View Full Version : STRANGE Occurrences???

20th June 2011, 06:06 AM
Things have seemed generally calm and usual for me over the last few months. No real odd things outside of the world coming apart... I noticed no bizarre number combinations out of the usual.

Then, last week, two things happened. On different days I was driving in my car, and got a tune in my mind. I started to hum it and turned on the radio. Within a few seconds, THAT song started. The first time it happened I ignored the coincidence. The second time made me take notice. These were not common songs... but odd ones from the 70's and 80's.

Ever wish you could get a "do-over"? Go back in time and do things right? Well, here you are. Start doing things right TODAY. This IS your do-over.

Anyone else experiencing something strange?

20th June 2011, 06:31 AM
That has happened to me more times than I can count. Nothing recent though

20th June 2011, 06:47 AM
I agree - no matter what your experiences in life, they become the sum of your parts. Every morning when I wake up now I realize that what I did the day before was then and today is now. We are the sum of our parts. It is always an evolution, but only if people recognize the reset is built-in instead of thinking they can engineer it. The "do-over" is more about finding the will to accept truth than attempting to create it. "Doing things right" is not a cliche - it should be a personal discipline. The forces at work are more powerful than the superficial existence most people take for granted. It is far better to see the opportunity of changing today than accept the futility of not changing as a personal comfort zone and enabling your own slavery.

20th June 2011, 07:02 AM
every once in awhile, i think about a " one time " do-over

if i could go back to one time in my life and take the other path

20th June 2011, 07:09 AM
That has happened to me more times than I can count.

Yup, to me too. Often times called 'intuition'. EVERYONE has it, but men especially tend to ignore/mock/dismiss it.

What I do see lately, are occurances of news events repeating & sometimes becoming more serious. A little mention of 'unrest' & then I'm seeing similiar reports all across the country. Or overseas. And then mysteriously (?) falling off the news wires.

The Missouri nuclear plants is a big concern lately, hidden in plain sight. They shut down (or reduced capacity) for 'maintenance'. The rains/floodwaters start creeping in. But little to no mention of the plant concerns/functionality.

And no updates.

I don't know, other than to be ever viligant & keep your ears to the ground. (but don't get run over!!)

20th June 2011, 07:13 AM
every once in awhile, i think about a " one time " do-over

if i could go back to one time in my life and take the other path

That would change the future for everyone in the whole world.

Does every time we have to make a choice create another (alt)Universe where things are similar with the same people?

Maybe I watch to much "Fringe".8)

20th June 2011, 07:23 AM
Yup, to me too. Often times called 'intuition'. EVERYONE has it, but men especially tend to ignore/mock/dismiss it.

What I do see lately, are occurances of news events repeating & sometimes becoming more serious. A little mention of 'unrest' & then I'm seeing similiar reports all across the country. Or overseas. And then mysteriously (?) falling off the news wires.

The Missouri nuclear plants is a big concern lately, hidden in plain sight. They shut down (or reduced capacity) for 'maintenance'. The rains/floodwaters start creeping in. But little to no mention of the plant concerns/functionality.

And no updates.

I don't know, other than to be ever viligant & keep your ears to the ground. (but don't get run over!!)

I've been too wrapped up in the news lately. I keep tabs on what's going on but don't let it overtake my life anymore.

20th June 2011, 03:11 PM
I agree - no matter what your experiences in life, they become the sum of your parts. Every morning when I wake up now I realize that what I did the day before was then and today is now. We are the sum of our parts. It is always an evolution, but only if people recognize the reset is built-in instead of thinking they can engineer it. The "do-over" is more about finding the will to accept truth than attempting to create it. "Doing things right" is not a cliche - it should be a personal discipline. The forces at work are more powerful than the superficial existence most people take for granted. It is far better to see the opportunity of changing today than accept the futility of not changing as a personal comfort zone and enabling your own slavery.

It is foolish to want to be in another place, because here we are, now.

7th trump
20th June 2011, 05:06 PM
Things have seemed generally calm and usual for me over the last few months. No real odd things outside of the world coming apart... I noticed no bizarre number combinations out of the usual.

Then, last week, two things happened. On different days I was driving in my car, and got a tune in my mind. I started to hum it and turned on the radio. Within a few seconds, THAT song started. The first time it happened I ignored the coincidence. The second time made me take notice. These were not common songs... but odd ones from the 70's and 80's.

Ever wish you could get a "do-over"? Go back in time and do things right? Well, here you are. Start doing things right TODAY. This IS your do-over.

Anyone else experiencing something strange?
In my younger days I used to be able, from out of the blue, think about an old movie and wala its on television. Got about 14 years old and it stopped.