View Full Version : Mobs spontaneously forming: threatening, stealing, lynching,

26th June 2011, 11:40 PM
What is going on? Seems like unfortunately those police assault vehicles sponsored by the DHS may actually be put to good use:

Group of 60 - 70 marching/intimidating
Peorians living in fear
Tonight, around 11 p.m., a group of at least 60-70 African American youth marched down one of the side streets (W. Thrush) to the 4 lane main drag (Sheridan). They were yelling threats to white residents. Things such as we need to kill alll the white people around here. They were physically intimidating anyone calling for help from the police. They were surrounding cars. Cars on the main drag had to slam on their brakes to either avoid the youth blocking not only all four lanes, but a large section of the side street as well. fights were breaking out among them. They were rushing residents who looked out their doors, going on to porches, yelling threats to people calling the police for help.

Cars were doing U turns on the streets just to avoid the mob, mostly male. One youth stated his grandfather was white and several assaulted him on the spot. One police officer answered the call. The youth split into two large groups, one heading north, the other south. They were also yelling racial threats to the police officer but he was outnumbered. Another police car did not show up until after the youth finally dispersed and the patty wagon (van) also eventually showed up.

Residents are very shaken, both black and white alike. This is the fifth large mob action in about a month with smaller groups of 10-12 are out threatening children and adults a few evenings a week or later into the night. The times vary, even occuring during the day. In talking to the police officer, they are short staffed. Residents were advised to simply keep inside and to lock their doors. In other words buckle down, it’s not even safe to sit on your porch or go into your yards.


group of 8 lynching http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2008252/Teenage-gang-charged-lynching-law-savage-attack-18-year-old-student.html

group of 50 stealing http://chicago.cbslocal.com/2011/06/23/teen-mob-hits-walgreens-off-the-mag-mile-steals/

26th June 2011, 11:46 PM

Twisted Titan
27th June 2011, 04:39 AM
the goon squad will do nothing.......they help to sitution to erode further so they can justfy their bloated exsitence.

27th June 2011, 04:55 AM
The flash mob attack--- how to defend

COLUMBIA, SC (WIS) - All eight suspects are in custody after a brutal attack in Five Points early Monday morning which left the teenage victim in critical condition, according to Columbia police.
CHICAGO, IL (WLS) -- The recent series of mob-style attacks on Chicago's Near North Side mark the first major hurdles facing Mayor Rahm Emanuel and Chicago's new police superintendent Garry McCarthy. The latest attack happened Tuesday night. A witness tells WGN 15-20 teens beat and robbed two people at Chicago and Wabash
AKRON, OH -- Out of nowhere, the six were attacked by dozens of teenage boys, who shouted ''This is our world'' and ''This is a black world'' as they confronted Marshall and his family.
NO. VIRGINIA -- Three people were beaten by mobs in Northern Virginia in two separate incidents that occurred within five minutes of each other on Saturday night, authorities said.

These events have consumed the discussion at most self-defense focused websites in the last few weeks. Accompanying the discussion is the usual hand wringing regarding what to do if one is beset by a gang of thugs bent on your destruction. Well, I have my views on this which will no doubt shock the senses of the Doodley Doo Rights of the gun world.

First, this was not some group of young teenaged honor students. In all cases it was a group of urban thugs. Second, they were not there to practice for their debate on the ills of capitalism. Third, they understand only one thing...violence. So understand who they are and be ready to speak their language.

1). Don't go to stupid places with stupid people to do stupid things. Simple but often ignored. Listen, we do not live in a fair world where everyone respects everyone else. Nor where everyone gets along. You may in fact be totally color-blind in a socio-ethnic sort of way, but not everyone is. So even if your liberal sociology professor thinks it is a cool thing to take a stroll at midnight through a ethnically homogenous part of town (different ethnicity that you), it is still a stupid idea.

http://warriortalknews.typepad.com/.a/6a0133ec985af6970b014e89673b87970d-500wi (http://warriortalknews.typepad.com/.a/6a0133ec985af6970b014e89673b87970d-pi)

2). Always have a method to defend yourself. Even if it is not socially acceptable, or in line with the rules of the day, having some sort of weapon is essential. Right about now, some of the Doodley Doo Rights are screaming that I am telling people to violate the law. Well, go and google these stories. Look at the faces of the victims...specially the one on life support right now. Put yourself in their shoes. Your choice is to arm yourself in violation of the rules, or to take the raping, beating and robbery? What would you choose?

3). Avoid if you can. If you are standing around and see a group of twenty young urban thugs about two blocks away yelling, "kill whitey", and lookin at your reflection in the store window, realize that you have not been in the sun in a while, here is my advice - "RUN". If it looks like trouble, it probably is. The gang is not there to debate the effects of american corporate expansion on the development of the urban neighborhoods with you.

4). If you cannot avoid, attack...brutally and viciously. This is not the time to worry about some goofbal fear monger's articles about being sued, nor about anything of the sort. It is time to deploy your weapons and attack the leaders. Listne folks, there is disparity of force by the sheer number against you and the knowledge you have based on thse prior flash mob events.

If you have limited yourself by the rules and only have a knife, be certain you know how to use it. Make it big enough that it will cause extreme pain and bleeding when you stab the attacker. This is not the place for a legally carried tomato peeler that is two inches or less. You need a fixed or folding knife that is at least 4 inches long.

When the time comes, do not flash the knife like you are some crocodile dundee type guy ("that's not a knife"). Stab the first man deep and hard in his face and move to the next guy and repeat the exercise. Do the same to anyone within reach. When their buddies reel back, screaming in horror and pain, holding their bloodied faces with eyeballs hanging out, it will create hesitation. Use that time to disengage.

If you have a pistol, please make sure it is a modern high capacity weapon with a couple of spare magazines in your belt. The Suarez International company gun, a Glock 17 with three magazines, yields a sum total of 52 rounds. Figure three rounds per man, and you can reduce an angry mob of panga swinging killers into a fleeing group of bloodied bad guys. Draw it and yell, "Get The F*** Back!" If they do, run away. If they do not, shoot the first man in the face. The rest will take care of itself.

It really is very simple. Might you get into trouble? Sure, but being in jail because you stabbed three guys on the street is far better than being in the hospital having holes drilled into your head to relieve the pressure on your brain while the female members of your party are getting HIV exams in the next room. The only way to defeat brutality is with extreme and greater brutality.

Keep that in mind, arm yourself properly and if it comes, be brutal.


27th June 2011, 05:27 AM
Don't tell anyone about your preps.

Generators attract the wrong attention. Be wise about how you carry yourself and with whom do you share any information about your operation security.

There will be blood.

27th June 2011, 06:11 AM
Civil War 2 is coming

27th June 2011, 06:30 AM
If there's 60 or 70 of them you may need to keep an AK handy and several 75 round drums ready to go.

midnight rambler
27th June 2011, 06:47 AM
If there's 60 or 70 of them you may need to keep an AK handy and several 75 round drums ready to go.

That, or a good semi-auto hi-cap shotgun and a couple of bandoleers of the right kind of ammo (to provide the appropriate demonstration, the visual shock value goes a long way).


27th June 2011, 07:21 AM
That, or a good semi-auto hi-cap shotgun and a couple of bandoleers of the right kind of ammo (to provide the appropriate demonstration, the visual shock value goes a long way).

Probably the best $15.99 someone can spend in a clutch play - at 1400+ FPS and a fragmenting stell slug configuration there's no question it would shut down your problems. That's some badass-looking death in a shell right there.

27th June 2011, 07:48 AM
Looks like all those hours playing Left for Dead and Left for Dead 2 are about to pay off.

27th June 2011, 08:05 AM
They were yelling threats to white residents. Things such as we need to kill alll the white people around here.

With such obvious hate speech, I'm sure the ADL, or the SPLC will get involved here.

^^^ That's sarcasm, just in case it isn't obvious.

27th June 2011, 08:19 AM
Suspected flash mob rips off Upper Darby Sears (With Video)

Note: Have to go to link site for video.

Published: Sunday, June 26, 2011

http://delcotimes.com/content/articles/2011/06/26/news/doc4e0696aaf127f5520977761.jpg (http://delcotimes.com/articles/2011/06/26/news/doc4e0696aaf127f552097776.txt#photo2)

Times Correspondent
http://delcotimes.com/content/articles/2011/06/26/news/doc4e0696aaf127f552097776.jpg (http://delcotimes.com/articles/2011/06/26/news/doc4e0696aaf127f552097776.txt#photo1)
Click to enlarge (http://delcotimes.com/articles/2011/06/26/news/doc4e0696aaf127f552097776.txt#photo1)

UPPER DARBY — A mob of about 40 people stormed into the Sears department store on 69th Street Thursday, and in a flash stole thousands of dollars worth of merchandise, officials said.

Police were able to round up 15 juveniles and one adult, 19, all from West Philadelphia.

“They came in on the El train and hit Sears,” police Superintendent Michael Chitwood said. “They stole sneakers, socks, watches, whatever they could get their hands on, and left.

“Imagine the guts of this gang of young hoodlums. One was 11 years old. The others arrested ranged from 12 to 16 years old. They planned this out earlier in the day on a social networking site. It was pre-planned. They got on the El, got off at 69th Street Terminal and walked up the hill to Sears.”

Kyree Marsh, 19, of the 5500 block of Spruce Street, Philadelphia, was arrested and charged with retail theft, conspiracy to retail theft and corruption of minors.

Police recovered some of the stolen sneakers and socks that were in the backpack of one of the individuals arrested and in the pockets of others taken into custody.

According to the affidavit, the Sears loss-prevention officer saw the mob enter the store at 7:09 p.m. on Thursday.

The group then began taking merchandise off the shelves.

“He watched the group enter the store together from the 69th Street entrance,” Chitwood said. “It was fast. They ran out, leaving empty shoeboxes and store tags behind. Fortunately, no customers or store employees got hurt.

“Due to the quick response by police, we were able to grab them up. They were heading back to the El train.”

According to Chitwood, the juveniles received citations for retail theft and will answer charges before the county’s juvenile justice system.

“The parents should be held accountable,” Chitwood said. “And where were the parents of the 11- and 12-year-olds when their children were riding into 69th street with a mob of teenagers? If I could, I would charge the parents. Certainly, this is unacceptable behavior. It was intentionally planned earlier in the day to gather and go to Upper Darby to rob and pillage. There has got to be consequences, and I don’t mean a slap on the wrist. The county has got to send a strong message. This was a (pack) attack and will not be tolerated.”


And here is another report about it.

Large Mob Robs Upper Darby Sears

Police say that of the 40 people involved, they were able to catch 16.

Monday, Jun 27, 2011 | Updated 8:11 AM EDT

In and out in a flash, that's how Upper Darby police describe the mob of about 40 youths that alleged robbed a local department store last Thursday.

Upper Darby police confirm that 15 kids and one adult (19-years-old) were arrested after a flash mob rushed into the Sears on 69th Street and stole thousands of dollars worth of merchandise.

Authorities tell the Delaware County Daily Times (http://delcotimes.com/articles/2011/06/26/news/doc4e0696aaf127f552097776.txt?viewmode=default) that the gaggle of youth exited the El train at the 69th Street terminal, walked up the street and entered the department store a little after 7 p.m. Thursday. They quickly went to work stealing anything they could grab.

“Imagine the guts of this gang of young hoodlums. One was 11 years old. The others arrested ranged from 12 to 16 years old. They planned this out earlier in the day on a social networking site. It was pre-planned," Police Superintendent Michael Chitwood told the Daily Times (http://delcotimes.com/articles/2011/06/26/news/doc4e0696aaf127f552097776.txt?viewmode=default).

The group of 16 arrested were caught on their way back to the terminal to catch the El.
Police recovered some of the stolen items and have charged the group with retail theft, according to the Times (http://delcotimes.com/articles/2011/06/26/news/doc4e0696aaf127f552097776.txt?viewmode=default).

No one was injured in the incident.

27th June 2011, 08:40 AM
Their racism toward whitey is being fired up by provocateur agitators, without a doubt.

Hollywood is doing it's best to stir the pot with the upcoming film "The rise of the planet of the apes", which showcases Chimpanzees who are "just as intelligent" as their "white human overlords", but much stronger.

Through solidaity, they rebel and take over the planet. It's subtle, but the message of black VS white race war is there. The handlers are turning the heat up on the cauldron. I'm glad you people here can recognize that so you won't be sucked into mob mentality when the shit goes down.

27th June 2011, 08:48 AM
“Imagine the guts of this gang of young hoodlums. One was 11 years old. The others arrested ranged from 12 to 16 years old. They planned this out earlier in the day on a social networking site. It was pre-planned. They got on the El, got off at 69th Street Terminal and walked up the hill to Sears.”

Preplanned. That's what I suspected.
This whole trend stinks of provocateurs.
It's organized and anonymous on social networking sites
to get little kids and teenagers to do stupid dangerous shit.

This is psyops. They want gun owners to shoot.

27th June 2011, 09:18 AM
Preplanned. That's what I suspected.
This whole trend stinks of provocateurs.
It's organized and anonymous on social networking sites
to get little kids and teenagers to do stupid dangerous shit.

This is psyops. They want gun owners to shoot.

it's real hard to say.

i am sure that the coordinated 'uprisings' in various Mediterranean countries was organized by outsiders.

but i think there's a good chance these groups of teenagers are just showing us what angry teenagers with no jobs and access to social media can do.

in cases where they use Facebook etc. to organize Flash Rob Mobs, i would be interested to see the invitations.

i tried a search for 'facebook rob sears' ... but all i got was some guy named Rob Sears.

27th June 2011, 09:23 AM
i tried a search for 'facebook rob sears' ... but all i got was some guy named Rob Sears.

You'll have to modify your search terms in order to get a hit...

Try 'we gon jack dey shit at da sears sto" or some such for better results.

27th June 2011, 09:29 AM
“First, this was not some group of young teenaged honor students. In all cases it was a group of urban thugs.”

You might be surprised.

My hunch is that these attacks, particularly the larger ones, which may be organized using social media, are not being carried out primarily by hardcore gang-members and serious delinquents.

Remember, if you’re attending a ghetto school, it doesn’t take much to be considered an “honor student.”

At my high school, if you had an I.Q. over 90, and posed no physical threat to teachers or administrators, or you were a promising athlete, you were very likely to be considered an honor student, and placed in protective custody, i.e, “honors classes.”

As I recall, there were about 75 or 80 of us, out of an enrollment of about 1,100, and more than a few of them were precisely the sort who, under the right circumstances, might engage in the sort of attacks being described.

Any victims of urban teenage mob violence who draw and shoot should be fully prepared to hear themselves described as a racist vigilantes, and accused of murdering unarmed “honor students.”

27th June 2011, 09:36 AM
"This is psyops. They want gun owners to shoot."

Very likely.

In response to his progressive critics, Obama has stated, on the record, that his administration is promoting gun control “under the radar.”

In this instance, I tend to take him at his word.

First “Gun Walker.”

Now this.

Don’t take the bait.

27th June 2011, 09:45 AM
"This is psyops. They want gun owners to shoot."

Very likely.

In response to his progressive critics, Obama has stated, on the record, that his administration is promoting gun control “under the radar.”

In this instance, I tend to take him at his word.

First “Gun Walker.”

Now this.

Don’t take the bait.


Try and set up something big ,to really bring up a national debate , to make the sheep whom may be a majority to want to put tighter controls on guns and users.

So what if getting people killed deliberately, to bring the subject to a head, to accomplish your goals. History is full of such acts.

27th June 2011, 10:10 AM
You guys are nothing but anti-Semites...........shame on you...........and keep on trucking :)

27th June 2011, 10:13 AM
it's real hard to say.There's no doubt in my mind that this is a "handled" operation. Nothing spontaneous about it.
This is organized criminal activity being perpetrated by some of the most DISorganized, UNcohesive
group affiliations on earth. Poor young teens.

Young teens need to be taught how to organize. It just doesn't happen spontaneously.
These are flash mob hits as you mentioned, and I'd like to see the invites as well. Probably Myspace...

That whole flash mob phenomena began as psyops.

27th June 2011, 01:23 PM
There's no doubt in my mind that this is a "handled" operation. Nothing spontaneous about it.
This is organized criminal activity being perpetrated by some of the most DISorganized, UNcohesive
group affiliations on earth. Poor young teens.

Young teens need to be taught how to organize. It just doesn't happen spontaneously.
These are flash mob hits as you mentioned, and I'd like to see the invites as well. Probably Myspace...

That whole flash mob phenomena began as psyops.

June Enters Wild Season, and Not Every Group Realizes Or Exhibits Structure.

27th June 2011, 01:48 PM
What kind of sight is that on the Glocks in post #4?

27th June 2011, 01:54 PM
You'll have to modify your search terms in order to get a hit...

Try 'we gon jack dey shit at da sears sto" or some such for better results.

how about "Tyrone Chicago" or "Tyrone Peoria" as search terms ?

29th June 2011, 01:31 PM
Mob of 100 rob restaurant customers in Philly

http://www.philly.com/philly/news/20110629_Teens_in_a_mob_assault_and_rob_Center_Cit y_patrons.html

Teens in a mob assault and rob Center City patrons

By Mike Newall

Inquirer Staff Writer

The two young women were sitting at a window table inside the Max Brenner restaurant on 15th Street, near Walnut, sharing chocolate fondue after some shopping.

The streets were vibrant. The weather was nice.

"The city had a good vibe," remembered one of the women, Maria, who requested her full name not be printed.

But their night on the town was about to become frightening.

Heading their way was a pack of teens roving through Center City after leaving a North Philadelphia music festival.

They were part of about 100 or more young people who had left Saturday night's event, police said, committing a series of violent assaults and robberies, including one against Maria, 25, of North Philadelphia, and her cousin Cecilia, 29, of Havertown.

Donta Holdclaw was in the crowd of teens that night. On Tuesday afternoon, he stood on the front step of his mother's North Philadelphia apartment and said the group was bound for South Street.

"They were holding fireworks," he said. "That's what we were going to see."

He had gone to the Susquehanna Community Festival, along Susquehanna Avenue near Broad Street, with his older brother, Aleek Hamilton, 19. Last week, Hamilton graduated from Mastbaum Vocational/Technical High School, with plans to attend college and become a mechanic, said his mother, Letitia Washington. He also was working at a West Philadelphia thrift shop.

Hamilton is now in jail, charged with robbing Cecilia.

Erica Rockymore, 18, of North Philadelphia, was also among the teens, police said. Last week, she graduated from the Philadelphia Electrical and Technology Charter High School, her family said. Her 14-year-old sister asked her to take her to the festival. Rockymore is in jail, too, charged with assaulting Maria.

Maria and Cecilia were enjoying their dessert at Max Brenner, with its large, open bay doors. Afterward, Maria, an interior and industrial designer, had planned to visit a Northern Liberties art exhibit. Cecilia was heading home.

The women had spent the afternoon dress shopping. Maria is getting married soon.

About 10 p.m., Maria said, she saw a shirtless teenager run past the restaurant.

"He was running in the middle of the street and looked like he was running away from someone," she said.

Maria tucked away her phone and wallet, which had been sitting on the table.

She grew up in Brazil, she said, and was more street-smart than her cousin.

Before she could tell Cecilia to put her cell phone away, another teen reached through the window and snatched it.

Maria ran out after him.

She was on the sidewalk, starting to scream "thief," she said, when someone from behind punched her in the jaw.

She said she turned, jaw throbbing, to see the girl who had hit her standing with five other teens. "What are you going to do?" she said the girl who had punched her yelled.

The teens were laughing, she said. "They were fearless. It seemed like they weren't taking anything serious."

Maria ran into another restaurant and called 911.

The girls in the group called her a slut as they left, she said.

The police arrived quickly. Another customer at Max Brenner, a 32-year-old woman from Delaware who was with her 7-year-old daughter, had also been robbed. Someone had reached in through a window and snatched her phone, according to police reports.

"Would you be able to identify them if we find them?" an officer asked Maria, referring to the teens.

Yes, she said.

The three women and the young girl got in the back of a police cruiser.

At 11th and South Streets, they saw the pack. The teens didn't run. "They were laughing," Maria said, "like nothing was happening."

Maria identified Hamilton and Rockymore for police. One of the teens had already sent a text from Cecilia's phone, she said. "Hangin in the da hood," it read.

Terrance Howard, 20, of Frankford, was arrested after being found to have the Delaware woman's phone, police said.

Police are still investigating two other attacks by teens leaving the festival, including one that left a woman hospitalized with a broken leg.

Officials rejected characterizing Saturday's attacks as "flash mob" assaults, because, they said, they had not been coordinated through social media. Police Commissioner Charles H. Ramsey promised the department would pursue stiff penalties for similar teen violence.

"If they get caught and they get charged, they're going to have a problem," Ramsey said.

Paul Levy, president of the Center City District, called for a zero-tolerance approach.

Maria said Tuesday that her jaw was still sore. She and her fiance had planned to start a family in Philadelphia. She said she still might.

She was more surprised, she said, than frightened.

"I didn't expect something like that in Center City."

29th June 2011, 01:36 PM
every single one of these motherfuckers should be beaten with clubs and thrown in jail for years.

sorry for the strong language, but i am sick reading about these worthless pieces of shit and their antics. it's like EVERYDAY.

30th June 2011, 05:23 AM
What kind of sight is that on the Glocks in post #4?

Looks like the Trijicon red dot reticle.
I think it's a custom fit, not available on the market, but I don't know for sure. Black Blade would probably know.

30th June 2011, 05:26 AM
Looks like all those hours playing Left for Dead and Left for Dead 2 are about to pay off.

Any of you guys ever want to play with me on Steam? PM me your Steam username. I play that game daily, it's my religion.

30th June 2011, 05:51 AM

ABC coverage of another mob robbery in Philadelphia. multiple incidents, one with a group of about 100, i think.

this kind of thing isn't new - which is not to say that it's not disturbing - and happening more often.

i remember about 20 years ago, a gang of 4 to 8 African American youths beat & raped a white woman in Central Park, left her for dead. back then the media used the term "wilding".

30th June 2011, 07:29 AM
Preplanned. That's what I suspected.
This whole trend stinks of provocateurs.
It's organized and anonymous on social networking sites
to get little kids and teenagers to do stupid dangerous shit.

This is psyops. They want gun owners to shoot.

I tend to agree. It wouldn't be hard for a few provocateurs with a couple dozen online sock puppets each to give the illusion that the group spontaneously formed. Suck in a bunch of stupid kids with a heard mentality to do their dirty work. Then when the police investigate they can't locate the actual people that started the whole thing because they don't exist in the real world.

Remember those articles a couple months ago talking about the government offering a contract for software to help create and manage online sock puppets? This is the type of crap it could be used for. Not just creating what seems to be an online consensus on a certain topic.

Wish I knew how to find the article but I remember a few years ago seeing a news article about Canadian Police (mounties I think) getting caught stealing a nearby residents wifi and then using it to create fake accounts on online forums where they would try and incite racist hate speech by having their sock puppets make racist comments and start arguments. Creating a "flash mob" on social networking sites would just be another more sophisticated form of this.

30th June 2011, 07:47 AM
2012 Republican National Convention, August 27, Tampa Florida.

2012 Democratic National Convention, September 3, Charlotte, North Carolina.

You might want to circle those dates on your calendar.

30th June 2011, 07:58 AM
OY VEY! STOP THIS RACIST HATE AT GSUS! http://www.erichufschmid.net/img/angry-jew.gif

30th June 2011, 08:00 AM
Any of you guys ever want to play with me on Steam? PM me your Steam username. I play that game daily, it's my religion.

How is it in multiplayer? How many are playing with you?

30th June 2011, 08:10 AM
Any of you guys ever want to play with me on Steam? PM me your Steam username. I play that game daily, it's my religion.

Bah I only have it on 360

30th June 2011, 08:30 AM
2012 Republican National Convention, August 27, Tampa Florida.

2012 Democratic National Convention, September 3, Charlotte, North Carolina.

You might want to circle those dates on your calendar.

Any rumors from the community of planed ops?

I can see the water heating up and and also how easy it could boil over.

30th June 2011, 08:31 AM
I tend to agree. It wouldn't be hard for a few provocateurs with a couple dozen online sock puppets each to give the illusion that the group spontaneously formed. Suck in a bunch of stupid kids with a heard mentality to do their dirty work. Then when the police investigate they can't locate the actual people that started the whole thing because they don't exist in the real world.

Remember those articles a couple months ago talking about the government offering a contract for software to help create and manage online sock puppets? This is the type of crap it could be used for. Not just creating what seems to be an online consensus on a certain topic.

Wish I knew how to find the article but I remember a few years ago seeing a news article about Canadian Police (mounties I think) getting caught stealing a nearby residents wifi and then using it to create fake accounts on online forums where they would try and incite racist hate speech by having their sock puppets make racist comments and start arguments. Creating a "flash mob" on social networking sites would just be another more sophisticated form of this.

Conversely, be careful of activist provocateurs on "patriot" sites as well.

The second I write that though, I realize not only do they want us to react violently, they're also quite pleased
for us to do nothing at all out of a sense of hopeless impotence. Either way they maintain control over the populace.

30th June 2011, 09:30 AM
Any rumors from the community of planed ops?

I can see the water heating up and and also how easy it could boil over.

Just a hunch.

General of Darkness
30th June 2011, 11:41 AM
Fuck those Leroys. You threaten me with violence, one of two things are going to happen. If you're just a big mouth, I won't pay attention to you, but a couple of morons considering taking my life takes it to a level that they or myself can't take back.

Better to be judge by a jury of 12 than carried in a box by six.

30th June 2011, 09:30 PM
My friends always ask me "Why do you carry 2 extra mags you have a 15 round Glock for peats sake?"

I always reply "You never know till it's too late."

30th June 2011, 09:39 PM
Just imagine the mobs if something happened to the food supply. Or we got hit by an EMP.

1st July 2011, 07:11 AM
the goon squad will do nothing.......they help to sitution to erode further so they can justfy their bloated exsitence.

ahh but they WILL do something ta....they will come out in FORCE as soon as the first WHITE guy tries to defend himself!