View Full Version : Why Are There So Many Food Allergies Now?

14th June 2011, 08:37 PM
I've seen a lot of little kids with all these food allergies, asthma, eczema, etc. It's from the food and vaccines.
These are poisons.

That something has gone awry is obvious when you take a look at the statistics. Between 1997 and 2002 the number of peanut allergies doubled, and the number of hospitalizations related to allergic reactions to food increased by a whopping 265 percent. One out of 17 children now has some form of food allergy. And allergy rates are rising.

When you consider that a food allergic reaction occurs when your body reacts to a food protein as a foreign invader (just like a virus or bacteria) which triggers an inflammatory response, the obvious question then becomes:

Is There Something "Foreign" in Our Food Today that Wasn't There Before?


Processed foods in general can contribute to allergies for a number of different reasons. Most processed foods contain a variety of food colorings, flavors, preservatives, and other additives can have a major impact. But there's another, even more insidious hazard lurking in American food stores...


14th June 2011, 09:08 PM
infant and child vaccines damage the bodies immune system... better to "vaccinate" children with lots of outside activities, animals, pets, playing with other children. a variety of foods

14th June 2011, 09:20 PM
White flour has some additive, can't remember what it is but it's a big contributer.
Cows milk is just stupid... I'm not raising a calf so nobody gets to enjoy that mammary fluid around me.
My kids immune system is all jacked up since about 4 years old, he is better now (14) but still can not isolate the culprit. Seemed to start right about the time he got some shots. Without looking I think it was the MMR shot.

14th June 2011, 10:30 PM
I was talking to my Mum about the peanut allergy. We were talking about a nephew who is only a couple years old but he was getting really violent reactions to something but know one knows what. It was not food as far as we can tell. It was something he played with.

Anywho, she was telling me that when she had me and my siblings the advice from doctors of the time was to eat peanuts when pregnant. Not go over board but also not to avoid things like that. Then at some point in the late 80's or 90's the advice changed and pregnant mothers wers being advised to avoid all these "allergic" foods like peanuts. She thinks it has something to do with this.

14th June 2011, 10:36 PM
I was talking to my Mum about the peanut allergy. We were talking about a nephew who is only a couple years old but he was getting really violent reactions to something but know one knows what. It was not food as far as we can tell. It was something he played with.

Anywho, she was telling me that when she had me and my siblings the advice from doctors of the time was to eat peanuts when pregnant. Not go over board but also not to avoid things like that. Then at some point in the late 80's or 90's the advice changed and pregnant mothers wers being advised to avoid all these "allergic" foods like peanuts. She thinks it has something to do with this.

NWO softkill in action (to turn USA into a thirdworld country with millions of low wage tax paying subjects)

15th June 2011, 04:17 AM
I think some of it has to do with GMO foods. Alot of peanuts used to spoil after harvesting, before processing. They started using GMO peanuts to get rid or this problem. What a conicedence now many many people are allergic to peanuts. I love peanut butter and always get the organic nothing added kind.

15th June 2011, 05:35 AM
I did not realize the peanuts were one of the crops that had been GMO'd. Great. Another of my favorite foods just got put on the shit list.

I was going to say that a big part of it is the GMO foods. GMO has only been around for less then two decades so the side affects of eating such food have not fully become apparent but increased allergies is likely one of the symptoms.

midnight rambler
15th June 2011, 05:40 AM
According to my ND it's toxins accumulated in the liver which cause allergies. Clean the liver to get rid of the allergies.

15th June 2011, 11:35 AM
I had bad asthma growing up, and I "almost died several times" according to the medical establishment. Their "solution" was to put me on an adrenal stimulant - let my body's adrenaline open my lungs, four times per day, everday for the rest of my life. "Sorry, but there's just no cure for asthma," they said.

Well I got older and I started experimenting with home remedies. It turns out there are lots of cures for asthma, and furthermore, asmtha itself is an umbrella term which describes a group of symptoms, not a specific disease. My problem, specifically, was one of elimination. I started oil pulling as well as receiving regular massages specifically over the lymph nodes in my chest and armpits. These two actions caused me to cough up 1/8th to 1/2 cup of mucus per day from my lungs. After six months of this I was completely cured.

The sad part? Most of what I was coughing up felt like it was the years of inhaling chalk-like substances from an inhaler.

People who do not agree that natural cures exist like to tell me that I "grew out" of the asthma, but I will tell you, the difference was night and day - I'd be wheezing heavily, and I'd receive a massage (which I would have to spit up from my lungs several times during every session) or do an oil pulling session (which would cause me to cough up mucus from my lungs everytime) and then I'd be able to breath - and there was always a net gain in how much more my lungs were open.

When I started these therapies, my breathing problem was every bit as bad as it had ever been, and after every session it was much better, and after only a few short months, my asthma was gone completely - forever. I've never needed the medication again - ever.

Did the medical establishment save my life at an early age? Perhaps - I'm not sure.
Did their treatments make the issue worse as my life went on? Definitely.

What I wonder now is how long I shortened my life by being a slave to adrenal stimulants....Super-high heartrate was not uncommon for me...

Oh well, I'm healthy now...learn from my mistakes...when somebody tells you that there are no options, that's just their opinion.

http://alergias.info/treatments/medications/drugimages/Intal.jpg http://profile.ak.fbcdn.net/hprofile-ak-snc4/50253_60639416507_2115_n.jpg

My father's insurance paid for asthma medication when I was young...but I know it was more than $100/month in terms of the "real cost" of the medicine...The design was that this would continue my entire life

My home remedy cost me $6.99 in cold pressed oil and a willing and trained massuese. Six months total treatment time and asthma is gone forever.

15th June 2011, 01:24 PM
I have a similar story. I also had TERRIBLE Asthma as a child, and I was quite sickly with a lot of other things (bad colds, flu at least once a year, some wierd "blood virus" that even medical blood specialists never really pin down exactly what it was, etc. etc. It seemed like when I was growing up, I spent almost as much time sick as healthy!

This ALL changed when I was about 25 - I caught a case of strep-throat that went on for 3 weeks... damn near KILLED me... it had moved down into my kidneys and even antibiotics were having ZERO effect. My girlfriend at the time finally said "you've gone the medical route, it's NOT working, you're obviously dying... I have some things for you to try, what do you have to lose?

Massive doses of raw, chopped up Garlic, switched from tap water to distilled water, baking soda instead of fluoride toothpaste, complete elimination of ALL milk products except for cheese and yoghurt, and a bunch of Vitamin C. I was COMPLETELY cured in about 4 days, and I've been amazingly healthy ever since... I think I've had maybe 2 colds in all tne years since! I continue all the above (I eat raw Garlic regularly, and cook with it regularly, no milk, distilled water, fluoride free tooth paste) and it WORKS... I'm a TRUE believer!

BTW, no Asthma attacks in over 15 years too! :)

15th June 2011, 01:47 PM
I read years ago that peanut oil is one of the components in many vaccines and it was after the manufacturers began using it that the peanut allergies surfaced. Countries where vaccines w/o peanut oil are distributed do not have this problem. If I get a chance later, I will try to dig up the articles.

15th June 2011, 02:08 PM

Peanut oil is a common trade secret ingredient in vaccine adjuvants.

From: "Rita Hoffman" <pancakehill@sympatico.ca>

Hi there,
Aluminum is the only licensed adjuvant in the USA right now, but Barb Gregory points out (links below) that ingredients such as peanut and sesame, etc. can be used in the culture, fermentation or buffer mediums and they don't have to be disclosed as they are considered "inactive". We need 100% disclosure on what is in vaccines at all levels of the manufacturing. Rita

Lots more here:
and here

Results: Vaccinations are given to create an immune response in the individual. Any protein in the vaccine, especially if given with an aluminum adjuvant, can create an immune response in some people. Many vaccine ingredients are protected by trade secret and are not listed on the package insert. But many of these ingredients can be found listed in patents for vaccine adjuvants and culture mediums. For every food allergy but one (I would need to read Japanese patents to find that one), I have found that food listed in a patent. I found that animals who are vaccinated also suffer from food allergies and that food allergies are nearly unknown in unvaccinated people and animals. There are so many factors that correlate with vaccines as the main cause of food allergies that the question now isn't if food allergies are caused by vaccines but why some people don't develop food allergies from vaccines. It is quite possible given the large number of types of foods used in vaccine production, that the vaccinated public has many undiagnosed food allergies. ...

Peanut oil is a common trade secret ingredient in vaccine adjuvants. Some manufacturers rely more predominantly on other oils in the vaccines - sesame oil in the vaccines used in Israel and parts of Europe or fish oil which is used in the Scandinavian countries. At 6 months of age, children can have had as many as 16 vaccinations several of which can contain mixed oils in the vaccine adjuvant. Many different food oils can be used in the vaccine adjuvant and even more foods used in the culture medium. These ingredients do not have to appear on the package insert because they are considered "inactive" and are a protected trade secret. Most physicians do not know that all of the ingredients do not appear on the package insert.

15th June 2011, 03:15 PM
I have a similar story. I also had TERRIBLE Asthma as a child, and I was quite sickly with a lot of other things (bad colds, flu at least once a year, some wierd "blood virus" that even medical blood specialists never really pin down exactly what it was, etc. etc. It seemed like when I was growing up, I spent almost as much time sick as healthy!

This ALL changed when I was about 25 - I caught a case of strep-throat that went on for 3 weeks... damn near KILLED me... it had moved down into my kidneys and even antibiotics were having ZERO effect. My girlfriend at the time finally said "you've gone the medical route, it's NOT working, you're obviously dying... I have some things for you to try, what do you have to lose?

Massive doses of raw, chopped up Garlic, switched from tap water to distilled water, baking soda instead of fluoride toothpaste, complete elimination of ALL milk products except for cheese and yoghurt, and a bunch of Vitamin C. I was COMPLETELY cured in about 4 days, and I've been amazingly healthy ever since... I think I've had maybe 2 colds in all tne years since! I continue all the above (I eat raw Garlic regularly, and cook with it regularly, no milk, distilled water, fluoride free tooth paste) and it WORKS... I'm a TRUE believer!

BTW, no Asthma attacks in over 15 years too! :)

Good ol garlic! Breath mint anyone...LOL

15th June 2011, 05:02 PM
It's most likely due to the fact that most people perpetually bathe themselves in petrochemicals all day long which are hormone disruptors.

Fertilizers, perticides, soaps, detergents, makeup, the list is practically endless. Then there's pharmaceuticals.

Now you see weakened immune systems over generations leading to hypersensitivity.

Forgive my lack of surprise.

15th June 2011, 05:17 PM

Massive doses of raw, chopped up Garlic, switched from tap water to distilled water, baking soda instead of fluoride toothpaste, complete elimination of ALL milk products except for cheese and yoghurt, and a bunch of Vitamin C. I was COMPLETELY cured in about 4 days, and I've been amazingly healthy ever since... I think I've had maybe 2 colds in all tne years since! I continue all the above (I eat raw Garlic regularly, and cook with it regularly, no milk, distilled water, fluoride free tooth paste) and it WORKS... I'm a TRUE believer!

BTW, no Asthma attacks in over 15 years too! :)

I've done the same, but dropped all dairy products, and only eat organic chicken (no red meat), and 90+% organic everything else. (I've also switched to all natural soaps, and hygiene products). I break the rules at restaurants when I go, so I'm not a food nazi by any means.

Garlic is a full spectrum antibiotic. Don't forget to keep the omega 3's going. If you want to feel amazing on top of all that drink some hemp seed milk as often as funds allow, get some brocolli seeds and sprout them...that shit is miracle food. Also if you combine turmeric, garlic, any cruciferous vegetable, for the meal, then toss in a phyto nutrient like blueberries afterwards for dessert this is pharamceutical grade nutrition. Powerful anti cancer eating situation right there.

I haven't had a cold in going on 10 years, and when my brother, and sister in law, and kids all had the flu when I stayed with them for the weekend, I got a sore throat for a few days with a little bit of phlegm which was gone a few coughs later after waking up....that was my version of the flu that laid them all out.

The common mode of living/eating beats down the immune system like a sledgehammer. The sugar alone will do it.

15th June 2011, 06:48 PM
I know this is very simplistic, and I have no real proof, but I believe that it has to do with what people eat when they're young and developing [including time in the womb]

21st June 2011, 04:42 PM
I have eaten a peanut butter sandwich at least 4 times a week since I was a kid and late last year I started having breathing problems several times a week, after a couple months of tests done by various doctors passing me back and forth, I finally put 2 and 2 together and discovered that I am allergic to one of my favorite foods.

Really pisses me off that I became allergic to peanuts, we never heard of peanut allergies when I was a kid but now a days we all seem to know several people that have a peanut allergy.

If I ever find the Dirty rat bastards that added something to give me a peanut allergy they are going to need a Costco size tube of Preparation H :mad:

i have some pine cones that you may find useful in rendering justice.

some pine cones have really sharp seed points.

the Dirty Rat Bastards (hey, i like rats, but, it's your metaphor !) ... some of them work at the USDA, & the AMA, and the FDA.

21st June 2011, 04:53 PM
As said in other posts, chemicals in food and in the things we use daily may have a part in it. Also lifestyle may have a part. Back in the day we were clean but not like it is now, then kids spent most of their time outdoors, try to stay in and you would get chased outside. now for most indoors gaming and computers is the more normal.

Outside we would wander and get into everything, so exposure to germs was enhanced. I feel that did help most of us kids build up immunity to a lot of stuff in the micro world. Now most sinks have germ fighting soaps , hand wipes and the sort. And kids do not get the exposure the older generations had while young. And now most foods put on the table have been processed in some form or the other. And I am highly suspicious of most of the "additives".

And not to knock the women on the board, but back when most kids, were fed the natural way and there were not many formulas then as there are now. And I suspect the kids that did not dine the natural way did not get the full benefit of the colostrum that mom provides the new born.

What ever is causing the problem , I suspect it will be more than one thing that is causing it, it will be a multiple of things added together that will be the culprit.