View Full Version : Rupert Murdoch's media empire reveals unprecedented $8+ trillion SEC scandal

22nd June 2011, 05:53 PM
Several days ago, Steven Jones of Dow Jones Newswires – a News Corporation company – broke what may be the story of the Millennium, literally.

According to 69 recent SEC filings that have now “vanished”, a Texan by the name of Johnny Earl Satterwhite claims to hold over $8 trillion in public companies like Microsoft, Exxon Mobil and City National Bank, among others.

Jones also obtained documents that show Satterwhite falsely warranting his ownership of almost one trillion shares in Microsoft. This is 100% impossible, as Jones brilliantly notes:

That is about 1,500 times more than company co-founder Bill Gates owns, and, in fact, more than the 8.4 billion shares Microsoft has issued in its 36-year history. Satterwhite's filings on Exxon Mobil, City National Bancshares and other companies claim similar-sized stakes, which exceed the number of shares outstanding at those companies.

Ladies and gentlemen, a scandal far larger than Bernie Madoff has just been uncovered and this is one element of a much crazier narrative.

Satterwhite told Jones he filed these false documents for a “group of individuals” that “don't want it known who they are”. This is apparently no issue for criminally negligent officials at the SEC; Satterwhite said no one at the SEC ever questioned his blatantly untrue assertions.

In light of these developments, several elements of the dismissed multi-trillion dollar CMKM Diamonds lawsuit – exclusively pertaining to allegations of a naked short selling tsunami under the SEC’s watch – no longer sound like they’re from Mars. Vindication should now also emerge for the hardworking staff over at Deep Capture.

Meanwhile, later in Jones’ Pulitzer Prize-worthy report, he refers to an even murkier SEC scandal; this one dates back to 2005 and involves former heads of governments and a former Federal Reserve chairman:

[A] Canadian company called Apollo Publication Corp. filed to go public in a $3.6 billion offering it hoped would fund its ambitions to found an ‘Imperial of Earth’ with one language, one culture and one currency. The company claimed a star-studded board that included a former Canadian Prime Minister, several former U.S. presidents and ‘Al Greenspan.’ The SEC later alleged that Apollo Publication had misled investors.

Imperial of Earth sounds like it is from the circus of New World Order commentary. Beyond that – and more importantly – it also reeks of high treason against the Constitution of the United States.

I would like to applaud Dow Jones Newswires and News Corporation – by extension, this also means Rupert Murdoch and his senior staff – for allowing Steven Jones to inform the public about unprecedented official corruption in the United States. Indeed, this also proves that high-quality American journalism still exists.

At this juncture, federal prosecutors must uphold their sworn duties: at the very least, criminal negligence charges against current and former officials at the SEC must be pursued in order to restore confidence in our collapsing financial system. Criminal charges must also be filed against former US Presidents and anyone else engaging in massive fraud – which is akin to ongoing financial terrorism – around the world.

Otherwise, the situations in Greece and Spain will soon emerge in every nation under God. Should we descend into such chaos, the fate of Pazzi bankers and their political cronies may fall upon similarly-situated people in the world today. I do not under any circumstances wish to see that happen, but it may if we do not act now.

Ke$ha is right: “This place about to blow!”

The better solution for the future of mankind is The Great American Renaissance; our success can be recreated in every nation that is willing to follow suit.

Shady central banks and widespread corruption at the highest levels of governments are a thing of the past; we have the ability, here and now, to move forward peacefully. So let’s do it already.


11th July 2011, 01:51 AM
I thought I would nudge this thread in light of the NoTW revisited story.

It would be interesting if there was a link between this and his current problems.

11th July 2011, 02:18 AM
at this juncture, federal prosecutors must uphold their sworn duties: at the very least, criminal negligence charges against current and former officials at the SEC must be pursued in order to restore confidence in our collapsing financial system

Wouldn't that be kind of like the fire truck arriving at the scene of smouldering house embers and heroically hosing down the ashes to "restore" the house that burned down hours ago? Or the guilt-ridden highschool quarterback who tries to restore the prom-queen's virginity by saying "sorry babe" in the back of the limo after forcing himself upon her?

What a smokescreen of corruption and lies... NOBODY who is informed and paying attention is buying this shit any more... and the perpetrators aren't even TRYING to put on a plausibly believable act anyway! :(

11th July 2011, 02:41 AM
Seems like some people is trying to weigh down SEC with bogus filings, and thus stop real filings from being investigated. Pulitzer prize winning? More like aiding the criminals who are behind this... No doubt that SEC is not a star in bringing financial crime into prosecution, but this will only further weaken them.

11th July 2011, 05:15 AM
interesting thoughts. I agree the horse has bolted but to me that is still evidence of the crimes. Neuro, it sounds like you're are describing a kind of blocker move something like a football play. Disable the opposition by clogging the system.


Dear hedge funds, please naked short these pigs to death. Thank you.



@ Max Keiser (http://maxkeiser.com/2011/07/11/dear-hedge-funds-please-naked-short-these-pigs-to-death-thank-you/)

Twisted Titan
11th July 2011, 06:35 AM
When you deal in paper and digital instruments...........insanity like this is the rule and not the exception.

the biggest fish at the top of the foodchain are absolutel untouchable

Joe King
11th July 2011, 06:42 AM
the biggest fish at the top of the foodchain are absolutel untouchable
Well of course.

After all, even a good watch dog doesn't bite the hand that feeds it.
...and when the dogs food is corruption, well, you get the results we can all see.