View Full Version : Almost sorry that I turn my comp back on........

17th June 2011, 10:01 AM
Not only for all the bad news that I see where I feel that there are 10,000 guns pointing at me but also for what I see right here at my favorite site............. I can see a future where not only the individual but also the country will become isolationists, and not by choice, for the simple reason that we will have to hold close to our chest the little that we have so that no one will know anything about, if you want to intigrate someone into the ring of safety that you want to form around you then you better do it now.

I can clearly see the lies being told to us by the US government, the news media and the individuals and is something that I have seen for a very long time. In order to hide the truth they don't talk about how to cure the decease and much less about the reason for the decease........anyway, Agnut is on the phone, will post more later......

17th June 2011, 10:15 AM
Ponce, it has always has been that way.

What has happened is that the Banksters through their massive credit expansion of the past 60 plus years have been able to have people believe they are no longer intertwined.

We all shall know soon enough how we need each other once the artificial credit bubble bursts!

17th June 2011, 11:07 AM
Bill?, the time to "need' each other was long ago when we should had united as one in order to do something about the government and "those" controlling the government........but now is to late.....only when the chaos dies, in the future, will we be able to help each other, as you say.

To me those in the government are the locks that we placed on the doors to safe guard our freedom, locks for which "We The People" held the keys, we should have open those locks and intalled new ones long ago but now the locks are so rusty that our keys will no longer work.

General of Darkness
17th June 2011, 12:30 PM
Don't worry guys, the guberment will protect us.


17th June 2011, 12:40 PM
THIS IS A LOTTTTTTTT BETTER.....I was able to change that horrific "satin black" bacground color to the "Default style", that satin black made me fell like if I was aready attending my own funeral...........

17th June 2011, 02:45 PM
THIS IS A LOTTTTTTTT BETTER.....I was able to change that horrific "satin black" bacground color to the "Default style", that satin black made me fell like if I was aready attending my own funeral...........

Ive gone with the orange......helps keep you awake.........

Veni, vidi...evigilavi!
17th June 2011, 02:59 PM
THIS IS A LOTTTTTTTT BETTER.....I was able to change that horrific "satin black" bacground color to the "Default style", that satin black made me fell like if I was aready attending my own funeral...........
...I was almost sorry I turned my cpu on as well. I guess there's several of us "neanderthals" that failed to switch to the "default" style. Once I did this I was able to clearly see the edit "pencil" on the left side of my profile to edit my profile, especially my signature which berfore was giving me symbols, and my avatar which I lost in transition from the prevs format, oh well this will do I guess.
You're right I was about to isolate for awhile again, well... I don't post much anyway, but I do need my GSUS fix daily!

18th June 2011, 01:33 AM
Hey maybe you were, I have heard that rising from the dead can cause such reality distortions...

18th June 2011, 08:32 AM
Yeah Neure..........most time when I come here I feel like if I am in The Twilight Zone from where no one goes back.