View Full Version : Video of Biased Judge -Police Ignore Witnesses

28th June 2011, 06:51 AM
I've been putting together videos of the Cooper trial because he did not get anything close to a fair trial. This new one "Police Ignore Witnesses" really highlights the bias of the judge and wait until you see the prosecutor.
William Anderson is beginning a series on this case too, http://williamlanderson.blogspot.com/2011/06/framing-of-bradley-cooper.html


28th June 2011, 07:04 AM

Hatha Sunahara
28th June 2011, 09:52 AM
I'm seeing this through the filter of Eustace Mullins 'The Rape of Justice'. People don't understand that the courts are run by Admiralty law--not Constitutional law. When you hear the judge use the word 'discretion' it is a privilege he grants himself to do whatever he wants regardless of the law. We don't know if the defendant is being framed or for what reason because that will never be discussed. If he is being framed, the defense lawyer is in on it, and is putting up a token defense. Anyone who is brought before such a court is like a Christian in Rome being put in front of the lions. I don't see a jury in the video--not that it matters because jurors are selected so it makes no difference in the intended outcome. This has the appearance of a show trial. Police investigations don't matter. The police are above the law, just as the judge and the attorneys. I am surprised that the proceedings can be videotaped.

My attitude is that if you are dragged into court, you are screwed. If you think you can get justice in court you are a fool. If someone is trying to turn your life into a living hell, the courts are there to help that person.


28th June 2011, 10:04 AM
In this case, the defense lawyer was not in on it. This case has been devastating to him because he alleged all along that Brad was framed and tried everything in his power to show that but the judge wouldn't allow any of that into the trial. I have never seen anyone have so much stacked against them than I did in this trial.

28th June 2011, 05:07 PM
"I think we're taking it all out of context" - don't question authority.

Dude has guilt written on his face.