View Full Version : One million gather in Tripoli to support Gadaffi

midnight rambler
2nd July 2011, 10:54 AM

2nd July 2011, 10:58 AM
Then almost the whole town turned out for the party. The latest 2010 census showed only 1,025,244 give or take a few hundred thousand!

midnight rambler
2nd July 2011, 11:30 AM
Naturally we don't see this organic popular support covered by the likes of CNN, FOX, SeeBS, ABC, NBC, etc., nor does Drudge cover it.

2nd July 2011, 11:53 AM
This is a BS war

2nd July 2011, 12:28 PM
AJ had Webster Tarpley live from tripoli on his show yesterday.......



Check out this comment on YT:

"Tarpley cannot bring himself to say that Sarkozy is a Jew. He always talks in this kind of code..."the Anglo-Saxons" (referring to City of London Jewish banking), "the Venetians" referring to the Cabbalistic culture that transferred its activities to London after the establishment of the Bank of England.
He seems to know that he can say what he likes providing he stays away from this issue.
Let us condemn 'murder' but never identify the murderers. Simply Understanding is not enough."

2nd July 2011, 01:21 PM
Tens of thousands of supporters of Colonel Gaddafi have gathered in Tripoli as the Libyan leader warned his forces could strike in Europe.

Sky sources say more than a dozen loud explosions have been reported in the capital since Muammar Gaddafi's address, in which he vowed to stay in power and called on Nato to stop its bombing campaign or face "catastrophe".
Guns were fired in the air after the tirade was broadcast to huge crowds in Green Square.
Sky's Lisa Holland, who is reporting from Tripoli under the supervision of Libyan (http://indepth.news.sky.com/InDepth/topic/Libya) authorities, said it was one of the biggest turnouts in the capital for some time.
She said: "Col Gaddafi (http://indepth.news.sky.com/InDepth/topic/Colonel_Gaddafi)said homes, offices and families would become legitimate targets.
"He said, 'We are able to move to Europe like locusts. We advise you to retreat before you are dealt a disaster'."

http://news.sky.com/sky-news/content/StaticFile/jpg/2011/Jul/Week1/16022595.jpg Rebels in a captured military vehicle some 60 miles south of Tripoli on June 30

Col Gaddafi's troops have withstood nearly four months of bombardment by Nato (http://indepth.news.sky.com/InDepth/topic/Nato) missiles and war planes, acting under a UN resolution aimed at stopping the leader from attacking civilians.
His troops have also been up against numerous attempts by rebels to break through their lines.
Anti-Gaddafi fighters who had advanced to within 50 miles (80km) of the capital were forced to retreat earlier on Friday after coming under a barrage of rocket fire from government forces.
The rebels' advance in recent days had raised the possibility of a breakthrough in the conflict, the bloodiest of the Arab Spring uprisings.
African Union (http://indepth.news.sky.com/InDepth/topic/African%20Union) leaders have now offered to host talks between the government and rebels on a ceasefire and transition to democracy - but left open whether there was any future role for Col Gaddafi.

http://news.sky.com/sky-news/content/StaticFile/jpg/2011/Jul/Week1/16022597.jpg Aisha Gaddafi, pictured in April, said her father could cut a deal with rebels

Meanwhile, Libyan state television reported that Nato had bombed military and civilian sites in Garyan, in the Western Mountains, on Friday. Nato said it had destroyed a military target in the town "well outside" residential areas.
And Col Gaddafi's daughter, Aisha, said in a television interview broadcast late on Thursday her father's administration was prepared to cut a deal with the rebels if that was what it took to stop the bloodshed.
But Col Gaddafi's audio address to supporters in Green Square dismissed the rebels as "traitors".

The rally came days after the International Criminal Court issued arrest warrants for Col Gaddafi, one of his sons and an intelligence chief for crimes against humanity. (http://news.sky.com/skynews/Home/World-News/Gaddafi-Regime-In-Libya-ICC-Prosecutor-Says-It-Will-Be-Game-Over-Soon-After-Arrest-Warrant-Issued/Article/201106416020524)

Vid at link

Hatha Sunahara
3rd July 2011, 09:06 AM
Qadaffi is fighting with Hillary Clinton, who supplies the rebels with all the support they need. The rebels must be an inept bunch if they cannot unseat Qadaffi with all the help they are getting.

I'm waiting for Qadaffi to show the world the strategy the Imperial US State Department has adopted for installing satrapies in independent countries in the middle east--to make them provinces in the empire. The 'popular uprising' is a tactic that is only possible because of social networking technology on the internet. This tactic has been used successfully in many other countries--Kosovo, Ukraine, Georgia, Kyrgyzstan, and others. It has been tried a number of times in Iran, and now in Syria. The US public believes these popular uprisings are legitimate resistance against brutal dictators. The resistance however is by a violent minority in these countries who are helped by black ops arranged by the US Military and the CIA. The US is not installing democracies in these countries. They are installing dictators who are friendly to neoliberal colonialism of the US Corporate state.


3rd July 2011, 10:11 AM
French Confirm Arms Drops to Libyan Rebels (http://www.defensenews.com/story.php?i=6951680&c=EUR&s=TOP)

AGENCE FRANCE-PRESSE 29 Jun 2011 10:45

PARIS - The French military confirmed June 29 that it had air-dropped "light weapons" earlier this month to Libyan rebels fighting Moammar Gadhafi's forces in the highlands south of Tripoli.

Earlier, the Le Figaro newspaper and a well-placed nongovernment source had said that France had dropped several tons of arms, including Milan anti-tank rockets and light armored vehicles, to the rebels.

But Col. Thierry Burkhard, spokesman for the French general staff, told AFP that the shipments were essentially light arms such as assault rifles to help civilian communities...

A senior French diplomatic source who wished to remain nameless told Channel 4 News that the weapon drop "was an operational decision taken at the time to help civilians who were in in imminent danger. A group of civilians were about to be massacred so we took the decision to provide self-defensive weapons to protect those civilian populations under threat."

(Reuters) - France's decision to airlift weapons to Libyan rebels does not violate the U.N. arms embargo imposed on Libya in February, French Ambassador to the United Nations Gerard Araud said on Wednesday.

"We decided to provide self-defensive weapons to the civilian populations because we consider that these populations were under threat," Araud told reporters.

3rd July 2011, 12:26 PM
i wish kadaffi would take this war straight to europe. Just level the crap out of france and uk till they become a myth like atlantis.

4th July 2011, 01:15 AM

THE body representing African nations has called on its members to disregard the arrest warrant issued for Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi, in a move that will seriously weaken the International Criminal Court's ability to bring him to justice.

The decision passed by the 53-member African Union late on Friday states that the warrant against Gaddafi "seriously complicates" efforts by the organisation to find a solution to the Libyan crisis.

AU executive Jean Ping also told reporters the ICC is "discriminatory" and only goes after crimes committed in Africa, while ignoring those he says were committed by Western powers in places like Iraq, Afghanistan and Pakistan.

"With this in mind, we recommend that the member states do not cooperate with the execution of this arrest warrant," said the motion, which was shown to The Associated Press and whose passage was confirmed on yesterday by Daniel Adugna, a spokesman in the AU commissioner's office.

If countries in Africa abide by the recommendation, it opens the possibility that Gaddafi could avoid prosecution by seeking refuge on the soil of his neighbours.

A total of 31 states in Africa are signatories to the International Criminal Court, representing nearly a third of the nations where the mandate applies. However, there has been increasing malaise in Africa over the ICC, which has been denounced by the continent's entrenched rulers as an instrument of neocolonialism.

Diplomats present during this week's AU summit in Malabo said that although they support the court, they agree with the AU's claim that the warrant complicates effort to end the crisis in Libya.

"If he knows he has nowhere to go, he will fight till the end. He would rather die than be tried," according to a Western diplomat who requested anonymity because he was not authorised to speak to the media.

Gaddafi's chief of staff applauded the AU's decision, holding a copy of it in his hand on Friday evening as the heads of state emerged for their declaration to the assembly following a day of closed-door deliberations on Libya.

They announced they were inviting the warring sides to talks which will begin soon in Addis Ababa and which aim to put in place a transitional government that will govern the country until new elections can be held.

"This is a Libyan affair," said the chief of staff Bashir Saleh. "And it needs to stay a Libyan affair."


4th July 2011, 09:57 PM
i wish kadaffi would take this war straight to europe. Just level the crap out of france and uk till they become a myth like atlantis.

The hypocrisy of unseating Qadaffy, for any regime that would be on the take and indebted to the west, has such a festering stench about it, that I’m inclined to agree with you.