View Full Version : DogPlucky, pet damaged by frostbite gets four new mechanical paws.

23rd June 2011, 07:54 PM
Go to link for good photos...........

Meet Robomutt... The world's first bionic dogPlucky pet damaged by frostbite gets four new mechanical paws.

By Daily Mail Reporter

Last updated at 1:09 PM on 23rd June 2011

A dog who had all four of his paws amputated when he was just a puppy is going walkies once again, thanks to a brand new set of bionic legs.

Naki'o, a Red Heeler cattle dog, was abandoned in a frozen puddle and suffered such severe frostbite that he was left with just stumps to move about on.

His future was looking grim until veterinary surgeon Christie Tomlinson, who was looking for a playmate for her golden retriever, saw him at a Colorado rescue centre.

Walkies: Jaunty Naki'o can run and chase a ball again thanks to his amazing prosthetic legs
She said: 'I've always had a soft spot for animals with problems. I knew I had the skills and knowledge to be able to take care of him properly.

'I took him to work with me every day and was able to x-ray his legs regularly to see how they were developing.'

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At first Naki'o was small and light enough to hold himself up on his stumps without too much difficulty.
But as he grew and gained weight it became painful for him to walk, especially on hard surfaces.

'I felt so bad for him as his condition worsened,' said Christie.

'He is such a hyper and happy dog, but I was having to take him for walks in a stroller and carry him around.

'He couldn't be a normal dog, he couldn't lead the life he wanted.'

Stumped: Naki'o without his bionic legs. As he grew the stumps were not strong enough to hold him and he had to crawl on his tummy

Paw little thing: Naki'o suffered frostbite after being abandoned in a frozen puddle when he was a puppy
Eventually Naki'o had to crawl along on his tummy at home and at the clinic's daycare centre.
Then Christie heard about a company called Orthopets in Denver, Colorado.

Founded by husband and wife team Martin and Amy Kaufmann, Orthopets began when Martin saw that his experience in creating human orthotic devices could be adapted for animals.
'I felt it was barbaric that in the 20th century we were still amputating dogs' legs,' said Martin, who carried out the operation free of charge.

'I thought we should be using the technology used for humans on our pets.

'An animal is a much better patient than a human. They have drive, determination and they just won't quit.

'They don't feel sorry for themselves.'

Since undergoing the pioneering surgery Naki'o can leap and bound with the best of them.

Christie is amazed at her pet's motivation and joy for life.

'He was always a happy dog, but now he's much more confident,' she said.

Generous: Pioneering vet Martin Kaufmann attaches Naki'o's prosthetic paws in Denver, Colorado. He fitted the paws for free
'It's great to see him interact with other dogs at the park and play without a care.
'Naki'o can now not only chase after a ball with other dogs, but he can beat them to the catch!'

Orthopets is working to open clinics worldwide. As well as dogs, they have fitted cats, horses, llamas and a stork with state of the art prosthetics.

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2007272/Meet-Robomutt--The-worlds-bionic-legged-dog.html#ixzz1QC3kNIjq

23rd June 2011, 08:27 PM
Just shaking my head over this.

Put a bullet in the damn dog. The time and effort that was spent on this one dog could have been much better utilized. What a waste.

23rd June 2011, 09:39 PM
Here is a video of that dog running around.


24th June 2011, 06:38 AM
Just shaking my head over this.

Put a bullet in the damn dog. The time and effort that was spent on this one dog could have been much better utilized. What a waste.

true, it is a substantial expenditure of energy. what they expended on that dog could keep a Palestinian family, used to getting by with little, going for months.