View Full Version : False accusation led to raid on home.......22 stitches.

18th June 2011, 09:08 AM
False accusation led to raid on home.......22 stitches.

Brandwynne "Brandie" Prespentt finished work at 3 p.m. June 10 and ran some errands. On the other side of town, a dog assigned to a Precinct 4 constable's deputy was attacking her husband, Travis.

The incident, which led to an arm injury requiring 22 stitches, was the climax of a bizarre sequence of events that began when the couple's neighbor, Tamara Denise White*side, phoned in a false report accusing Travis Prespentt of pistol-whipping and strangling his wife and dumping her in the back of his car.

Now Whiteside is in jail, Brandie Prespentt is alive and well, and the Prespentts are threatening to sue the constable's office for what they call an unprovoked attack.

"If my children hadn't been with my mother-in-law, what would have happened?" Brandie Prespentt asked. "And they never even apologized."
Panic and confusion

While Travis Prespentt was cleaning his porch he noticed patrol cars downstairs, but he didn't think they had anything to do with him.

When he went in for a beer, police had knocked down his door and ordered him to put his hands up. Prespentt said he did as they said, but deputies still sicced a dog on him.

As the dog chewed on Prespentt's arm, he said, the officers demanded to know where "the female" was.

Prespentt, assuming they meant his dog, first tried to tell them that she was in a cage on the porch. Then he realized they were looking for his wife, and shouted that she was at the grocery store.

At one point his sister phoned the apartment. When officers answered, Prespentt's sister immediately called his wife and told her to call her husband. Again, police answered the phone.
'I was just freaking out'

After Brandie Prespentt explained who she was, an officer told her about the call they had gotten from her neighbor.

When she asked to talk to her husband, she said he was crying and screaming, "This dog chewed my arm off!"

"The dog threw me on the ground, and I just laid there watching the dog chew my arm," Travis said. "I was just freaking out."


18th June 2011, 10:23 AM
she was in a cage on the porch.haha

That is one special neighbor they have next door

18th June 2011, 11:32 AM
Cops should be jailed for breaking the common law, neighbor should be fined for inciting violence

18th June 2011, 11:49 AM
dog should have its teeth filed

18th June 2011, 05:29 PM
Cops should be jailed for breaking the common law, neighbor should be fined for inciting violence

this kind of incident - which now happens over and over - is one of the best examples of how America has ceased to exist, as a civil society.

Dmitry Orlov studied collapse in the Soviet Union, and now lives in the US to study US collapse. He talks about similar breakdowns in the Soviet Union, as part of the collapse of the Soviet Union.

in other words, that these incidents are happening now is one of the primary signs that collapse is happening now - in the US.

willie pete
18th June 2011, 05:36 PM
Remember...cops aren't there to play fair....they're there to win,at any cost, they'll take care of the semantics later on...