View Full Version : Lindsey Williams on AJ says.....

22nd June 2011, 10:42 AM
Biggest oil rig ever to drill and open prudo bay alaska. Gal Island, gonna open up all over alaska because the elietes know when middle east oil flow to stop. Rig to drill 8 miles deep. make macondo look tiny. set stage for disaster. Rig company looks cool ...


22nd June 2011, 01:25 PM
It sounded like he's just back from a Bilderberg invite.

"Not too long till the Middle East Oil cut off (temporarily)." Not focused so much on Iran. "Backed off on five dollar gas for now."

Perhaps Lindsey is doing pennance for his 90's 'lots of oil' soothsaying.

"I would immediately get an oil rig [and head north]."

But a Chinese lift ship just dropped a small Spartan Drilling (New Orleans) rig off nearby for some Jone's Act repairs before it continues north to Alaska. 'Red tape likely played a role' (http://www2.canada.com/harbourcitystar/news/story.html?id=13ab193c-acb0-44ec-81cd-431975543321)

The art of the "Shipping News" is not dead it seems:

By 8:15 a.m. on Wednesday, the deck of the Kang Sheng Kou was sinking beneath the waves, making the vessel's wheelhouse look strangely disconnected from the ship. Stanchions looked equally out of place, poking up from the sea at the ship's submerged stern end.

Within an hour the words Kang Sheng Kou slip beneath the water. With the ship submerged more than five metres, the tugboat Raven pulled a line taught to start yanking the drilling rig away from the ship.

He says they are going to drill for the oil at Gull Island after a May 12 bill. Congress paid off. Will be sold to save us from Middle East cut off. Let me (Keehah) add this can only be timely for PR, not geting new oil to your gas tank.

Lindsy's earlier book gave numbers for Gull Island that would have been 3 years supply of oil. Things unfolding as predicted by many understanding Peak Oil. If development goes well they will be able to keep the Alaska pipeline running to replace the delpleing existing oil wells.

The flow has slowed through the trans-Alaska oil pipeline (http://articles.latimes.com/2010/aug/10/nation/la-na-alaska-oil-20100810)

And it's likely to keep declining over the next decade, possibly causing dangerous ice and corrosion problems and hampering delivery of North Slope oil to the rest of the U.S.
August 10, 2010|By Kim Murphy, Los Angeles Times

In 1977, one of the engineering marvels of the modern world made its debut: the trans-Alaska pipeline, 48 inches of steel traversing 800 miles, three mountain ranges and more than 800 rivers and streams.

In its heyday in the 1980s, the pipeline carried as much as 2.1 million barrels of oil a day from America's largest oil field at Prudhoe Bay to the port of Valdez. Alaska was transformed into a petro state with an oil savings account worth $33.3 billion.

Today, however, the pipeline is carrying only about 660,000 barrels of oil a day, and production from the North Slope's aging fields is set to steadily decline over the next decade.

What this means for the continued delivery of oil to the rest of the U.S. from Alaska is significant. Engineers have warned that the pipeline — the only means of delivery of North Slope oil — will develop potentially dangerous problems with corrosion and ice if flows drop below 500,000 barrels a day, as they are expected to within the next five to 10 years.

At 350,000 barrels a day, which pipeline operators say could happen by 2022, frost heaves could cause the underground portions of the pipeline to dangerously wrinkle and kink.

Already, oil that once took 4½ days to surge from Prudhoe Bay to Valdez now crawls through in 14 days, with flow rates slowed to 2 mph.

Upgrading the pipeline to handle lower flows is possible but will cost "hundreds of millions of dollars," according to officials from the Alyeska Pipeline Service Co., which manages the facility for the three major oil companies that own most of it.

Since closing down the pipeline means shutting off all North Slope oil — 14% of the nation's domestic production — Alyeska has been working to reengineer the structure and says it hopes to keep it operating through 2030.

Muslim Brothehood gets Middle East. Specifically said not Iran specifically. SA last. Going slower than planned.

"Approximate time for (National) debt default known."

Gold $3,000 silver $75-$100 in fall. Used to back new currency.

"What you hear on Alex Jones these days is exactly what they are telling me these days."

"Don't loose sleep over this... know what is going to happen and adjust to it."