View Full Version : Lasers eliminate nuclear radiation (fascinating!!)

Large Sarge
26th June 2011, 07:16 AM


DANGERS associated with radioactive waste, and the problems and huge expense of its disposal could soon end after a Scottish researcher discovered how to neutralize its harmful effects using light.

New research by a leading scientist at the University of Strathclyde could revolutionize the waning fortunes of the nuclear power industry -- restoring both political and public faith in an energy source that was once hailed as the future of clean, green energy.

Using a laser, Professor Ken Ledingham has successfully transformed one of the deadliest products of nuclear fission into inert matter in minutes.

The Vulcan laser, housed at the Rutherford Appleton Laboratory near Oxford, has enabled Prof Ledingham and his team to use nothing more than the focused energy contained in light to excite the nucleus of the iodine 129 isotope, with a radioactive half life of 15.7 million years.

When hit with laser light the isotope becomes totally inert and safe to handle in less than an hour.

If developed on a commercial scale the technology would transform nuclear power generation from a hazardous and prohibitively expensive means of power production by making it safer and cheaper, as well as opening a potentially huge lead for the UK.

It is forecast that such lasers could achieve pulse powers greater than the electrical power generated by all the world’s power plants combined. Laser driven nuclear power means that radioactive material can be dealt with on site.

Prof Ledingham said: "The question of transmutation of all radioactive waste is a long way down the track, probably ten to 20 years. The only way of doing this at present is by building huge accelerators. However, in the same time lasers will develop enormously and so there will be two players on the block."

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The following article arrived in my email today, by "coincidence"... Real good news!

Robert Nelson

This finding has not been verified. 8-9-03


Interesting basic research as seen below found at http://www.unibas.ch/epa/glossary/H.htm

Production of coherent radiation of frequency knu (k = 2, 3,..) from coherent radiation of frequency nu. In general, this effect is obtained through the interaction of laser light with a suitable optical medium with nonlinear polarizability. The case k=2 is referred to as frequency doubling, k = 3 is frequency tripling, k = 4 is frequency quadrupling. Even higher integer values of k are possible.

26th June 2011, 11:16 AM
This doesn't really surprise me... After all, the elites wouldn't unleash "Fuk-us-Shamelessly" reactor explosions upon the world without already having an anti-radiation cure for themselves!

General of Darkness
26th June 2011, 11:26 AM
This doesn't really surprise me... After all, the elites wouldn't unleash "Fuk-us-Shamelessly" reactor explosions upon the world without already having an anti-radiation cure for themselves!

Gaillo, I wonder how much power it's going to take to drive the lasers.

For example using made up numbers

Nuke Plant produces 1 kilawatt at an expense of 1 million dollars
Laser kills radiation at an expense of 1 million dollars

Total expense 2 million dollars

Then you compare those numbers to coal etc.

I have an idea, eradicate all the parasites, welfare, junkies etc, all the non-producers. That might equal 4 - 5 billion people. Then we wouldn't need nuke plants period. :)

26th June 2011, 01:11 PM
Gaillo, I wonder how much power it's going to take to drive the lasers.

For example using made up numbers

Nuke Plant produces 1 kilawatt at an expense of 1 million dollars
Laser kills radiation at an expense of 1 million dollars

Total expense 2 million dollars

Then you compare those numbers to coal etc.

I have an idea, eradicate all the parasites, welfare, junkies etc, all the non-producers. That might equal 4 - 5 billion people. Then we wouldn't need nuke plants period. :)

Or Jews~!


Large Sarge
27th June 2011, 06:11 AM
its not energy efficient with the current technology

but the premise is there

they can take 15 million year half life, and make it inert in an hour with lasers

with the rossi cold fusion for instance, the lasers could be powered pretty cheaply.

and the rossi cold fusion does not give off hazardous waste.

all that nuclear waste around the planet, and they could neutralize it all....

the usual formula, they have a solution, but its hidden

27th June 2011, 08:53 AM
I wonder exactly how lasers can neutralize radioactivity.

27th June 2011, 09:00 AM
its not energy efficient with the current technology

but the premise is there

they can take 15 million year half life, and make it inert in an hour with lasers

with the rossi cold fusion for instance, the lasers could be powered pretty cheaply.

and the rossi cold fusion does not give off hazardous waste.

all that nuclear waste around the planet, and they could neutralize it all....

the usual formula, they have a solution, but its hidden

Well said, I was thinking the same thing when reading the original post.

27th June 2011, 09:12 AM
Most if not all references to this are dated 2003, anything later just refers back to the original article.

Here is one of the last snopes posts.

Posted by bufungla on 14 August, 2003 02:29 PM:

quote:Originally posted by variable:

Giant Laser Transmutes Nuclear Waste (http://www.newscientist.com/news/news.jsp?id=ns99994056)
quote: About a million atoms of iodine-129 were transformed into iodine-128. The half-life of iodine-129 is 15.7 million years, meaning it remains radioactive for an extremely long time. In contrast, the half-life of iodine-128 is just 25 minutes.
which is what I originally suspected.

quote: Pulses were fired at a small lump of gold, which produced enough gamma radiation to knock out single neutrons from iodine-129, converting it to iodine-128. The results of the experiment will be published by the Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics. which is like using a cyclotron for browning rolls.

As the article itself says

quote: But all the approaches use vast amounts of energy. At present, the Vulcan laser would have to be fired 1017 times at the original 46-gram block of iodine-129 to transmute all of the atoms. "You would need to build a number of power stations to transmute the waste from another power station," warns Karl Krushelnick, a laser physicist at Imperial College in London and part of the team buf 'not holding my breath' ungla


Large Sarge
27th June 2011, 11:13 AM
its the premise that counts

half life is variable in loength, not fixed.

they throw all this stuff out there, as if its the end of the world....

and of course there are creative solutions to the problems, they just do not want you knowing that.

think about taking 15 million years of decay and reducing it to 45 minutes, who cares what the energy cost is (in theory)

its the premise of it.

its HUGE!

15 million years to 45 minutes....

all that nuclear crap laying around, and all we need is a cheap power source to power the lasers, and it could all be neutralized.... no storage issues
, no health risks, no dirty bomb material, etc

27th June 2011, 11:49 AM
its the premise that counts

half life is variable in loength, not fixed.

they throw all this stuff out there, as if its the end of the world....

and of course there are creative solutions to the problems, they just do not want you knowing that.

think about taking 15 million years of decay and reducing it to 45 minutes, who cares what the energy cost is (in theory)

its the premise of it.

its HUGE!

15 million years to 45 minutes....

all that nuclear crap laying around, and all we need is a cheap power source to power the lasers, and it could all be neutralized.... no storage issues
, no health risks, no dirty bomb material, etc

You're right here, of course. There are other things besides this that should also affect nuclear decay:
- Tom Bearden claims scalar waves can neutralize radiation.
- The sun has been shown to affect the rate of radioactive decay, so there is some mechanism out there than can change it.

27th June 2011, 02:07 PM
its the premise that counts

half life is variable in loength, not fixed.

they throw all this stuff out there, as if its the end of the world....

and of course there are creative solutions to the problems, they just do not want you knowing that.

think about taking 15 million years of decay and reducing it to 45 minutes, who cares what the energy cost is (in theory)

its the premise of it.

its HUGE!

15 million years to 45 minutes....

all that nuclear crap laying around, and all we need is a cheap power source to power the lasers, and it could all be neutralized.... no storage issues
, no health risks, no dirty bomb material, etc

I agree that this is huge, but I think it's needed for clean-up of all the crap that's out there now. If Rossi's invention doesn't get squashed, Nuke/coal/solar energy will go the way of the Dodo.