View Full Version : Los Angeles schools ditch corn dogs, chicken nuggets after battle with Jamie Oliver's

21st June 2011, 02:41 AM
(NaturalNews) If you've been watching Jamie Oliver's show, Food Revolution, you know he's been battling the Los Angeles School Board for months now. The show may be canceled but his efforts have proved fruitful, as the L.A. School Board has finally agreed to remove corn dogs, chicken nuggets and all other breaded items from the schools' menu.

These items will be replaced by new, more healthier choices such as California sushi rolls and spinach tortellini in butternut squash sauce, as well as a variety of ethnic foods. With a delicious menu like that, it's hard to imagine why the board has been so resistant.

This change is fast on the heels of the school board's decision to stop serving flavored milks (chocolate and strawberry), a hot button topic of Oliver's, who's committed to campaigning against childhood obesity in America.

In one of the first episodes of Season 2's Food Revolution, he demonstrated exactly how much sugar L.A. school kids are consuming in just one week by filling up a school bus with processed sugar, until it was literally seeping out the windows and onto the parking lot.

School board member Tamar Galatzan said: "I really don't understand why we're letting a TV chef dictate our policy. I think we are demonizing milk." Even the American Heart Association claims that the nutritional benefits of flavored milk outweigh the harm of added sugar, but as Jamie Oliver keeps saying, "Why can't we do better?" There's no excuse for accepting the status quo when it results in a near epidemic of diseases related to unhealthy eating habits.

The top five disease-related causes of deaths in America are heart disease, cancer, stroke, chronic lower-respiratory disease and diabetes, all of which are significantly influenced by diet, particularly diabetes.

According to the Institute of Food Technologists, just over seven in 10 meals (72%) are now prepared in the home, whereas in 2006 less than 30% of Americans cooked their own dinners. The economy is being attributed to this trend change rather than a desire for healthier foods, but the result is still a step in the right direction.

However, in 2010, selecting groceries with the intent to prepare nutritious meals was a priority for food shoppers, second only to taste. Food education, teaching children where food comes from and how it affects our bodies as well as how to cook healthy meals in the home is a big part of Oliver's revolution.

The war is not over, but a significant battle has surely been won. Now that some schools are recognizing the importance of better nutrition hopefully others will follow suit. In fact, Fergus Falls Public School system in Minnesota is just one of many who are finally realizing that the foods they're serving are not healthy.

"This is a giant step forward for the health and future of 680,000 kids in Los Angeles and leads the way for more school districts around the country to follow," said Oliver. As with all progress in the school systems, change starts at home. It's the parents that need to fight for their children's health and welfare.

It was the parents and the children speaking out for their desire for a Food Revolution, which really shifted the tides in the battle for a healthier menu in L.A. schools, and the only way positive change will take place in the rest of the school systems throughout the U.S


21st June 2011, 10:27 AM
Growing up as a kid in LA county in the 70's we ate all kinda of great greasy school food. Corndogs, Pizza, Deep fried burritos, and all kinds of tasty stuff that I could remember. Funny thing is that I don't remember any of my classmates, except for maybe one or two that would only be considered "heavy" by todays standards, as being "fat". Most of us were downright skinny.

I don't think making kids eat Sushi is going to fix the problem.

willie pete
21st June 2011, 10:37 AM
Growing up as a kid in LA county in the 70's we ate all kinda of great greasy school food. Corndogs, Pizza, Deep fried burritos, and all kinds of tasty stuff that I could remember. Funny thing is that I don't remember any of my classmates, except for maybe one or two that would only be considered "heavy" by todays standards, as being "fat". Most of us were downright skinny.

I don't think making kids eat Sushi is going to fix the problem.

I think the difference now and when you and I were a kid is the activity level in general, back then we did eat a lot of crap, but we were out "working" it off; now days the kids eat that, then come home and go on-line or play Wii or WoW

I saw one of his shows, didn't like it very much 'cause I don't particularly care for his delivery, but it showed him at the LA County school board meetings, and to look at the board members...they all looked like a bunch of opinionated assholes...lol Ex.: "School board member Tamar Galatzan said: "I really don't understand why we're letting a TV chef dictate our policy." Well, because you're policy IS flawed...

Shorty Harris
21st June 2011, 11:11 AM
Yeah, I have to agree with Willie. I was a product of the LAUSD (The Valley)back in the 70's, up until we moved to Portland in 76. But we had one fat kid that I could remember. Everybody made fun of him and picked on him. Just one! But we were always outside playing Baseball, Football, Riding Bikes, Playing smear the queer & other games that young guys play before they actually Discover girls.

If we were ever in the house you could bet that it wouldn't take long before somebodies mother would shoo us out to go raise hell someplace else.

Ive stated this before, I think back on the ol' GIM..I think the main reason is that everybody is so preoccupied with the evilness that is "outside" We have raised a nation of Pussies. Afraid of their own shadows. Kidnap, rape, murder..the local perv WILL get ya if you spend too much time outside. I mean why the hell should kids these days venture out when they have the whole world at their fingertips? TPTB has conveniently made so virtually no one has to go outside for anything, and now with all the work from home and the advent of the home office..why bother going outside.

The bottom line is this..the only way one becomes obese is to consume more calories that what is burnt during activity and exercise. Then take into consideration the amount of crap that is in our so called food now a days..and the fear factor of actually being outdoors with the rest of society.. its no wonder we are the most obese nation on the planet.

21st June 2011, 01:53 PM
Yeah, I have to agree with Willie. I was a product of the LAUSD (The Valley)back in the 70's, up until we moved to Portland in 76. But we had one fat kid that I could remember. Everybody made fun of him and picked on him. Just one! But we were always outside playing Baseball, Football, Riding Bikes, Playing smear the queer & other games that young guys play before they actually Discover girls.

If we were ever in the house you could bet that it wouldn't take long before somebodies mother would shoo us out to go raise hell someplace else.

Ive stated this before, I think back on the ol' GIM..I think the main reason is that everybody is so preoccupied with the evilness that is "outside" We have raised a nation of Pussies. Afraid of their own shadows. Kidnap, rape, murder..the local perv WILL get ya if you spend too much time outside. I mean why the hell should kids these days venture out when they have the whole world at their fingertips? TPTB has conveniently made so virtually no one has to go outside for anything, and now with all the work from home and the advent of the home office..why bother going outside.

The bottom line is this..the only way one becomes obese is to consume more calories that what is burnt during activity and exercise. Then take into consideration the amount of crap that is in our so called food now a days..and the fear factor of actually being outdoors with the rest of society.. its no wonder we are the most obese nation on the planet.

^ This. I think one thing that adds to people being preoccupied with the evil that is "outside" is the good ole local news. It gives people a siege mentality. Living on the edge of a large city is see this all the time, until I cut the T.V. over a year ago that is :) The regular line up is this: Murder, Murder, House Fire, Murder, Car Accident, then maybe a Pedophile on the loose, Sports, Weather. And believe me, the sports and weather were just as depressing as the rest :)

21st June 2011, 02:43 PM
"For the Children" is the battle cry of the modern day tyrant.

21st June 2011, 04:05 PM
Japan's School Lunches look fairly healthy:


21st June 2011, 04:49 PM