View Full Version : Dear Japan :Drop LIQUID NITROGEN & DRY ICE CO2 NOW, already, please, thank you

19th June 2011, 01:13 PM
Dear Japan :

on your goddamned nuclear reactors

NOW, already, please, thank you. [ ... June 10, still waiting ]

Why ? Shock cooling -- Smothering -- Formation of solid nitrides, nitrates, carbonates, &c... Duhhh...

It worked @ Chernobyl -- What ... They didn't tell you ? ( Channel 4-TV, San Francisco, 6 O'Clock News, Day 5 -- Emergency Message fromsilly me via Lawrence Livermore Laboratory HQ @ Berkeley : " We recommend that you drop a refrigerant on it. " -- The Russians used Dry Ice ~ 12 hours later ) ...

Ask "Red" Adair : He used liquid nitrogen to extinguish oil well fires in Kuwait ( Pop. Sci., Jan 1991 ) ...

Still can't figure it out ? Don't be embarassed : you're merely over-educated beyond your ability to thimk, now paralyzed with fear and desperation, committing national suicide ...

Sign Me,

"Bored with Your Stupidity" @ Las Vegas

Robert A. Nelson ( recuvering stupit & high skool dripout ) @ rexresearch.com

6 April 2011 ... http://www.businessweek.com/news/2011-04-06/japan-nuclear-workers-start-pumping-nitrogen-into-damaged-plant.html (http://www.businessweek.com/news/2011-04-06/japan-nuclear-workers-start-pumping-nitrogen-into-damaged-plant.html)
(http://www.businessweek.com/news/2011-04-06/japan-nuclear-workers-start-pumping-nitrogen-into-damaged-plant.html)Japan Nuclear Workers Start Pumping Nitrogen Into Damaged Plant

Oh well, it's a start...

Whenever you get around to cleaning up :

»NELSON, R. : Transmutations of Nuclear Waste (http://www.rexresearch.com/articles/nukewa.htm) ~ A review of conventional & cold fusion methods to remediate nukey-poo to stable or short-life isotopes. See also: Nuclear Waste Remediation Patents (http://www.rexresearch.com/coldfusn/nukwast.htm) ...