View Full Version : Wildlife Refuges to be Planted with GMOs.

18th June 2011, 09:22 AM
In case you are thinking of going out there to get your food WTSHTF and there is no more food to buy.

Wildlife Refuges to be Planted with GMOs.

By Barbara H. Peterson

It is becoming increasingly difficult to find animals that haven’t been force-fed GMO grain. To top it all off, even Alfalfa, which is a staple cattle feed in America, will be genetically engineered thanks to Land O’ Lakes, Forage Genetics and Monsanto. But that isn’t enough for this administration. Now they are going after wildlife too.

Washington, DC — The Obama administration has endorsed genetically engineered agriculture on more than 50 National Wildlife Refuges, with more GE-refuge approvals in the works, according to Public Employees for Environmental Responsibility. (PEER)

It is clear that we need to wean ourselves off mass-produced food and start getting serious about growing our own veggies and fruit, and raising our own animals. We are literally being surrounded with weapons of mass destruction in the form of DNA-altering GMOs (genetically modified organisms) that cause infertility, severe health problems, and premature death.

The proposal for the Midwestern Refuges would allow more than 20,000 acres to be cultivated with no limits on how many acres could be GE crops. The public comment deadline for that plan is today [Feb. 14, 2011]. In its comments, PEER argues that the GE operations risk harm to wildlife, refuge plants and soil, while contending that there is no refuge purpose for which GE crops are essential, as required by FWS policy.

“These plans are based on the curious notion that wildlife benefit from having the small slivers of habitat set aside for them covered by genetically engineered soybeans,” stated PEER Executive Director Jeff Ruch, noting the Midwest refuges are already surrounded by row crops, most of which are now GE. “To boost U.S. exports, the Obama administration is forcing wildlife refuges into political prostitution.” (PEER)

So, say goodbye to GMO-free wild game, courtesy of your friendly neighborhood mass murderers in charge of our government. Too strong of a statement? I don’t think so. Look up the Georgia Guidestones, then think again…


18th June 2011, 09:44 AM
I always thought God/nature did a pretty good job of creating all the vegetation in the world but as Monsanto is obviously God now and intends to improve millions of years of selection and development we should all feel privileged to be alive at this important time.Funny how their name so closely resembles monstrosity.