View Full Version : Pandas

15th June 2011, 07:32 PM
Apparently the Chinese Panda coins have been rehabilitated from the counterfeiting catastrophe of the mid-2000's. I had bought a fair number of them but for a while they were almost valueless because there were seemingly 10 counterfeit coins for every real one. I just stuffed mine to the back and forgot about them. Good thing cause I just checked to find that they are pulling in Lunar Dragon price levels.

I found out because I post occasionally at an Australian PM site called Silver Stackers. I noticed a couple of threads with everyone going nuts over Pandas and when I mentioned the little counterfeit problem it was "oh, that was years ago". Apparently the Chinese government got involved in that gentle way of theirs with bullets to the brain and the problem went away! Amazing! I've been buying one or two a year recently just to keep up with what I think is a beautiful series but the last time I bought any Pandas in quantity was 2005.

The last coin is a 1999 which is fairly typical for the design on the earlier coins, notice the increase in complexity in the later years. The 2011 is just above the 1999, the areas of white and black on the 20011 aren't a a paint or finish, it has to do with the light reflecting from microscopic features in the silver itself. It only looks like that from certain angles.

BTW: Not often I get to break in a brand new forum.





15th June 2011, 10:48 PM
I love the pandas but the premiums are very high... nice pics

big country
16th June 2011, 04:59 AM
apmex has 2011 and 2010 pandas for around $10 over spot. But they also are buying at $5 over spot so it seems that the premiums hold on the sell side, atleast to the right buyers. Still a little steep over spot for me, but I'm a cheap ass. They are pretty though, I would love to have a few in my collection.

16th June 2011, 05:06 AM

You have the art of showing coins in their perfection down pat! A true master of the shutter.

Those coins could not have been shown better than the way you did.

28th June 2011, 04:52 AM
I picked up a few pandas a few years back now. They were beautiful coins. Too bad they fell overboard when I was perch fishing on simcoe last summer....

28th June 2011, 09:54 AM
My wife and I sure do enjoy your exquisite photos of coins, Tom. Thanks for putting up the pandas. We, too, enjoy them immensely.
