View Full Version : border crossing update

21st June 2011, 10:08 AM
i just got back from ontario. just thought i'd post a border crossing reality check.

crossing in to canada:

canadian border guard: hi. passports, please?

me: here you go:

cbg lady: okay, where are you guys from?

(we tell her)

cbg lady: okay, where are you going?

(we tell her)

cbg lady: purpose of your trip?

me: fishing.

cbg lady: any alcohol or tobacco on board?

(we tell her amount)

cbg lady: any pepper spray, mace, or firearms on board?

me: no.

cbg lady: okay guys, welcome to canada, and have a great trip!

coming back to united states...

us border guard lady: hi guys. got your passports handy?

me: here you go.

usbg lady: bringing anything back from canada?

me: just some fish.

usbg lady: how long were you guys in canada?

me: 5 days, up fishing + camping (i tell her where).

usbg lady: and where do you both live?

(we tell her)

usbg lady: okay guys, welcome home!

all in all, both crossings took less than 2 minutes, and both ladies were extremely polite. the united stated lady literally asked us 4 questions.

for what it's worth.

21st June 2011, 10:14 AM
Nice to hear. All I ever hear are stories that sound like old Soviet checkpoints, so it's nice to hear that they aren't all that way.

21st June 2011, 10:16 AM
Should have brought back more contraband. ;D

You could stuff a lot in some fish.


21st June 2011, 10:21 AM
You should have told me you were coming to Canada.

21st June 2011, 10:24 AM
i'll pm you next time i'm up. caught lots of walleyes, and 3 northern all over 41 inches (catch and release). canada, as always, polite + beautiful.

Shorty Harris
21st June 2011, 11:25 AM
Nice to hear. All I ever hear are stories that sound like old Soviet checkpoints, so it's nice to hear that they aren't all that way.

Naa, thats usually reserved for our southern border. But only if you are Amerikan, if you're of the Mexi..you get to come and go wherever and when ever ya like.

21st June 2011, 11:26 AM
Last time crossing over from Windsor to Detroit to the U.S. (circa 2003):

U.S. Border Guard: Country?
Me: Iowa.
U.S. Border Guard: I thought Iowa was a state.
Me: I believe you are mistaken.
U.S. Border Guard: Have a nice trip.

Twisted Titan
21st June 2011, 11:26 AM
I'm shocked

I had to read it 3 times to make sure.

sad comentary but it is what it is

21st June 2011, 11:42 AM
naa It was just one if palani's Jedi mind tricks. :P

21st June 2011, 12:02 PM
What body of water were you on if you don't mind me asking?

21st June 2011, 12:03 PM
naa It was just one if palani's Jedi mind tricks. :P

Three years ago I crossed into Mexico and back three times on my non-government ID (Matamoros area). Got to talk with U.S. border crossing guys each time. One guy told me how important his job was, guarding an international border, and I told him I had crossed 4 international borders to get to that point: Kansas, Oklahoma, Texas and Mexico.

21st June 2011, 12:16 PM
pakashkan lake, west and north of ontario near upsala.

21st June 2011, 12:45 PM
We went our spring walleye trip 3 weeks ago. North channel of lake huron no big pike but 20-30 walleyes per day easily. Only a couple fillets left in the freezer.

About the border crossing thing. Its funny some people I know get the gears everytime they cross on business. I guess as long as your towing a fishing boat theres no way you could be smuggling drugs or WMDs.

21st June 2011, 01:13 PM
i'll pm you next time i'm up. caught lots of walleyes, and 3 northern all over 41 inches (catch and release). canada, as always, polite + beautiful.

Ahh, that is a 24+hr drive for me Chad, so I doubt I'll be meeting you next time you come up.

21st June 2011, 02:03 PM
Ahh, that is a 24+hr drive for me Chad, so I doubt I'll be meeting you next time you come up.

well, if you can make it, i'll even pay for your crown land camping permits! :D

23rd June 2011, 12:01 AM
Sunday, June 19, 2011

The Architecture of Intimidation, Pt. 1: Detained at O'Hare (http://truthjihad.blogspot.com/2011/06/architecture-of-intimidation-pt-1.html)

http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-9DTGJdvkN3k/Tf6Ar1W4ofI/AAAAAAAAAno/gWR9Erschr0/s1600/piranesi.gif (http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-9DTGJdvkN3k/Tf6Ar1W4ofI/AAAAAAAAAno/gWR9Erschr0/s1600/piranesi.gif)

The Architecture of Intimidation, Pt. 1: Detained at O'Hare

by Kevin Barrett, http://www.TruthJihad.com (http://www.truthjihad.com/)

It seems I am back on the slow-fly list (http://www.mujca.com/nofly.htm).

Returning on Friday from my speaking tour of Belgium and Germany, (http://truthjihad.blogspot.com/2011/06/911-truth-talk-in-rotterdam-cologne.html) I was detained by the US Immigration and Naturalization* (sic) Service for roughly two hours. My colleague Dr. Suleyman Kurter and I had our passports confiscated as we attempted to clear Customs at the O'Hare Airport checkpoint. We were forced to remain seated, under observation, without the right to make a phone call or even to use any electronic devices such as telephone or laptop. So we were unable to notify the person who was picking us up that we had been detained. When we asked our captors why we were being held, they told us that they didn't know.

After about ninety minutes of false imprisonment under nonexistent pretext, we were summoned separately to submit to interrogations: What is your profession? Where do you work? How did you get that job? What were you doing in Europe? Where did you go? Who did you see? And so on.

There are basically two ways to deal with this situation. One is to say "Fuck you, this is the United States of America and I'm an American citizen who hasn't done anything wrong, so either charge me with a crime or let me go and kiss my ass." One drawback of this strategy, of course, is that the agents would undoubtedly decide to prove that they did indeed have the right to detain us as long as they wanted, and we'd probably end up sitting there till doomsday. The other strategy, the one I opted for, was to use the occasion as a teachable moment.

I told the interrogators that my profession is "currently unemployed college professor and 9/11 truth activist." They wanted to hear the details, so I obliged. They grew fascinated by my story, which probably is more interesting than what they usually get to hear in the course of their duties. When I got to the part about how I discovered the clear and obvious evidence that 9/11 was an inside job, and faced the choice about whether or not to try to do something about it, they asked what evidence I thought was strongest. I told them about Building 7 (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sxQFbflt8jI). One of the agents said he had heard that the owner of the World Trade Center was under suspicion. I gave them the rundown on Larry Silverstein, including his alleged mob connections, his close friendship with Netanyahu, his bizarre decision to buy the WTC just months before 9/11 when it was facing a ten-billion-dollar asbestos-removal court order, his doubling of the WTC terrorism insurance and changing it to cash-payout, his collection of five billion dollars from insurance companies and demands for over ten billion more, his apparent confession to demolishing WTC-7, and the fact that he and his family members always had breakfast at Windows to the World at the top of the North Tower except on 9/11, when Larry suddenly was reminded to visit his dermatologist...Meanwhile, I said, my friend William Rodriguez, the famous 9/11 hero and whistleblower, lost all his friends in Windows to the World that day.

The conversation somehow became exceedingly cordial, and I began to suspect that these guys were 9/11 truthers disguised as Customs agents! I ended up giving them DVDs of Blueprint for Truth (http://www.ae911truth.org/)and Sifting and Winnowing: Kevin Barrett at U.W.-Madison (the student-made documentary about my academic freedom struggle) and accepting their obviously sincere apologies. These guys, after all, were only doing their job. It was the higher-ups in DHS who had fingered us because we had been in Europe on a truth-speaking tour...and because we were Muslims. So much for freedom of speech and freedom of religion.

As we left O'Hare, I remembered a similar experience on the first leg of our journey. As we were going through security at O'Hare en route to Brussels, I told the DHS cops - as I always do - that I am morally allergic to carcinogenic naked body scanners, so go ahead and give me an enhanced patdown...but please get it over with quickly, because I am exceedingly ticklish, and I would hate to start rolling on the floor screaming in hysterical laughter during such a serious national security experience. But before I could get halfway through my rap, the DHS interrupted me with, "Sssshhh, don't tell anybody, the machines are out of order, just walk over there with the others." And lo and behold, he was right -- people were walking around, rather than through, the infernal machines!

Based on those two experiences at O'Hare, I think we are seeing a covert rebellion by ordinary low-level DHS and Customs agents, who are (understandably) tired putting up with the BS foisted on them by their superiors. The whole effort to turn airports into prison-like labyrinths of intimidation à la Piranesi, with multiple checkpoints, naked body scanners, mandatory partial disrobing (shoes and belts off -- oops, there go my pants!), and PA systems blaring that the threat level has just been raised to orange may be finally wearing out its welcome.

* * *

* The name suggests that immigrants can become "naturalized" citizens US. This is a very strange word to use in this context. What in the world is "natural" about this process or its result? Political borders themselves are entirely unnatural, as I learned at age four by crossing the border from Wisconsin into Iowa and discovering that there was no black line across the road and that even if Wisconsin was mostly green, Iowa was not as pink as the map would have you believe. And the idea that when people become US citizens they are "naturalized" -- it's almost as idiotic as believing that everything in Iowa is pink because the map says so! In reality, when people come to the land of the freeway and the home of the Braves, Indians, Redskins, and other athletic teams condescendingly named after genocide victims -- the land of squalid shopping malls, paved earth and almost-identical mcmansions sprawling across what once were fruited plains -- it would be more accurate to say they are becoming unnaturalized. That is, they are joining a culture that fears and loathes nature, including human nature, to the point that corpses are preserved semi-eternally in pancake makeup and formaldehyde, and the official national biological formation is the uniformly-trimmed lawn.
Posted by Kevin Barrett at 4:08 PM (http://truthjihad.blogspot.com/2011/06/architecture-of-intimidation-pt-1.html) 39 comments (http://truthjihad.blogspot.com/2011/06/architecture-of-intimidation-pt-1.html#comments)

23rd June 2011, 12:25 AM
The experience I had crossing from Canada in to the US was one of abuse and a fair bit of agro from US customs. My crime was to write that the hotel I was staying at was in Miami when in fact it was in FT Lauderdale. I'm not from Canada and I'm not from the US and I'm most definately not from Florida so how would I know? First and last visit to the US. The whole experience was extremely disappointing. Not just the customs people but the visit in general. I was so dismayed to see the reality how americans live. What their country was like and how poor the infrastructure was. There is no way I would trade places with an American. Sorry guys but I just wouldn't. At this point it probably doesn't matter. We will be reduced to that level as well. Probably within 10 years. Never mind me. Good to hear they are more relaxed these days.

23rd June 2011, 07:29 AM
pakashkan lake, west and north of ontario near upsala.

Up the Graham Rd. Nice area, specially at this time of year. Used to fish up there a bit but never hit Pak. Did you come across Int. Falls or Minn? Because by the tone of the b/g's, I would say you didn't come across the southern crossings. They woulda rubber gloved ya.

23rd June 2011, 07:32 AM
Up the Graham Rd. Nice area, specially at this time of year. Used to fish up there a bit but never hit Pak. Did you come across Int. Falls or Minn? Because by the tone of the b/g's, I would say you didn't come across the southern crossings. They woulda rubber gloved ya.

crossed at pigeon river, just south of thunder bay.

whole graham road area is SWEET. i probably spend at least 4 weeks a year somewhere on that road in a little un-named lake. try wawang sometime if you gt the chance, huge northerns. lady that runs it has a lock on the whole 5,000 acres, and she really enforces catch-and-release.

23rd June 2011, 11:04 AM
crossed at pigeon river, just south of thunder bay.

whole graham road area is SWEET. i probably spend at least 4 weeks a year somewhere on that road in a little un-named lake. try wawang sometime if you gt the chance, huge northerns. lady that runs it has a lock on the whole 5,000 acres, and she really enforces catch-and-release.

That road goes on forever. That is seriously large country in there. Lake after lake after lake. Wow. People in other parts of the world who have never been around that type of geography have no idea how much water there is up in those parts.

Now I want to go pickeral fishing, hahaha. I love that area.