View Full Version : Calhoun Dry Cask Spent Fuel Modules Now Half-Submerged

21st June 2011, 01:14 AM
Calhoun Dry Cask Spent Fuel
Modules Now Half-Submerged
From Tom Burnett

A nod to Arthur Hu for finding the dry-storage bunker, half-submerged OUTSIDE the condom. It's the smaller brown building adjacent to the white tank at the right of this picture. I still don't know where the fuel pool is...it's in the open ground somewhere...but we'll get there.

That's the only structure that looks like the 2nd photo which shows them being inserted into round holes in the side.


21st June 2011, 01:47 AM
The news just keeps getting better and better.

21st June 2011, 04:29 AM
Just to put everyone's minds at ease, Dry Fuel Storage casks are built tough, and liquid tight.
They are essentially giant bucket with walls that are 2 foot think concrete, encased in heavy duty metal and welded shut.
They are liquid tight, air tight, almost unbreachable.

I mere flood is not going to effect the integrity of the storage casks. If one was crushed in an earthquake and opened up, then you would have a reason to worry, but no issues with a flood afaic.