View Full Version : DBS interviewed by Godlike Productions

Large Sarge
17th June 2011, 02:44 AM

17th June 2011, 04:09 AM
Smith covered more territory in that two hours than I could digest. From the silver market to Fukushima to wars by central banks to politicians drugged and photographed with little children to global warming to the Vatican to a cashless society and points in between. The "dude" factor of the interviewers was a distraction but all in all a fascinating listen.

17th June 2011, 05:24 AM
One shill gov group interviewing another shill clown group .

I used to follow DBS, it is hard to do that when you realize they are the enemy.

GP is run by a known and outed gov agent as well.

Rense can fuck off too these days.

Read Bollyn promote his work, that is all you need.

And learn about Sibel Edmonds, WRH and antiwar are great too,
especially antiwar archives.

You don't need to waste your time on the limited hangout shills,
they make me sick at this point.

You can still get good info , leads , books off their site,
I don't like them anymore, I believe Bollyn, I was on the
sidelines for a while on the whole infighting thing, Rense
is doing the exact same thing, the way limited hangout
disinfo shills operate.

I'll take Brother Nathanael any day over DBS and his partner in crime.

17th June 2011, 05:41 AM

I was going to delete my post, fuck that.;D

The cache was a top hit on google searching " dbs bollyn ", very good performance.

Here is the live thread.

Bollyn on DBS, Hufschmid, Piper, Thorn, CIA


I was just reading the above thread, missed it till now,

Large Sarge says much of the same things, he is half way there.

Hufschmidt is a different issue IMO

he is a plant/ tool

I see Bollyn is the truth telling nice guy, kind of like Ron Paul, not the brawler type,
they pulled all kinds of crap on him as a group, who is they, ? , they is they, the gang.
That includes the police, prosecutor, courts, DBS, Huffy, and on and on ...
Shit doesn't stick on Bollyn for a reason and he is lucky to be alive.

Large Sarge
17th June 2011, 06:25 AM
DBS and Salbuchi are ok IMO

Bollyn is good also

it was sad when they (Bollyn and DBS) had their little meltdown, most of which was engineered by hufschmidt.

but I think DBS is sincere, so is Bollyn, so is Salbuchi

just a personality conflict between bollyn and DBS, and for whatever reason they never decided to bury the hatchet....
(I have heard DBS give bollyn lots of credit for his research, even after the fight was over)

17th June 2011, 01:56 PM
i admired Daryl a lot until maybe 6 months ago.

his fight with Ognir - i don't think Daryl handled that well.

and his interviews - he sort of pretends to know things he doesn't know. aka acting like an expert. he talks about precious metals, then totally fumbles, says palladium is $2000 an ounce, i forget the exact interview. it was just like, "Daryl, you don't know what you're talking about, in that subject area."

BUT he reminds me of what Alan Kay said about the Mac operating system, "it's the first operating system worth criticizing".

in other words, even though i can see flaws, i am SUPER indebted to Daryl for putting so much quality info on-line.

i downloaded his website once, to back it up in case it went off-line. it was about 8 GB, i heard someone else say they HTTracked it & got maybe a little more.

one of the odd facts about the website - i think it was Microsoft who digitized the book about why the Jews were expelled from England in 1295. thanks, Bill Gates, AND thanks, Daryl !

17th June 2011, 03:08 PM
Listening and liking it so far!

It's the jews!!!!!

17th June 2011, 04:43 PM
I'll keep bumping this until all of you yahoo's have listened to it.


Please leave a "Thank You" to the OP, to show you've listened.

17th June 2011, 05:13 PM
I'll keep bumping this until all of you yahoo's have listened to it.


Please leave a "Thank You" to the OP, to show you've listened.

hey, if you're recommending it, i'll listen to it. :-)

17th June 2011, 05:20 PM
hey, if you're recommending it, i'll listen to it. :-)

No one has put it together better or has spoken more frankly then this guy!
Don't forget to leave a Thank You in post #1 ;-)

I would have liked to ask him about the DSK rape scandal and how capital controls are imprisoning us in our own country.

17th June 2011, 05:44 PM
I'll keep bumping this until all of you yahoo's have listened to it.


Please leave a "Thank You" to the OP, to show you've listened.

What wont the links work? Its shortened for some reason?

EDIT: The OP's link works, but not the others? Weird?

General of Darkness
17th June 2011, 05:52 PM
If my memory serves me correctly DBS has some baggage from years ago so I'm in Magnes' corner on this matter. I would also agree that Bollyn is the man, and Hufschmid is to be avoided at all costs, he is working with the Zionist agent of the Rothschild family, Rupert Murdoch, who happens to be his sister's father-in-law.

Here's Hufschmid.


I've talked with Ognir a few times, he's good people, so the blowup with him and DBS is very interesting.

However, at the end of the day, he does make some great comments, but I just don't trust anyone.

17th June 2011, 06:07 PM
If my memory serves me correctly DBS has some baggage from years ago so I'm in Magnes' corner on this matter. I would also agree that Bollyn is the man, and Hufschmid is to be avoided at all costs, he is working with the Zionist agent of the Rothschild family, Rupert Murdoch, who happens to be his sister's father-in-law.

Here's Hufschmid.


I've talked with Ognir a few times, he's good people, so the blowup with him and DBS is very interesting.

However, at the end of the day, he does make some great comments, but I just don't trust anyone.

I don't trust anyone either and I blindly follow no one, but I can't dispute one word he's said.
We have all grown in knowledge and evolved our thinking since the beginning of this journey, maybe DBS has too?

General of Darkness
17th June 2011, 06:20 PM
I don't trust anyone either and I blindly follow no one, but I can't dispute one word he's said.
We have all grown in knowledge and evolved our thinking since the beginning of this journey, maybe DBS has too?

I can't argue that EE. Our jobs as individuals is to take in all the info and make an educated assesment. I'm about 25% into this and it's pretty good.

17th June 2011, 08:05 PM
Fantastic interview. Thanks LS.......

17th June 2011, 09:10 PM
GP is run by a known and outed gov agent as well.

I've read about that and totally believe it, but isn't that precisely why they always seem to have news story posted right when they happen? It's uncanny. I have to admit I've been lurking on there a lot the last week and read the first page to see what's going on around the world.

Large Sarge
18th June 2011, 03:19 AM
I was unaware that DBS and Ognir had a blow up??

DBS had some previous drug conviction, I do not think that is to big of an issue, most folks want the drug laws repealed....

18th June 2011, 05:43 PM
it was sad when they (Bollyn and DBS) had their little meltdown, most of which was engineered by hufschmidt.

but I think DBS is sincere, so is Bollyn, so is Salbuchi

Bollyn does not think so Sarge.

Also consider, DBS operates out of France, think about that,
that alone tells you the intelligence agents own him at the very least.

DBS reminds me of Hal Turner, remember him.

What is the difference between Bollyn and other truth tellers,
Bollyn the investigator/reporter has names and real crimes, associations, Zionists at
every key point as gatekeepers, not even Rense uses this, why , it is the
difference between complaining, " jews " , versus real crimes and names
something should be done about but cause of corruption it is not.

Have a look at what Rense is doing too.

This is just one paragraph, I have never missed a Bollyn article ever.

This is how the operation works. How they smear real investigators.
Limited hangout, agitation, flypaper operation, smearing.



Hufschmid's bizarre behavior raises the question whether he is working with the Zionist agent of the Rothschild family, Rupert Murdoch, who happens to be his sister's father-in-law. Alan Colmes, a talking head from FOX News, interviewed me in 2003 and tried to smear me as an anti-Semite, not for what I had written but because I wrote for American Free Press. The Anti-Defamation League (ADL) used the same method of guilt by association when they first accused me of being an anti-Semite in November 2001 because of my first articles about Israeli involvement in 9/11. Using an editing trick, CNN tried to frame me as an anti-Semite in January 2007, the day before my trial was to begin, when they interviewed me for the Paula Zahn show. I am not an anti-Semite, but if the Zionist-controlled media can portray me as one they are able to marginalize my 9/11 research as the product of an irrational "hater", which I certainly am not. Here, Hufschmid comes in handy with his outrageous racial and anti-Semitic comments on his website. If they can link me with him, the Zionist media can smear me as an anti-Semite by association. This is why I was compelled to publicly distance myself from Hufschmid and the "French Connection" in 2006. Because Hufschmid's intended result is exactly what Murdoch wants, the question arises - are they working together?

18th June 2011, 05:59 PM
I've read about that and totally believe it, but isn't that precisely why they always seem to have news story posted right when they happen? It's uncanny. I have to admit I've been lurking on there a lot the last week and read the first page to see what's going on around the world.

GLP has a lot of issues going back years.
Including doing crazy things and making crazy accusations
that are not true, playing games with the members, I believe
that was the site where there was a supposed staged
kidnapping of the operator, Rodin who was a member of
GSUS but doesn't post here knows more about all of this
than anyone here. Mention Tavistock on GLP and they ban
you. Just like us getting banned on gim for talking about masons.
But GLP has more serious issues. Real MIL and mind operations.

18th June 2011, 06:11 PM
I learned a LONG time ago that GLP was worth staying away from, for various reasons. It's an evil son of a bitch and if you dabble in it you get what you asked for. To tell ya the truth I hate even seeing it brought up in GSUS, JMVHO.

18th June 2011, 06:44 PM
One shill gov group interviewing another shill clown group .

I used to follow DBS, it is hard to do that when you realize they are the enemy.

GP is run by a known and outed gov agent as well.

Rense can fuck off too these days.

Read Bollyn promote his work, that is all you need.

And learn about Sibel Edmonds, WRH and antiwar are great too,
especially antiwar archives.

You don't need to waste your time on the limited hangout shills,
they make me sick at this point.

You can still get good info , leads , books off their site,
I don't like them anymore, I believe Bollyn, I was on the
sidelines for a while on the whole infighting thing, Rense
is doing the exact same thing, the way limited hangout
disinfo shills operate.

I'll take Brother Nathanael any day over DBS and his partner in crime.

Just who is this partner in crime?

I like DBS, Bollyn, etc... hell even like AJ some days.

As far as skeletons go Bollyn has them too. Do you know what he was learning about when he lived in Israel and worked on a kibbutz while married to a Jew?

Bollyn's first wife, Bosmat Merimsky, was a Jew from a Kibbutz in Israel. The couple married in 1983 in Puerto Rico and divorced two years later. Bollyn remarried in 1995 in Sweden to wife Helje Kaskel. The couple has two children together, living in Bollyn's childhood home on Kingman Lane.

19th June 2011, 07:20 AM
Just who is this partner in crime?

I like DBS, Bollyn, etc... hell even like AJ some days.

As far as skeletons go Bollyn has them too. Do you know what he was learning about when he lived in Israel and worked on a kibbutz while married to a Jew?

Bollyn's first wife, Bosmat Merimsky, was a Jew from a Kibbutz in Israel. The couple married in 1983 in Puerto Rico and divorced two years later. Bollyn remarried in 1995 in Sweden to wife Helje Kaskel. The couple has two children together, living in Bollyn's childhood home on Kingman Lane.

Bollyn has made the case many times to the media and others, even recently threatening
them with a libel suit that he is no anti semite, this will only help make his case.

Bollyn makes the case the way an investigator and prosecutor would lay it out,
real names, real people, alive right now, connections, not just on 9/11 but other business
and family connections, from Israel to the USA and the rest of the planet where they operate,
like ICTS.

That is why he is a real danger to real powerful people and why he is ignored and silenced.

19th June 2011, 07:44 AM
I'll take Brother Nathanael any day over DBS and his partner in crime.

Who is this?