View Full Version : The Satanic Progression

13th June 2011, 03:12 PM
This is always the first weapon of the enemy. It can come in many different forms: a broken heart when a spouse or significant other walks away, family abandonment, a trusted employer severs ties, a business partner doublecross, etc... It is different for everyone, but the key component is that the rejection is very painful to the person that it happens to regardless of how it may appear to others.
Self defense mechanism simply stated: preemptively, I will reject you before you reject me. 'You' usually being representative of the person that rejected the victim in the first place. Genders, teachers, clergy, parents, relatives... common targets. Cynicism becomes overly developed. Analytical abilities refined in such a way that allows the victim to accurately see the worst in people- especially hypocrisy and narrow mindedness. Contempt for targets is developed as the negative aspects of certain human conditions and proclivities is increasingly discovered and verified. Person may become loner or outlier. Relationships may become overly superficial as victim now 'humors' people. Or relationships may become overly abrasive as victim challenges people in inappropriate ways seeking unrealistic accountability or outcomes to confrontation.
This is the rainbow chasing stage. Now that the orginal victim has soured on a certain group of people once highly admired or sought after, they go looking for the 'red pill'. This is where the Eastern Stars of the world step in to fill the void. Examples of common fake red pills: wicca, AA, new age, drug or music based ideologies like 'Juggalo', martial arts when taken to extreme, and most religions (especially Catholic and Mormon). The deception stage is usually characterized by a sudden, often dramatic positive uptick in the life of the deceived. That's 'the hook'. This is the root planting stage. These fake red pills tend to mix profound, unknown truth with lies. Usually, the truth and the lies are very difficult to tell apart by all but those gifted with extraordinary discernment skills. Everyone thinks they have them. Few actually do.
The fruit of some of the accepted lies begins to manifest itself. This happens slowly. Think 'incremental change'/'mission creep', et al. Sexualities become perverted, violent tendencies tend to increasingly manifest, thought processes and assumptions become increasingly warped. The victim usually feels themselves slipping away, but believes that in the long run they will make it back to where they need to be. Sometimes the notion of 'this is where I need to be to get to where I need to go' is assumed. This stage can go on indefinetely and in extreme cases lead to people participating in murder, rape, and other atrocities. A study of serial killers gives a peek into the twisted mind of a ruined soul. They believe, for instance, that everyone would become a serial killer if they thought they could get away with it. They believe that their murders took courage for doing what most people are too chicken to do.


13th June 2011, 04:26 PM
Church wants Zombies.
And there are forks in the path between 1 and 3.

D sciple
13th June 2011, 06:18 PM
To me the original post (its intent) seems satanic. Jesus said a servant isn't greater than his master but when fully trained he will be just like him. I'd say your going to have to reject allot of standard b.s. (common misconceptions) to get to that level. Probably going to be alone at some points as well.

Perhaps its just the mood I'm in, but I can't really see too much value here.

Meh, perhaps 3 and 4 are decent but 1 and 2 (with some reasonable modifications) is going to be similar for any path out of utter zombie status, whether to the light or the dark side.

13th June 2011, 09:11 PM
Deception occurs on mostly a minute to minute basis.

I don't believe you can overdevelop cynicism, only over exorcise it in rebellion.

Or relationships may become overly abrasive as victim challenges people in inappropriate ways seeking unrealistic accountability or outcomes to confrontation.

A "developed" and refined cynicism can efficiently provide the optimum in finding the positive, or best in people.

17th October 2011, 05:45 PM
Rejection rebellion deception.
Rejection rebellion deception.
Rejection rebellion deception.


17th October 2011, 06:13 PM

Just speak your mind.

17th October 2011, 06:25 PM
The progression in the OP assumes "Rejection" is the cause. It can be the cause but is not always the cause. If anything the whole progression could start from 4.(Perversion) and work it's way to 1.(Rejection)

Perversion: A married person indulges in perverse acts increasingly, perhaps starting with pornographic film...
Deception: Hides the increasing vice (drug use, sex, partying) from the spouse as it increases into infidelity.
Rebellion: Accuses the faithful spouse of failure; "My problems are caused by your failure to meet my needs"
Rejection: The sick (demoniac) spouse leaves or abandons their family, to seek freedom in partying, regain youth.

18th October 2011, 01:55 PM
The progression in the OP assumes "Rejection" is the cause. It can be the cause but is not always the cause. If anything the whole progression could start from 4.(Perversion) and work it's way to 1.(Rejection)

Perversion: A married person indulges in perverse acts increasingly, perhaps starting with pornographic film...
Deception: Hides the increasing vice (drug use, sex, partying) from the spouse as it increases into infidelity.
Rebellion: Accuses the faithful spouse of failure; "My problems are caused by your failure to meet my needs"
Rejection: The sick (demoniac) spouse leaves or abandons their family, to seek freedom in partying, regain youth.

That is not the way that it works. Rejection is always the first weapon, which tends to lead to the coping mechanism of rebellion. With rebellion comes a distorted attitude which is actually a form of revenge. These are the seeds which are needed to deceive an otherwise spiritually healthy person. Deception creates a perverted mindset which leads to perverted thoughts which lead to perverted actions that the mind has already rationalized away.

Make no mistake, the first weapon of Satan is rejection. The earlier that an individual experiences rejection and the more severe the rejection, the more of a threat that individual is to the establishment. Early targets tend to be men born with innate leadership qualities as well as beautiful women.


18th October 2011, 02:11 PM
The first weapon of satan is Lies.

By first planting the idea of good excuses in a persons conduct (excusing oneself)... That is the ground (foundation). The person excuses his own words or actions and over a short period of time they become lies.

The practice of lying to ourself and others is the devils greatest tool for destruction. Perversion, deception, rebellion, rejection are all outcomes of lies. We are hurt of and hurt others through lies (dishonest actions toward others)

War on the Saints - Penn-Lewis
People of the Lie - Peck
Uncovering the Mystery of MPD - Friesen