, I would stick it out another day. If it persists more than 48 hours, considering seeing an MD.

Isn't Gatorade full of HFCS? There's gotta be an alternative.

Old Herb Lady
27th April 2012, 01:18 PM
Isn't Gatorade full of HFCS? There's gotta be an alternative.

Red Raspberry Leaf Tea made with purified or distiller water.

27th April 2012, 01:22 PM
Isn't Gatorade full of HFCS? There's gotta be an alternative.

Make your own.

DMac's Hangover Elixir (don't tell the FDA please)

Tall glass of Berkey water with a splash of Pellegrino or other sparkling water
Some lemon juice
2 teaspoons of Blue Agave (http://www.wholesomesweeteners.com/brands/Wholesome_Sweeteners/Organic_Raw_Blue_Agave.html)
Tiny, tiny pinch of salt

Stuff works wonders.

27th April 2012, 01:38 PM
Make your own.

DMac's Hangover Elixir (don't tell the FDA please)

Tall glass of Berkey water with a splash of Pellegrino or other sparkling water
Some lemon juice
2 teaspoons of Blue Agave (http://www.wholesomesweeteners.com/brands/Wholesome_Sweeteners/Organic_Raw_Blue_Agave.html)
Tiny, tiny pinch of salt

Stuff works wonders.

Sounds good, better than the old prairie oyster.

27th April 2012, 02:43 PM
Isn't Gatorade full of HFCS? There's gotta be an alternative.

Sierra Nevada Bigfoot Ale.