View Full Version : New Car Engine Sends Shock Waves Through Auto Industry.

28th June 2011, 08:50 AM
Video at link......

New Car Engine Sends Shock Waves Through Auto Industry.

Wed Apr 6, 2011 10:10 AM ET

Despite shifting into higher gear within the consumer's green conscience, hybrid vehicles are still tethered to the gas pump via a fuel-thirsty 100-year-old invention: the internal combustion engine.

However, researchers at Michigan State University have built a prototype gasoline engine that requires no transmission, crankshaft, pistons, valves, fuel compression, cooling systems or fluids. Their so-called Wave Disk Generator could greatly improve the efficiency of gas-electric hybrid automobiles and potentially decrease auto emissions up to 90 percent when compared with conventional combustion engines.

The engine has a rotor that's equipped with wave-like channels that trap and mix oxygen and fuel as the rotor spins. These central inlets are blocked off, building pressure within the chamber, causing a shock wave that ignites the compressed air and fuel to transmit energy.

The Wave Disk Generator uses 60 percent of its fuel for propulsion; standard car engines use just 15 percent. As a result, the generator is 3.5 times more fuel efficient than typical combustion engines.

Researchers estimate the new model could shave almost 1,000 pounds off a car's weight currently taken up by conventional engine systems.

Last week, the prototype was presented to the energy division of the Advanced Research Projects Agency, which is backing the Michigan State University Engine Research Laboratory with $2.5 million in funding.

Michigan State's team of engineers hope to have a car-sized 25-kilowatt version of the prototype ready by the end of the year.


28th June 2011, 08:54 AM
national security swoops in, researchers get killed in airplane accident, researchers mysteriously "become millionaires and retire" before it comes to market, you know the drill.

28th June 2011, 09:01 AM
Al Gore won't be satisfied until you have one that runs on CO2 and sterilizes the operator.

28th June 2011, 09:19 AM
Sounds like a fancy diesel to me.

28th June 2011, 09:24 AM
Reading the thread title, I almost thought you meant the PlasmaERG engine which was unveiled this year.


28th June 2011, 09:25 AM
...The engine has a rotor that's equipped with wave-like channels that trap and mix oxygen and fuel as the rotor spins. These central inlets are blocked off, building pressure within the chamber, causing a shock wave that ignites the compressed air and fuel to transmit energy.

Sounds a bit like a blast form the past- piston engines go boing-boing-boing. Michigan State's rotary engine goes hmmmmmmm.......


28th June 2011, 09:38 AM
Hm, youtube video in the article is from 2009.

28th June 2011, 09:39 AM
Reading the thread title, I almost thought you meant the PlasmaERG engine which was unveiled this year.


Yea, there are like 3 or 4 different things on that site which are on the "verge of production" within the coming months. Eventually something will break through.

28th June 2011, 09:41 AM
Yea, there are like 3 or 4 different things on that site which are on the "verge of production" within the coming months. Eventually something will break through.

If that PlasmaERG engine can produce enough torque and horsepower, it's also a game changer. No need for a gas pump.

28th June 2011, 09:43 AM
Thanks Ares, I found it to be veryyyyyyyyy interesting......but........ I'll never believe in any of them till they hit the street, you know the old saying "If you don't hold it RA RA RA" I now guide my life by this and it works in many levels........I went to the "Home Page" in that article and I can tell you that I now have a lottttttttttt to read..........I hve been working (mentally) on a engine that works in a vacuum but as always this is more of a mental exercize than anything else.

28th June 2011, 10:22 AM
Thanks Ares, I found it to be veryyyyyyyyy interesting......but........ I'll never believe in any of them till they hit the street, you know the old saying "If you don't hold it RA RA RA" I now guide my life by this and it works in many levels........I went to the "Home Page" in that article and I can tell you that I now have a lottttttttttt to read..........I hve been working (mentally) on a engine that works in a vacuum but as always this is more of a mental exercize than anything else.

I found something else that was really interesting about the PlasmaERG engine. (Sorry I don't mean to hijack this thread)


28th June 2011, 01:14 PM
I'm usually a cycnic to these games, but se no reason yet to dismiss it as not worthwhile and economically not doable. ;)

Or course I'd still want a prototype running before I gave them a dime.

And I'm not just saying that because it is vortexy. Like a wound up Wankel (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wankel_engine).

But even if the efficency was there, I see concerns with pollution, perhaps the 'shockwave' can more completely burn the fuel? Or the fact that being for hybrids it only needs to run at one rpm level pollution is hardly an issue (other than burning fossil fuels in general of course).


28th June 2011, 03:21 PM
Thanks Ares, I found it to be veryyyyyyyyy interesting......but........ I'll never believe in any of them till they hit the street, you know the old saying "If you don't hold it RA RA RA" I now guide my life by this and it works in many levels........I went to the "Home Page" in that article and I can tell you that I now have a lottttttttttt to read..........I hve been working (mentally) on a engine that works in a vacuum but as always this is more of a mental exercize than anything else.

if there's a working prototype, it's real.

a lot of times products - even best products - are discontinued for political & business reasons, usually by insiders for selfish reasons.

i saw what i think is the world's best 3D modelling software purchased and discontinued by McNeal Schwendler (the make NASTRAN, one of the 2 big numerical analysis softwares used by engineers) in favor of their far more cumbersome and expensive PATRAN.

the name of the program was Aries, that image of the frog that was my avatar before the forum software change here at G-S.us, was something i modelled using Aries in 1992. i was introduced to it in 1988. it was discontinued about 1998. it is better than all the other 3D software i have ever seen, and i have made it a point to test-drive or acquire almost all of them.

as far as this engine, it sounds very real. as far as its future, it will probably be transferred to a Jewish venture capital firm and assigned to a start-up run by Jewish "entrepreneurs" (nepotism practitioners).



Dr. Norbert Mueller with a key part of the engine he co-designed.

looks like it was financed by DOE, i.e. the US gov.

made me wonder if there are some Christian or other non-Jewish venture capital firms.

most of the vulture capital in Silicon Valley is Jewish firms.





i wonder which of the Christian venture capital firms are run by genuine Christians, non-Zionists.