View Full Version : Glen Beck's GBTV Launch Event

1st July 2011, 06:00 PM
I just watched it on his site (non-pay)
He has quite a concept that will have mass appeal. A ground breaking first.
Too bad he is such a mega-Zionist...or I'd be tempted to subscribe.
They're will be so many pro-Israel Holohoax shows it will make you puke.

See what you think?

1st July 2011, 06:05 PM
Beck is a shameless goy hand puppet for his jew masters. Dumbass "Christian Zionists" will eat it up.

1st July 2011, 06:12 PM
Beck is a shameless goy hand puppet for his jew masters. Dumbass "Christian Zionists" will eat it up.

Maybe we should give him a chance?

Maybe he will be doing the complete story of Israel...and how could he do the complete story without discussing the Jews most holy of holy books, the Talmud?
Maybe he'll have a special on the Holodomor?
Maybe he'll finally name all the most evil Jewish people in the world, or the top echelon of hundreds of Jews who ran the Soviet Union and the Red Revolution and systematically murdered 65 million?
Maybe he will discuss the Rothschild dynasty and the control they had in history?

1st July 2011, 06:18 PM
Maybe we should give him a chance?


Maybe his new website will sell zio-porn of him on his knees in an IDF barracks.

;) DVD or streaming live for only 30 shekels with GBTV PLUS+ Membership

1st July 2011, 06:25 PM
@ 2:36 it cuts to GB in his new studio. Look at the massive patch/logo that is on his shirt. Skull and Bones emblem with what appears to be an occult crown above it, with the year 1794 beneath.

By 6:58 he mentions going to Isreal with GBTV to do a show.

Im spent.

1st July 2011, 06:28 PM
How long before GB and AJ do a show together?

1st July 2011, 06:35 PM
Maybe his new website will sell zio-porn of him on his knees in an IDF barracks.

;) DVD or streaming live for only 30 shekels with GBTV PLUS+ Membership

It's about the truth! (selected to be Kosher truth)
He says history is important! (but only history that portrays the Jews as the chosen ones)
Bipartisan programming! (as long as it is biased toward Jews)