View Full Version : Has the earth's polls shifted?

19th June 2011, 12:38 AM
Something has bothered me for a couple weeks now. I have mentioned this to my wife a last week, that I've noticed, maybe my imagination...that the sun is rising and setting in a different location.

I've just read on another site that other's are thinking the same thing.

I am in Arizona and my home was built oriented exactly north/south. Living in the land of sun, I am in tune to the sun's movement, and I know how the sun tracks in the winter months compared to summer.

I think, post Japan's earthquake, that the sun seem to be rising farther north and setting farther south then previous years. This would put Florida closer to the equator and California farther from it.

My compass is showing a change also.
I guess it's possible it could be a local Pacific plate shift that doesn't affect the rest of the world?

I'm wondering if the earth has gone into a wobble or has a permanent change taken place?

We have been reading about NASA's warning to their people and bunkers being built by the government elite.
If this is true, wouldn't it be such big news with huge ramifacations, that the government wouldn't release information until they are ready? Although, I don't think this could be hidden very long.

Has anyone else felt something is wrong?

Take notice for yourself and get back to me.

19th June 2011, 12:51 AM
Something has bothered me for a couple weeks now. I have mentioned this to my wife a last week, that I've noticed, maybe my imagination...that the sun is rising and setting in a different location.

I've just read on another site that other's are thinking the same thing.

I am in Arizona and my home was built oriented exactly north/south. Living in the land of sun, I am in tune to the sun's movement, and I know how the sun tracks in the winter months compared to summer.

I think, post Japan's earthquake, that the sun seem to be rising farther north and setting farther south then previous years. This would put Florida closer to the equator and California farther from it.

My compass is showing a change also.
I guess it's possible it could be a local Pacific plate shift that doesn't affect the rest of the world?

I'm wondering if the earth has gone into a wobble or has a permanent change taken place?

We have been reading about NASA's warning to their people and bunkers being built by the government elite.
If this is true, wouldn't it be such big news with huge ramifacations, that the government wouldn't release information until they are ready? Although, I don't think this could be hidden very long.

Has anyone else felt something is wrong?

Take notice for yourself and get back to me.

Search this forum... I posted several months ago regarding sunrise in Greenland/Iceland that something was wrong - I suspected Pole Shift as the prime suspect.

19th June 2011, 02:24 AM
I think so too. I think it is setting further north. I am in southern hemisphere so winter here. I also think the daylight hours are less but I'm not 100%.

Serpo also posted a couple YT videos back in Feb. They were predicting a pole shift event for 15 March. Now when did the Japan problems start? 11 March.

I ended up here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0QMJaUA3AOk&feature=mfu_in_order&list=UL

Thread with a lot of links: http://gold-silver.us/forum/showthread.php?43636-Rumour-of-Pole-Shift-15-March&highlight=pole+shift

AJ covered about then as well.

19th June 2011, 02:36 AM
OK folks, all sun worshipers (and that includes most of you Christians) to your sun temples on solstice and report back after sunrise for a poll if all is well (or not) for the earth! Make your plans now. It is only a few days away! ;)

Lots of real reasons to feel change (besides collapsing politics and economics), Japanese radiation, low solar activity, dropping earth magnetic field (ie compass changes) and more.


LUNAR ECLIPSE: On Wednesday night, June 15th... the longest lunar eclipse in nearly 11 years.

midnight rambler
19th June 2011, 04:05 AM
I'm thinking if this is the case then all the ancient ruins (e.g. the Mayan ruins) which are oriented toward the sun would indicate this.

19th June 2011, 04:44 AM
I'm thinking if this is the case then all the ancient ruins (e.g. the Mayan ruins) which are oriented toward the sun would indicate this.

There are several ancient places around the world that show both solstice , stone hedge , chaco canyon sun dagger, that are fixed in place so if the axis has shifted, it would show it at these ancient observatory's.

A more modern and one that has worked for me is at my house I have a east window that at both solstice's the morning sun shines in on the rooms wall opposite of the east facing window at two places , one for summer and the other for winters solstices , and only on those two days. Have them marked by picture frames.

This year the sun beam's so far have been tracking the same as always, been watching it for most mornings for the last 48+ years.


So in answer, to the op, if the pole's have shifted , I will go with not enough to be noticed.


19th June 2011, 09:07 AM
That is fucking weird. I was looking at the sun yesterday, thinking "hmmm, that really seems further North than what I remember".

I shook my head and chalked it up to imagination. Now I will really pay attention.

19th June 2011, 09:14 AM
That is fucking weird. I was looking at the sun yesterday, thinking "hmmm, that really seems further North than what I remember".

I shook my head and chalked it up to imagination. Now I will really pay attention.

It will take a year or so but you can do the same as I have done. At each solstice take note where the sun shines in your house, if you pay attention during the course of the year the sun beams move and light different areas at different times of the year.

At solstice mark the peak spot the sunlight moves to. You may have to adjust a tad, but once you nail it , it will repeat year after year.

19th June 2011, 09:20 AM
This could be my imagination...or maybe not.
Probably not logical, but is it possible for the planet to change position to the sun slightly without a pole shift?

19th June 2011, 10:04 AM
is it possible for the planet to change position to the sun slightly without a pole shift?

If the earth stops moving around the sun, we'll start moving into the sun I'd assume. Lets face it, the earth stopped shining like a star a long time ago.

Poor spelling, not even sure what to ask, conflating geographical and magnetic poles, stating the obvious as a question...

I'd be more worried about a small stroke or something, although at this distance I diagnose collapsing civilization and perhaps magnetic disturbances. ;D

19th June 2011, 10:13 AM
Indonesia Earthquake 2004

Kate Hutton of Cal Tech has reported that the shaking was severe enough to actually affect the earth's rotation. Other U.S. scientists have also commented on this phenomenon: "The deadly Asian earthquake may have permanently accelerated the Earth's rotation -- shortening days by a fraction of a second -- and caused the planet to wobble on its axis".

LOS ANGELES, California (Reuters) -- The deadly Asian earthquake may have permanently accelerated the Earth's rotation, shortening days by a fraction of a second and caused the planet to wobble on its axis, U.S. scientists said Tuesday.

Richard Gross, a geophysicist with NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory in California, theorized that a shift of mass toward the Earth's center during the quake Sunday caused the planet to spin 3 microseconds, or millionths of a second, faster and to tilt about an inch on its axis.

midnight rambler
19th June 2011, 10:17 AM
There's definitely a magnetic pole shift taking place, as demonstrated by the Tampa airport having to re-designate their runways.


19th June 2011, 01:12 PM
Yesterday my mom said the sun was rising from a very strange Northern location. Haven't seen it for myself, but this this type of independent confirmation is freaking me out a little.... This website isn't exactly GLP...

19th June 2011, 06:28 PM
Rather than the sun rising too far to the north, perhaps some of you have turned too far to the south...

General of Darkness
19th June 2011, 06:47 PM
I agree, the weather is much much colder than usual in Los Angeles, and if we shifted north a few degrees that would make sense.

19th June 2011, 06:58 PM
from central Texas, magnetic north has not changed.

19th June 2011, 07:43 PM
I've seen it at my place. The sun would always be on our thermostat in the early afternoon, but since a few weeks ago, it no longer shines directly on the thermostat.

19th June 2011, 07:57 PM
If there was a pole shift it is very very minuscule. If it was major wouldn't it affect satellite communications? Also, I'm sure every amateur astronomers would be harping about like crazy if it was the case.

20th June 2011, 11:42 PM
According to the latest information, 54% think that the Earth's polls have shifted, while 42% think that they have not shifted. Two percent did not understand the question, while another one percent were distracted with their electronic devices and hesitated to comment. One half of one percent asked why the Polish would move, since they have it so nice in their little plot. The other one half of one percent gave us the WTF look and told us to take our retarded asses back to school and go re-re-learn basic spelling. They also suggested that the survey designer should please "fetch me a dry martini, olive on the side please on a clean napkin". Our proles show 80% of you won't understand any of this nonsense - back to you for the weather Nigel.

21st June 2011, 06:53 AM
Could be changes in the atmosphere providing an illusion, there have been noted changes in the jet stream so far this summer.

Much moist air being shifted North/South rather than West to East.

mick silver
21st June 2011, 12:54 PM
dont laugh but the day that earthquake happen in japan i have a feeling like i was being pull to the ground . i also have notice that the suns not setting as it did .

21st June 2011, 01:12 PM
platinumdude makes the most convincing case so far that the poles have probably NOT shifted... amateur astronomers would most likely notice and be screaming about it (especially those using GPS/compass computer targeting scopes).
Something is definitely up, though - this has been a WIERD year with the weather!

25th June 2011, 02:30 PM
Interesting discussion related?

. I've just visited the Calern Observatory on the French riviera
F.Laclare has been measuring the sun diameter there for some years
there seems to be some discussion about the variations being counter cyclic or not
also the ground measurements seems to diverge from the satellites data
What does it means?


25th June 2011, 04:04 PM
I did a search and found I am not the only nutcase...whew!
Still a nutcase but not alone.



26th June 2011, 08:26 AM

26th June 2011, 09:19 AM
For me the sun seems to rise in the correct location for mid June. I thought the sun was setting too far north but blew it off, then my wife mentioned something about it, and then yesterday my son said something. Sun is coming up over the trees dead east but setting in the north west... a little more north than any of us remember.

26th June 2011, 09:31 AM
Good news folks! Scientists have observed the last few days that the sun appears to be returning to its more southernly setting.


26th June 2011, 09:35 AM
The good news is scientists are saying that for the last few days, the sun appears to be returning to its more southernly setting.


What! Something is normal! :o



26th June 2011, 09:59 AM
Good news folks! Scientists have observed the last few days that the sun appears to be returning to its more southernly setting.


Those guys will say anything that supports their Global Warming agenda.:mad:

26th June 2011, 02:47 PM
I still lean towards the optical illusion theory.

You are viewing the Sun through a water vapor fish eye lens now.


26th June 2011, 03:43 PM
[QUOTE=Horn;427869]I still lean towards the optical illusion theory.

You are viewing the Sun through a BARIUM AND ALUMINUM vapor fish eye lens now.

I Corexit for you...:o

26th June 2011, 04:07 PM
Good points about the lensing/optical illusion effect. When looking up at low angles of incidence, as I believe astronomers mostly do, the lensing effect shouldn't be as drastic. However, as you move more towards the horizon, lensing effect will become more drastic. I'm not saying I completely understand how it could happen, as I'd expect the lensing effect to either change the apparent size of the sun or its vertical position, not necessarily it's horizontal position. But I suppose its a possibility.

General of Darkness
26th June 2011, 04:27 PM


26th June 2011, 04:29 PM
Search this forum... I posted several months ago regarding sunrise in Greenland/Iceland that something was wrong - I suspected Pole Shift as the prime suspect.

I was in Greenland in April, I didn't notice anything.... Now that I'm reading this, I'll be looking at the sky in the morning.... I'm North of most of the lower 48.