View Full Version : What is a Police Officer's Job?

28th June 2011, 06:28 AM
What is a Police Officer's Job to you?

Just a simple question, answered in only 1 of 2 ways. Let's get a feel for what members think is the job of the Police.

28th June 2011, 06:33 AM
It says it on the side of their police car. "To Protect and Serve."

They don't tell you who they are protecting and serving and let the public assume that it's them. When in reality it is the state.

28th June 2011, 06:37 AM
investigate & capture people who commit violent crime. murder. rape. assault. battery. burning down houses. destroying property. etc.

if they have lots of free time left over from doing the above, i would suggest they should be helping people change flat tires, get cats out of trees, etc.

28th June 2011, 06:45 AM
They have two tasks:

1) Collect money from the middle and lower classes
2) Beat any insubordinates into submission

midnight rambler
28th June 2011, 06:59 AM
Depends on whom you're talking to. Most cops believe that they prevent crime. lol

28th June 2011, 07:21 AM
Depends on what oath they orated.

Most do not contain any references to defending and upholding the constitution, some do.

28th June 2011, 07:29 AM
This pretty much sums it up

job. (1) A low mean lucrative busy affair. (2) Petty, piddling work; a piece of chance work. [Johnson's Dictionary]

but then again you could go with the biblical interpretation:

the Biblical name, Heb., lit. "hated, persecuted," from ayyabh "he was hostile to," related to ebhah "enmity."

28th June 2011, 07:30 AM
They have two tasks:

1) Collect money from the middle and lower classes
2) Beat any insubordinates into submission

Don't forget

3) Protect the upper class from the middle and lower classes.

28th June 2011, 07:33 AM
Sui Juris - no offense but polls like this take a USA Today approach to yes or no like the landscape of this question is a simple choice (and yet I participated - go figure). I think I speak for a lot of people here that the police have abandoned their mission of protecting life and property. They have been seduced by the allure of power and moved away from accountability. Instead of removing killers from society they themselves have become them. Where they were once close to equal footing in society they now rule like the largest meat eaters. And they have gone from localized to regional to national to international in their equipment and tactics, becoming storm troopers for powers they themselves do not even know.

The old timers here remember my father was a cop. I grew up with the Oakland Police as my extended family. Over the years I watched him corrode from a decent man to an abusive and violent one, leading to eventual divorce and the fragmentation of my family. Towards the end his only friends were other cops, he got drunk with them and played with guns, and was a belligerent racist - now you know where I got it from. The point is a police officer's job was at one time to provide security for the betterment of society. That role has evolved into a system of fraternal sadists more concerned with going home at the end of their shift than the limited consequences of administrative leave after they just shot and killed an innocent man. I often wonder if the police are even necessary anymore as I am just as likely to kill one of them as a common criminal in a defensive situation. To the few that are still good cops, you are the same as your brothers by virtue of the thin blue line.

28th June 2011, 07:37 AM
if they have lots of free time left over from doing the above, i would suggest they should be helping people change flat tires, get cats out of trees, etc.Why should cops get cats out of trees? Have you ever seen a cat skeleton in a tree?

28th June 2011, 06:43 PM

Cops should be there to try and maintain peace, things like keeping an eye on high crime (see black) areas.


Cops sole job is "Law Enforcement Officer" it doesn't matter if the law is immoral so long as the universally acknowledged corrupt politicians say it, they enforce it. They intimidate, beat and even kill ANYONE who questions their authority or the authority of what passes for "law". Cops are thugs, the worlds largest street gang.


28th June 2011, 06:45 PM
he got drunk with them and played with guns, and was a belligerent racist -

You say that like it's a bad thing?

28th June 2011, 07:00 PM
Deputy Chief Brenda Lee Johnson - to entertain us all with her plastic surgery nose, plastic surgery boobs, and that unique Jewish-Southern accent.

Lieutenant Flynn - to be the best "cop with a toothpick" he can be.

Lieutenant Provenza - to show Brenda Lee's mom around when she is in town.

Detective Gabriel - to drive Deputy Chief Johnson around.

Lieutenant Tao - to be the super-tech cop.

Buzz - to keep the surveillance room clean from Detective Julio Sanchez' junk food wrappers.

Detective Julio Sanchez - to educate us listeners about military rifles with night scopes and flare suppressors.

Captain Raider - to be such a complete Bitch that it's funny. :-)

Anybody know what I'm talking about ?

I'm talking about The Closer.

Don't you guys have favorite TV shows ?

28th June 2011, 07:06 PM
Im perfectly fine with police only being available to investigate crimes after the fact. The problem I have is with the state restricting my right to "stop a crime from happening". I can take care of myself and others around me just fine if allowed to without fear that the state will treat "me" as the criminal.

When seconds count, the police are only minutes away. I shouldn't have to wait, especially if I already have the tools to take care of the problem myself.

28th June 2011, 08:23 PM
What is a Police Officer's Job to you?

Just a simple question, answered in only 1 of 2 ways. Let's get a feel for what members think is the job of the Police.

Sorry, the poll is bullshit, smells of trickery and is hardly a simple question.
The equivalent to "heads I win, tails you lose" or "did you stop beating your wife?"

The truth what they should be doing is, protecting all citizens from crime, assisting citizens in distress, making society safe for all citizens, being courteous and respectful to all citizens, provide response to domestic and public issues, uphold the law and be a good example to both children and adults. To be accountable and serve the people!
All of which they no longer are or do.

Today's cops for the most part, are nothing but revenue collectors, protectors and servers for the corporate state. They are considered a foe and threat to citizens. They are intimidators, arrogant bullies and power mongers on steroids. They are conniving, lying and distrustful. They are sneaky entrappers. They are no longer looked up to as an example to the young.
They are disrespectful abusers that bend/break laws in their favor. They portray contempt and disregard for human safety and life, and they are not held accountable for their crimes. Covering crimes of fellow officers is standard procedure.
They walk around with a large chip on their shoulders for past childhood injustices done to them and have created the "us vs. them mentality.
Pretty much shit as far as people go.

Disclaimer: This does not apply to the limited supply of fair and good officers that are left.

29th June 2011, 05:54 AM
i come from a simpler time when people actually do protect & serve.

these are not police ... they are a combination of thugs & goons & rich-people protectors - and Jew protectors.

police trained by the ADL - now that is a nightmare.