View Full Version : The Jewish Stake in Third World Immigration - Dr. William Pierce

General of Darkness
22nd June 2011, 08:52 PM
Facts are facts.


25th June 2011, 12:52 PM
As I've said in the past, I was a follower of William Pierce for several years. His often academic analysis and conclusions about Jewish influence and social engineering were always worth personal examination and I learned a lot from him as a weekly American Dissident Voices listener. Pierce was the old guard, and regardless of the mistakes he made with the NA and its subsequent collapse he got the message out effectively.

Flashing forward (I moved on after his death in 2002 and Erich Gliebe took the reins) there were inconsistencies in Pierce's beliefs, most notable for me his position that 9/11 was the result of American support for Israel which I consider incorrect and believe to be a false flag by Israel through the American intelligence and military community. But regardless of these and other subplots to the NA legacy, Pierce provided the evidence and anyone that was willing to listen and think and draw their own conclusions on it was ahead of the pack.

This video is a good example of his work dissecting the Jewish position in society and its influences. You cannot dismiss the facts that immigration has an intentional negative effect on the west and is being manipulated for elite control in which Jews play a large (but not total) role. It's also interesting to look back on those times in the late 1990's vs. 2011 and where things are today. Pierce often said that the endgame was controlling people's minds and criminalizing thoughts and ideas. On that he was dead to rights.

25th June 2011, 01:13 PM
I haven't even posted anything hardcore about Jews and yet people can't handle
what you do post, mostly on NeoCons who are real people, identifiable,
committing real crimes, a total education on Jewish methods going way back,
people forget why Jews hate the Christians so much, because the Christians
persecuted the Jews, ROFL ! , RIGHT , you can post all sorts of nasty quotes
going way back, it has to do with the finger being pointed at them for all kinds
of nasty crimes, they truly are a den of thieves and civilization destroyers,
our ancestors knew that, they showed mercy on them, instead of mass murdering
them outright as they have done when in charge they let them go, like Spain,
only for them to regroup, posting more radical material on here, like quotes isn't
going to educate anyone, it comes across as hateful ramblings of crazy religious old men,
the education is posting why the attacks on them, identifying their behavior,
but it is very interesting to see what our ancestors had to say, just
recently I was reading St. John Chrysostom , some of the most brutal of quotes, and he is
right, in Europe Monarchs who were introduced to the Talmud in translations ordered all copies
burned, instead of doing the exact opposite, European man had too much decency,
and still does. It destroyed him.

More than a thousand years past from the time of St. John Chrysostom,
Dovtoevsky was the new anti semite who foretold the future, the Jews
did everything he predicted they would do.

Same goals, different methods are being used now. Instead of outward assault and mass murder
you have Fabian/Frankfurt/Marxist covert methods of destruction.

Twisted Titan
25th June 2011, 02:20 PM
they can talk out in the open like that because they fear nothing.

they are the living incarnate of the hegalian dialectic.

they complain about the immagration they commissioned in the first place.

I have said many times over 90% of your personal problem can be effectively traced backed to these sociopaths

25th June 2011, 04:45 PM
... European man had too much decency, and still does. It destroyed him.

That's an exceptionally true quote. The conflict between ethics and instinct really IS European man's weakness. Yet we believe that fairness and justice and honesty are values to extend to all even at our own peril. It simply doesn't work as history shows, and other than technical sophistication we are the same actors as a thousand years ago making the same mistakes. In a way evolution is unstoppable. Even if we had maintained purity of civilization there would eventually be decay. The window of time during which western man thrived has closed. In its place is a time of demolition both spiritual and mental forces are needed for.

The spot price of knowledge never goes down.

25th June 2011, 05:27 PM
What's going on in Israel:
