View Full Version : Cops ticket women for sitting on park bench and eating doughnuts

14th June 2011, 11:45 PM
Cops ticket women for sitting on park bench and eating doughnuts

Wednesday, June 15, 2011 by: Ethan A. Huff, staff writer


(NaturalNews) Long gone are the days of common-sense courtesy when the average police officer actually took the time to consider the unique nature of minor law violations, and use his or her best judgment to decide whether a warning or a citation was most appropriate. New York City police officers recently issued tickets and court summons to two women who decided to sit for a few moments on a bench at a Brooklyn playground and eat a few doughnuts -- all because they were illegally unaccompanied by a minor at the time.

The unassuming women, who had just purchased doughnuts from a small doughnut shop across the street from the park, which had limited indoor seating, decided to walk across the street and eat their doughnuts on an available playground bench. Having overlooked a park rules sign that apparently said, in very small print, that using the playground without a child present was not allowed, the women were eventually approached by two police officers who asked to see their identification. The officers then notified the women about the park rules sign, and proceeded to issue them citations, one for each officer's ticket quota, of course.

"That? I'm supposed to read that?" asked one of the women to the officers about the sign and its tiny print, excess wording, and lack of readability. She then asked the officer if he believed fining them for innocently eating doughnuts on a bench was really helping to improve community safety, or that it met the intent of the law in the first place, upon which he replied coldly, "I don't believe anything."

The two women proceeded to try to reason with the cops, but their efforts were fruitless. The officers were going to issue the women tickets no matter what, and no amount of trying to reason with them was going to change that. And so it goes in the new American police state, where public servants are increasingly assuming the role of public harassers and tyrannizers. Yes, technically the women were in violation of the park rules, but a simple courtesy warning would have sufficed in light of the circumstances.

The citations explain that the women must appear in court, or else a warrant will be issued for their arrest. The citations do not, however, contain any information about how to contact the court, or even how much money they must pay for their fine. And considering that one woman was visiting from out of town, and the other will be living abroad for the summer, they now have to try to figure out how best to handle the situation. And according to gothamist.com, the officers who issued them the tickets had no idea about contact or fine information, either.

Sources for this story include:



15th June 2011, 04:15 AM
How dare they mock the policymen by eating donuts?

Twisted Titan
15th June 2011, 04:22 AM
can't reason with cops but they could have bought a 60 count of munchkins

you can appeal to their greed.

15th June 2011, 06:28 AM
Because we can that's why.

15th June 2011, 09:02 AM
This government will operate like an ambuscade.

- Patrick Henry

willie pete
15th June 2011, 09:17 AM

15th June 2011, 09:50 AM
Having overlooked a park rules sign that apparently said, in very small print, that using the playground without a child present was not allowed, the women were eventually approached by two police officers who asked to see their identification. The officers then notified the women about the park rules sign, and proceeded to issue them citations, one for each officer's ticket quota, of course.


Yeah...that playground should be for anyone without a child.


15th June 2011, 09:56 AM
The cops were jealous. That was two doughnuts that they would never have a chance to eat.

BTW- just how would 2 cops be knowledgeable about small print on a sign like that? I bet they can't see the purse-snatcher running right by them.... unless he is eating a doughnut.

Ohh.... and they should have responded with a denial that they were "using the park". They should have said that they always check out places beforehand that they bring their children/nieces/nephews/etc... because they heard a rumor that this little park might be frequented by big goons armed with guns making it unsafe for children. They were NOT using the park, they were checking it out for safety violations.

15th June 2011, 10:25 AM
Upon entering the shop for a much needed donut break, donut employees informed the officers that the women ordered the last chocolate glazed donuts they would be making for the day...


15th June 2011, 11:32 AM

Yeah...that playground should be for anyone without a child.


So you're agreeing to the situation that people shouldn't be able to sit on a park bench near a playground.

Score one for personal freedoms....wow.

15th June 2011, 11:40 AM
Those women had the perfect tools for bribes right in their hands and yet they failed to use them...

15th June 2011, 11:48 AM

15th June 2011, 12:29 PM
So who granted parents with children special rights that they are allowed to use a public park but people without children cannot?

As public land, it cannot be denied based upon race, creed, religion, color, sex or other constitutionally covered rights.

15th June 2011, 02:03 PM
Those women were clearly in violation of the law. Imitating a police officer can carry severe penalties.

15th June 2011, 03:17 PM
I think of New York as the cesspool of America, full of Talmud worshiping pediphiles and other sexual deviants.
I can see how it was necessary to put the law on the books, but the cop did not have to enforce it on what was an innocent situation.