View Full Version : Strategic Relocation: North American Guide to Safe Places

po boy
15th June 2011, 04:17 PM
by Joel M. Skousen

Published in 1998, 262 pages
290 West 580 South
Orem, Utah 84058

Strategic Relocation is a detailed, carefully thought-out reference that includes just about everything you could want if you're planning to relocate to a safer, more survival-oriented location or simply want to find a good place for a retreat. And yes, it covers Mexico and Canada as well as the U.S.

Author Joel M. Skousen, a high-security design specialist who designs and builds self-sufficient, secure, personal residences and retreats, has done his homework - and yours. Whether you are looking for a location that is far from possible nuclear fallout pattern to trying to avoid social unrest or crime, this book has a chart, table or text for you. If you are planning to home-school your children, this book will tell you where it is allowed, and where the local government may restrict your freedom to do so, and where there are no restrictions. Worried about water quality, pollution; its covered. Concerned about war, or big brother? Each is addressed in a section of the book.

The book is divided into three sections: The Ideal Criteria, Threat Analysis and Putting It All Together. Reading them in order will lead you on a careful journey, guiding your decision making without exerting undue influence.

The book is a treasure-trove of information, and well worth the cover price. The first time you can look something up, rather than spending an hour on line or running to the local library, you'll find it money well spent. The book is, however, dry. It's well written, but it is a reference book, and parts of it read like one.

If you fit into any of these categories, I recommend that you buy this book:

You are planning to move from your current location and want to make a wise choice, but you need more information than is available from most sources. If you want to know what city has a symphony and good mass transit, buy the Rand McNally Places Rated Almanac. If you want to move to a location where you can carry a concealed firearm, pay low taxes and find plenty of rural areas, you need Strategic Relocation.

If you live in a major metropolis and want to buy or build a retreat within a 200-mile radius, this book will help you determine which direction to go. It includes a county-by-county listing of population per square mile, percent Democrat or Republican, crime statistics and more.

You want to find you how your current location stacks up versus other places. Just how bad is California or Atlanta? Or how good Syracuse, N.Y., or Columbus, Ohio?

For more information, or to order the book, visit his web site or e-mail the author.

Sorry I haven't figured out the imbed gimmick.

15th June 2011, 04:42 PM
Aside from the commercial aspects of this thread I still think it raises excellent thinking points. For those of us in major cities we write our own guidebooks though.

15th June 2011, 05:16 PM

po boy
15th June 2011, 06:47 PM
From a review I was listing to about this book my current location received a F grade.
I'd really love to move but, stuck with blissfully ignorant family.

15th June 2011, 07:03 PM
interesting presentation, especially as a coloradoan. sounds like he would give it a fairly high mark with its major downfall being the huge government influence in denver (nwo west). his views seem to go hand in hand with mine and others here that the rocky mountain region will be one of the better places to relocate to ( or stay)

my mom lived in the town south of aspen for 2 years a handful of years back and I became fairly familiar with aspen driving there over independence pass. i'd love to ask him which houses he knew of had the underground shelters in them ha ha

15th June 2011, 07:21 PM
interesting presentation, especially as a coloradoan. sounds like he would give it a fairly high mark with its major downfall being the huge government influence in denver (nwo west). his views seem to go hand in hand with mine and others here that the rocky mountain region will be one of the better places to relocate to ( or stay)

my mom lived in the town south of aspen for 2 years a handful of years back and I became fairly familiar with aspen driving there over independence pass. i'd love to ask him which houses he knew of had the underground shelters in them ha ha

I dunno? but maybe being where the .gov/elites are ain't a good idea either? Might be an awful lot of support/goons that are there because of them.

16th June 2011, 07:15 AM
you have to immediatly break it down to;
1. Occupied territory
2. Free states

the free states are still, and only; alaska, montana, wyoming, idaho, and to a lesser extent arizona.

16th June 2011, 07:53 AM
These two say a lot:



16th June 2011, 07:55 AM
I have the book. And all I can say, it has great info in it.