View Full Version : Greece fellates Netanyahu

1st July 2011, 06:01 PM
The Greek coastguard escorted a US boat seeking to join the Gaza flotilla back to port and said it will stop all other attempted departures. It looks like a big diplomatic victory for Benjamin Netanyahu.



2nd July 2011, 12:20 PM
Last year Greece did nothing, why now ? WTF ?

Even though you know the score about ZOG this still pisses me off.

First they sabotage the ships, then they call in concerns,
then they outright stop the ships at gunpoint claiming it
is " for your safety . " The Captain felt safer at sea. LOL

A few good articles.

Irish flotilla ship will not sail to Gaza due to extensive sabotage (http://mondoweiss.net/2011/06/irish-flotilla-ship-will-not-sail-to-gaza-due-to-extensive-sabotage.html)

OpEdNews - Article: Breaking: Greek Coast Guard Has Stopped 2011 Flotilla/US Boat to Gaza (Ongoing) (http://www.opednews.com/articles/Breaking-Greek-Coast-Guar-by-Rob-Kall-110701-310.html)

Was Israeli unit Shayetet 13 behind the sabotage of Gaza-bound flotilla ships? (http://maxblumenthal.com/2011/06/whos-behind-the-sabotage-of-flotilla-ships-meet-israels-underwater-sabotage-unit/)

With multiple ships disabled, Gaza flotilla organizers regroup in Greece - Haaretz Daily Newspaper | Israel News (http://www.haaretz.com/print-edition/news/with-multiple-ships-disabled-gaza-flotilla-organizers-regroup-in-greece-1.370527)

Gaza-bound boat: Greek commandos forced us back - Israel News, Ynetnews (http://www.ynetnews.com/articles/0,7340,L-4089905,00.html)

Getting in bed with Israel has now made Greece morally bankrupt too | Al Jazeera Blogs (http://blogs.aljazeera.net/middle-east/2011/07/02/getting-bed-israel-has-now-made-greece-morally-bankrupt-too?utm_content=blogs&utm_campaign=Trial4&utm_source=twitter&utm_term=socialflow&utm_medium=tweet)
Rivero highlight quote of above article.

" In the past year, Netanyahu has met with his Greek counterpart several times - in fact, George Papandreou is the first Greek prime minister to have visited Israel in 30 years.

[ Papandreou family going back 3 generations are mass murdering communists, real communists from the civil war, KKE butchers, and they came from the USA and are Crypto Jews, all of these facts have been documented ]

Meanwhile, at least two vessels planning to take part in the flotilla this time round have been sabotaged, putting the lives of innocent men, women and children at risk yet again.

But that isn't surprising, Israel's willingness to kill indiscriminately is not new; what is astonishing, is the morally bankrupt alliance between Greece and Israel.

Greece stands to gain nothing from joining the "lets bend over backwards for Israel and be complicit in occupation and killing" club."

2nd July 2011, 12:33 PM
Almost as big as the "passport" incident, MSM media coverage should be awesome on this one.

2nd July 2011, 12:36 PM
Getting in bed with Israel has now made Greece morally bankrupt too (http://blogs.aljazeera.net/middle-east/2011/07/02/getting-bed-israel-has-now-made-greece-morally-bankrupt-too)

Quite true and very sad.

It seems Israel is acting on those findings to the letter. In the past year, Netanyahu has met with his Greek counterpart several times - in fact, George Papandreou is the first Greek prime minister to have visited Israel in 30 years.George Papandreou
An American brainwashed by western schools.
It would have been nice if the Greeks kept up their non visitation streak.

2nd July 2011, 01:10 PM