View Full Version : Prestigious doctor: US nuclear 'Baby valley of death,' Millions to die

20th June 2011, 05:14 PM
Dr. Mark Sircus bearer of tragic radiation news

Sunday, the prestigious Doctor Mark Sircus released a new report concurring with a host of scientists and other doctors giving evidence that people of Japan and United States have been subjected to dangerous levels of radiation since Fukushima nuclear plant meltdowns, and also subjected to a tight cover-up by authorities and media, the result of which will be millions of baby deaths and new cancer victims. Japanese and American children are already suffering with symptoms that appear to be the first signs of Radiation Sickness.

"Finally, three months later, we are getting some numbers on what the real dangers are. And finally we can begin to understand the enormous cover-up of the nuclear doom that is reaching lungs all over the west coast of America, Canada, Alaska, Hawaii and at least half of Japan!" stated Dr. Mark Sircus.

Dr. Sircus Ac., OMD, is director of International Medical Veritas Association (IMVA) http://www.imva.info/. He was trained in acupuncture and oriental medicine at Institute of Traditional Medicine in Sante Fe, N.M., and at the School of Traditional Medicine of New England in Boston. He served at the Central Public Hospital of Pochutla in Mexico, and was awarded the title of doctor of oriental medicine for his work including one of the first nationally certified acupuncturists in the U.S. Dr. Sircus's IMVA is dedicated to unifying various disciplines in medicine with the goal of creating a new dawn in healthcare.
"For infants, it’s a terrible valley of death we have created for them." says Dr. Sircus. "As we shall see for years, all of them have been born with already polluted bloodstreams and now, the very young ones are dying in greater numbers on the west coast of the United States since Fukushima blew up."

No way to avoid tiny hot particles

"After the first week, officials had enough information to call for evacuation of a wide area in Japan and also Hawaii, Alaska and the entire west coast of North America," said Dr. Sircus.

All of northern Japan and the U.S. west coast should have been evacuated according to Dr. Sircus, admittedly "as impossible as evacuating the entire planet or the entire northern hemisphere."

"Avoiding exposure is always the best plan but there is no way to avoid breathing in air contaminated with tiny hot particles. Inhalation issues are much more frightening than ingestion issues because you can pick and choose what you eat and drink but you can't buy bottled air."

"Nuclear Toxicity Syndrome," one of the books authored by Dr. Sircus, is about "how to survive in nuclear and chemical hell," he says. Dr. Sircus, a founding guide of Gulf Coast Barefoot Doctors, deliverers of Detox Survival Kits to hundreds of Gulf Of Mexico BP oil and Corexit poisoned survivors.

Echoing the frustration of many Gulf of Mexico "barefoot doctors" and other volunteers since the BP oil catastrophe there over a year ago, Dr. Sircus states that "one cannot do what is necessary to survive hell if a person doesn’t know they are living in one." The problem is that, due to the media blackout on environmental hazards associated with non-renewable energy big business, relatively few people know the hell Gulf Coast people are enduring. Many Gulf Coast residents continue to attribute ongoing illness to a persistent "flu." Just as more people are doing today in relation to Fukushima radiation, many Gulf Coast residents remain in denial that Gulf of Mexico radiation from seeping oil and antibiotic resistant bacteria from the dispersant Corexit are lethal and government has not helped them. This is why Dr. Sircus and many health professionals contributed to the work of Mr. Jeff Rense for his book, "Coming Clean: From Denial to Detox" that he freely offers to save lives.

Despite mixed reports from officials and media about the vulnerability of United States nuclear plants threatened by flooding, Dr. Sircus highlights, "It just keeps getting worse by the day, and now we have Fort Calhoun nuclear plant outside Omaha, Nebraska on emergency alert as first fire and now flooding threatens to overwhelm yet another nuclear facility."

"We knew nuke power plants were bad news, but who would think they would build them on fault lines or in flood zones?" he asks.

Should US West Coast residents be worried?

While people like Arnie Gundersen have tiptoed the answer to whether west coasters should be worried about Fukushima fallout, Dr. Sircus answered more bluntly:

"I am afraid I will have to be brutally honest and be the bearer of really terrible news. The information coming out about hot particle concentrations near Fukushima, Tokyo, and now Seattle tell us that not only should all those populations be worrying but their governments should have been issuing evacuation orders months ago."

"Because of the jet stream in April, after the large explosions that destroyed three reactor buildings, it was as dangerous in Seattle and much of the west coast of North America as in Tokyo." (Emphasis added)

According to Dr. Sircus, the average Tokyo resident is thought to have inhaled 10 “hot particles” per day throughout April 2011. Inhabitants of Fukushima were estimated to have inhaled 30-40 times more than that—up to 400 hot particles per day every day that month.

In Seattle, WA, it is estimated that the average person absorbed five “hot particles” per day during April 2011, or 10 “hot particles” per day if athletes working out.

"These invisible atomic particles become lodged in your lungs, intestines, bone or muscle."

Being very conservative and saying this has dropped to even one a day "would still be 30 of these death particles a month, approximately 200 radioactive particles into their lungs and other tissues by now.

"When you think that if even one of these 200 is plutonium," states Dr. Sircus, "we have to think in terms of millions of eventual cancer deaths."


20th June 2011, 08:06 PM
No worries, thanks to our advanced technology, the same technology that automatically makes us superior to all brown people and third worlders, we have chemotherapy and radiation therapy.

21st June 2011, 06:11 AM
i think i'll keep working on my Fukushima-free compost pile, for next year's gardens.

i bought 19 cans of pre-Fukushima canned salmon at a garage sale for $1 each on Saturday.

guess i'll keep stocking up !

21st June 2011, 06:28 AM
"Finally, three months later, we are getting some numbers on what the real dangers are.

I hate it when they say there are numbers, and then there are no numbers following...

21st June 2011, 06:51 AM
perhaps it is just me, but when I read that "numbers" part, I attributed that reference to A) the stats about hot particles (fuel fleas) in Seattle vs Tokyo readings mentioned priorly by Nuke Eng. Arnie Gunderson, and B) the sudden jump in infant mortality under 2 weeks of age released just this last week by medical researcher, w/r/t pre-3/11 and post 3/11 in just Pennsylvania, 3) the horrendously large becquerels of various isotopes released reports currently coming out of Japan. The predicate in this sentence is "after 100 days." Those are the most recent statistical updates of note at the point of 100 days.

I do agree with you that it could be more clear. Sometimes the "editor" is on extended coffee break, yes?


21st June 2011, 07:36 AM
there was an article that said there was a rise in infant mortality in the US the last 3 months.

can't find the URL right this second but - interesting & tragic correlation.

21st June 2011, 07:59 AM
Fukushima nuclear disaster and a major spike in the U.S. infant mortality rate!

Physician Janette Sherman, M.D. and epidemiologist Joseph Mangano published a report (http://www.progressiveradionetwork.com/health-headlines/2011/6/13/janette-d-sherman-md-and-joseph-mangano-is-the-dramatic-incr.html) Monday highlighting a 35% spike in northwest infant mortality after Japan's (http://www.q13fox.com/topic/intl/japan-PLGEO000001.topic) nuclear meltdown (http://www.q13fox.com/topic/disasters-accidents/nuclear-accidents/2011-japan-nuclear-emergency-EVAAD00002.topic). The report spotlighted data from the CDC (http://www.q13fox.com/topic/health/diseases-illnesses/u.s.-centers-for-disease-control-prevention-ORGOV000011.topic)'s Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report on infant mortality rates in eight northwest cities, including Seattle, in the 10 weeks after Fukushima's (http://www.q13fox.com/topic/intl/japan/fukushima-prefecture-%28japan%29/fukushima-%28fukushima-japan%29-PLGEO1001007014111648.topic) nuclear meltdown.
The average number of infant deaths for the region moved from an average of 9.25 in the four weeks before Fukushima' nuclear meltdown, to an average of 12.5 per week in the 10 weeks after. The change represents a 35% increase in the northwest's infant mortality rates.

In comparison, the average rates for the entire U.S. rose only 2.3%." (Q13Fox.com (http://www.q13fox.com/news/kcpq-northwest-sees-35-infant-mortality-spike-postfukushima-20110617,0,5968165.story))
So while human interest stories dominate the airwaves, keep in the backs of your minds that the crisis at Fukushima in Japan is not over. No matter how little attention it is getting!

From The Political Commentator (http://politicsandfinance.blogspot.com/2011/06/fukushima-nuclear-disaster-and-major.html) written by Michael Haltman


21st June 2011, 09:56 AM
Here it is gunny.

Is Iodine-131 Killing Babies In Philly? (video on link)

June 17, 2011
......Joseph Mangano is is the executive director of the Radiation And Public Health Project in New York, which is made of up scientists and health professionals.


Statistically significant 48% increase in a formerly decreasing infant mortality rate over last 6 years. Dr. Mangano and the Pennsylvania soaring mortality rate of newborns under 2 weeks of age, before 3/11 and post 3/11


mick silver
21st June 2011, 12:33 PM
ponce what reading are you getting when you live ... someone on here said million will die

21st June 2011, 03:18 PM
Millions will die and as to numbers forget it,this newspaper wanted to do tests but no one was interested......story at link...
Get into that miso soup...


21st June 2011, 04:51 PM
Millions will die and as to numbers forget it,this newspaper wanted to do tests but no one was interested......story at link...
Get into that miso soup...


i think the farmer woman who wanted to test her farm could get her soil or water tested using an outside agency.

but i'm not motivated enough to email her with the name of one.

it really does sound like there is a Top Down decision that has been made, that The Troops have been ordered to ignore the effects of Fukushima.

the private testing companies the Farmer lady contacted, most likely she talked to sales. given that their job is to SELL STUFF, namely the testing service and the time of the lab equipment & staff who knows how to run it - why would they turn down a PAYING CUSTOMER ?!

it wasn't like she was saying, "i want you to test my soil & water & produce for free."

i smell a skunk, and it's not the skunk in my freezer ! :-)

21st June 2011, 11:32 PM
like with BP/Gulf Op, it's slow kill, disaster warfare, depopulation, "Silent Weapons for Quiet Wars"....

US Orders News Blackout Over Crippled Nebraska Nuclear Plant (http://www.pakalertpress.com/2011/06/17/us-orders-news-blackout-over-crippled-nebraska-nuclear-plant)

Posted on Pakalert (http://www.pakalertpress.com/author/admin/) on June 17, 2011 // 4 Comments (http://www.pakalertpress.com/2011/06/17/us-orders-news-blackout-over-crippled-nebraska-nuclear-plant/#comments)

22nd June 2011, 07:52 AM
like with BP/Gulf Op, it's slow kill, disaster warfare, depopulation, "Silent Weapons for Quiet Wars"....

US Orders News Blackout Over Crippled Nebraska Nuclear Plant (http://www.pakalertpress.com/2011/06/17/us-orders-news-blackout-over-crippled-nebraska-nuclear-plant)

Posted on Pakalert (http://www.pakalertpress.com/author/admin/) on June 17, 2011 // 4 Comments (http://www.pakalertpress.com/2011/06/17/us-orders-news-blackout-over-crippled-nebraska-nuclear-plant/#comments)

By: Sorcha Faal, and as reported to her Western Subscribers


22nd June 2011, 11:40 PM
By: Sorcha Faal, and as reported to her Western Subscribers


it's too bad pakalert ran with it. normally they have so much good, well-sourced/documented doom porn.

Additionally, from the other thread on this Sorcha piece,

woopsie daisy! ::)

The Sorcha-as-source factor slipped by me - I shoulda known right away, the sourcing of faceless Russian alphabet bureaucracies, no persons sourced, classic Sorcha. Ditto wrt references to "the IAEA" and "the Obummer regime" - faceless organizations, no specifically identifiable persons named anywhere [dismissing Obummer as an empty suit of course].

As always with Sorcha's stuff though, it sort of "rings true" with what our senses tell us is the case. There is plainly global ZioStream Media (ZSM) complicity in the various slow-kill "disaster warfare" ops TPTB are running worldwide presently - their ZSM plays the role of pumping out disinfo, omission/blackout, misdirection, ridicule/"marginalization" (see my sig) of the truth tellers, etc. The global ZSM is an integral component in the "Silent Weapons for Quiet Wars" depopulation era we're in, with gummits genociding their own & innocents worldwide, & telling us it's all accidental.

Conspicuous in this Sorcha piece is:

"... the Obama regime has ordered a “total and complete” news blackout relating to any information regarding ..."

^^^ LOLs, gives "the Obummer regime" credit for being capable of telling their bosses' global ZSM propaganda apparatus what to do, ;D

"Sorcha" occupies an interesting place in the disinfo stream though, sort of like ZioLeaks... if you open the link to this "...blackout" piece,
you see it's peppered with links to real stories which sew together a real picture of deception & betrayal by gummit/ZSM.

I also recall an intriguing Sorcha story last Feb suggesting that a fed judge was the real target of the AZ/congresswoman shooting, again with embedded links which went all sorts of interesting places.

SorchaCo's obligatory protests at being persecuted by real disinfo agents, lol,

[Ed. Note: Western governments and their intelligence services actively campaign against the information found in these reports so as not to alarm their citizens about the many catastrophic Earth changes and events to come, a stance that the Sisters of Sorcha Faal (http://www.whatdoesitmean.com/index738.htm) strongly disagrees with in believing that it is every human beings right to know the truth. Due to our missions conflicts with that of those governments, the responses of their ‘agents’ against us has been a longstanding misinformation/misdirection campaign designed to discredit and which is addressed in the report “Who Is Sorcha Faal? (http://www.whatdoesitmean.com/whoissorcha.htm)”.]

22nd June 2011, 11:51 PM
Here it is gunny.

Is Iodine-131 Killing Babies In Philly? (video on link)

June 17, 2011
......Joseph Mangano is is the executive director of the Radiation And Public Health Project in New York, which is made of up scientists and health professionals.


Statistically significant 48% increase in a formerly decreasing infant mortality rate over last 6 years. Dr. Mangano and the Pennsylvania soaring mortality rate of newborns under 2 weeks of age, before 3/11 and post 3/11


Radiation cover-up: Fox pulls Mangano radiated Pa baby death rise 48% story (http://www.examiner.com/human-rights-in-national/radiation-cover-up-fox-pulls-mangano-radiated-pa-baby-death-rise-48-story)

June 18, 2011 5:40 pm ET

http://cdn2-b.examiner.com/sites/default/files/styles/profile_large/hash/65/8c/658c44fa7677c314fb59aa59c4a81797.687.JPG (http://www.examiner.com/human-rights-in-national/deborah-dupre) Deborah Dupre (http://www.examiner.com/human-rights-in-national/deborah-dupre)

Fox News has removed its report on a 48% rise in infant mortality in Pennsylvania relating to Fukushima nuclear event, as reported by radiation expert, Joseph Mangano. (http://www.examiner.com/human-rights-in-national/exclusive-americans-to-pay-price-of-radiation-untruths) This article removal is leading some people to attribute the media act to the ongoing cover-up of Fukushima's lethality that experts have said was happening (http://www.examiner.com/human-rights-in-national/nuclear-whistleblowers-stop-lying-about-fukushima) and placing Americans at risk since first days of the Japanese event. Radiation specialists have stated that leaders have lied to the public during previous nuclear events, (http://www.examiner.com/human-rights-in-national/exclusive-americans-to-pay-price-of-radiation-untruths) only to reverse positions later when research proved injuries and deaths caused by radiation. (http://www.examiner.com/human-rights-in-national/eight-horrid-radiation-sickness-signs)
As evidenced in the still online Youtube video, "IS IODINE-131 KILLING BABIES IN PHILADELPHIA? - INFANT DEATHS UP 48% SINCE REACTOR 3 EXPLOSION (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sMV4p6RS1c8&feature=share)" based on the FOX News report, "Is Iodine-131 Killing Babies In Philly?," Joseph Mangano, (http://www.examiner.com/human-rights-in-national/american-women-paying-highest-price-for-fukushima-cover-up-35-baby-death-rate) executive director of Radiation and Public Health Project recently stated that the death rate among babies is up 48 percent since Iodine-131 was found in Philadelphia's drinking water after the Fukushima nuclear power plant meltdowns began.
Mangano, who had previously highlighted in an Examiner interview that baby deaths have increased 35% in northwest United States since the Fukushima nuclear event began, said this week that this radiation combined with higher levels of iodine that the EPAQ found in Philadelphia’s water two months ago might be killing young babies.
'Noise Attack' Courtesy of Kevin MacLeod uploaded a video on Youtube, "* MEDIA FAIL * - FOX REMOVES STORY - IS IODINE-131 KILLING BABIES IN PHILADELPHIA (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0pum9ua2v9Q&feature=share).


On March 27, Dupré reported that radiation experts were publicly stating to government and media, "Stop lying about Fukushima fallout."

Japan's Fukushima nuclear radiation has been found in the drinking water in 14 US cities (http://blog.alexanderhiggins.com/2011/06/17/2011/04/09/epa-finds-japan-nuclear-radiation-milk-epa-limits-drinking-water-13-citie-15838/).

Quick to condemn the messenger, however, are people leaving comments below Dupré's articles, mainly targeting her and Mangano. (See comments following the article, "Am women pay highest price for Fukushima cover-up: 35% more dead babies (http://www.examiner.com/human-rights-in-national/american-women-paying-highest-price-for-fukushima-cover-up-35-baby-death-rate)."
On Thursday, when discussing the raw nerve hit by reporting Fukushima radiation related facts and that readers have left discrediting comments (http://www.examiner.com/human-rights-in-national/american-women-paying-highest-price-for-fukushima-cover-up-35-baby-death-rate) about the Mangano and Sherman research below the Examiner article about it, Mangano stated to Dupré what he detailed in the interview with him (http://www.examiner.com/human-rights-in-national/exclusive-americans-to-pay-price-of-radiation-untruths), "Remember that all through the atomic era, we've had leaders lie to us on low dose radiation effects, only to reverse their position later."

Note: Comments have been mysteriously removed from below the article about the Examiner interview with Joseph Mangano (http://www.examiner.com/human-rights-in-national/american-women-paying-highest-price-for-fukushima-cover-up-35-baby-death-rate). Comments that are questioning the science reported by Mangano and Sherman remain under the article. Comments missing are those made by Mangano, replies to people questioning the report cited in the article . This matter is under investigation and will be reported as soon as possible.
Deborah Dupré welcomes emails at info@DeborahDupre.com and urges readers to leave comments below the article about 8 signs of radiation sickness. (http://www.examiner.com/human-rights-in-national/eight-horrid-radiation-sickness-signs) Remaining in the dark about these signs, or in denial, hurts more than self. Honestly sharing accounts for the common good could save suffering, indeed lives.

Suggested by the author:

Exclusive: Expert: Americans will likely pay for Fukushima radiation deception (http://www.examiner.com/human-rights-in-national/exclusive-americans-to-pay-price-of-radiation-untruths)
Exclusive Karl Grossman interview: Fukushima Fallout over US Censored News (http://www.examiner.com/human-rights-in-national/exclusive-karl-grossman-interview-censored-fukushima-fallout-us-news)
Nuclear whistleblowers: Stop lying about Fukushima (http://www.examiner.com/human-rights-in-national/nuclear-whistleblowers-stop-lying-about-fukushima)
8 radiation sickness signs (Slideshow) (http://www.examiner.com/human-rights-in-national/eight-horrid-radiation-sickness-signs)
Am women pay highest price for Fukushima cover-up: 35% more dead babies (http://www.examiner.com/human-rights-in-national/american-women-paying-highest-price-for-fukushima-cover-up-35-baby-death-rate)