View Full Version : Is there going to be a monetary collapse...or not?

midnight rambler
4th July 2011, 03:16 PM
Dr. Tom Burnett doesn't think so - http://www.rense.com/general94/goldto.htm

4th July 2011, 03:29 PM
If you get a quantum number of people choosing to go to alternative currencies then a collapse will be generally recognized. Otherwise the whole affair is an individual choice. Seeing as how the present system is based upon debt and impossible to correct/balance then those who stay with fiat money are willing to participate in fraud. Those who abandon the fiat system can ignore a tax code that is based upon accepting fiat money (a big plus in my opinion). Those who stay with the fiat system get to account for the fiat they are permitted to handle for a short period of time.

4th July 2011, 03:41 PM
from the quip about living on an island and having a special set of rules, i gather he is either:

a) hugely independently wealthy and doesn't need to worry either way.

b) hugely inside connected and doesn't need to worry either way.

i can't be bothered to take seriously the opinion of those who don't have any skin in the game.

4th July 2011, 03:42 PM
Think?, it allready happened.......not even the paddles will bring it back to life.

midnight rambler
4th July 2011, 03:53 PM
IMO we're in that freefall moment when you know you've left the BASE (bridge, antenna, structure, earth), you're sailing thru the air straight down and you haven't impacted terra firma yet with a big SPLAT.

As Ponce has pointed out repeatedly, no exports = no recovery. All we export now is what this country does so well - putting hurt onto others (the latest episode being Libya).

4th July 2011, 04:16 PM
A monetary collapse is certain, but they may be able to postpone it for a while, meanwhile I will continue to enjoy double digit annual growth in the value of gold and silver, and continue to invest in useful stuff for a self sufficient life. Today I bought an old Singer sewing machine with table, my wife needs it as a laptop table at the moment, but I can easily mount the sewing machine back. Further I got this idea that if a DC generator is connected to the flywheel, the electricity generated by pumping the foot pedal could be used to power the laptop. Price of the sewing machine and the table was $8, looks good too. I also bought about a third of an ounce of silver in old Swedish coins for about 80 cents, at this second hand shop! Life is good! ;D

4th July 2011, 04:20 PM
TpTb makes a living off of exchanging one fiat currency for another.

If there is a collapse, one of the fiats should suffer much more than the rest.

4th July 2011, 04:29 PM
I would like to say that the longer that it takes to happen the worse that it will be.....but.......we are so way past it that it no longer makes any difference as to when it will happen.

mick silver
4th July 2011, 04:38 PM
not going to happen they will have the NWO paper out before anything happen

4th July 2011, 07:35 PM
Article was an overly simplistic (not to mention biased) view by an apocalyptic end of world doomer.

Rense must be getting desperate.

4th July 2011, 09:42 PM
I tried looking in this article to find the part where he says something.

4th July 2011, 10:17 PM
I actually thought it was a well written article, and I agree with a lot of it. His problem though is that his focus is on bashing gold/silver when things get "bad", but doesn't explain the root of the problem, the fiat/banking ponzi disaster looming on the horizon. He says gold and silver will not help you acquire food, resources to survive. That may be true, but what caused that situation to begin with?

It's like he wants to help folks prepare, but appeal to the brainwashed masses at the same time. That I agree with actually. Not everyone is going to prepare like we do.

Heck if this article could get one, or two, of my neighbors to save a bit more food and water, I give it two thumbs up.

midnight rambler
4th July 2011, 10:44 PM
There's this older fellow I've known for over 20 years. He 'woke up' at only 18 when Truman pulled MacArthur out of Korea for actually trying to win, so this fellow has been clued in to the real deal for a long, long time. Some time back he related to me how he had been fully expecting some sort of monetary collapse since the late '60s yet it never occurred. Then he asserted his conclusion to me, i.e. there will never be a monetary collapse and what we're actually experiencing right now (and for the past couple of decades at least) is "...a 'mop-up operation' since the money powers have essentially accomplished all they set out to do."

4th July 2011, 10:52 PM
There's this older fellow I've known for over 20 years. He 'woke up' at only 18 when Truman pulled MacArthur out of Korea for actually trying to win, so this fellow has been clued in to the real deal for a long, long time. Some time back he related to me how he had been fully expecting some sort of monetary collapse since the late '60s yet it never occurred. Then he asserted his conclusion to me, i.e. there will never be a monetary collapse and what we're actually experiencing right now (and for the past couple of decades at least) is "...a 'mop-up operation' since the money powers have essentially accomplished all they set out to do."

This could be the closest thing to a truism that we are likely to come across. Everyone is bankrupt. All they have to do is repel/put down those who object to the enforcement of the bankruptcy.

4th July 2011, 11:05 PM
Consider this...85% of the article is anti PM's, he largely backs nothing with facts but rather his personal opinions (aka perceptions), and his bottom line is:

"People sell you what makes you feel safe. Different people have different perceptions (That word again!). You feel safe with a bag of silver or a bar of gold and that's great. But understand the rules of the game. You aren't preparing for a monetary collapse. You are PRETENDING to prepare for a monetary collapse which won't happen. You bring your idea of precious metal to the table and I'll bring mine, but all you need is just a tiny bit of personal responsibility and a plan to get food and water for a week."

In a nutshell... his synopsis:

-PM's are a bad idea. Perhaps even ridiculous.
-There will be no monetary collapse.
-Plan to have food and water for a week.

I can see a few holes there. Also considering on his site he titles the blog post with

"OK, I poured vanilla on it for the sissies. (http://drtom.posterous.com/ok-i-poured-vanilla-on-it-for-the-sissies)"

I'm getting the idea this is some guy loving himself through his blog on the internet and getting all excited about it.

See for yourself...

midnight rambler
5th July 2011, 04:57 AM
This could be the closest thing to a truism that we are likely to come across. Everyone is bankrupt. All they have to do is repel/put down those who object to the enforcement of the bankruptcy.

Right, perception management is the key, i.e. keep the rubes *perceiving* they actually own anything, like their house, their late model SUV, pickup, or car, their boat, their airplane, their RV, their 'vacation home', their 'stock' they're playing in the stock market, their this or that, etc.

5th July 2011, 06:03 AM
There have been currency collapses of various kinds across the globe.

There are perhaps some things the guy didn't factor in...the perpetual wars and spending, the fact that everyone is connected the world around like never before in all of history aka the wake up factor (and it is happening), and the fact that it's really all a confidence game. Then there's the perpetual money printing that cannot stop, which will inevitably render the currency (currencies) worthless.

Budget cuts are realistically not enough any more at this point so interest rates will have to be raidsed into the double digits which is pretty much instant suicide...so the solution is to print more money.

On a fiat faith based perspective, people will flock to tangible assests. Assets that store indefinitely at room temperature are the most desirable of all.

5th July 2011, 06:31 AM
is "...a 'mop-up operation' since the money powers have essentially accomplished all they set out to do."

Still they gotta eat afterward, and this is where a world-o currency (or maybe already the Euro) comes in for a moment, to get reamed and shuffled away.

5th July 2011, 06:53 AM
They won't allow a monetary collapse unless they want it to. They're too loyal to each other. Where one falls, the others will swoop in to fill the void. If the euro falls, the US will buy the euro. If the dollar falls, the euro will step in to buy the dollar. If hyperinflation occurs, they will hoarde the necessary digits and siphon it away from the public. In a worst case scenario, they'll command the economy to spend money on specific goods and services (new taxation, which the public will perceive as a necessary good--example obamacare). FOod and water, with today's technology, can stay drinkable indefinitely by either putting in toxic chemicals to make it appear fresh, or by lowering the definition of what's edible/drinkable. The sheeple will be none the wiser and will actually hate you for telling them it's not edible/.drinkable.

No, the only way for monetary collapse to occur is through a natural global disaster, and even then it would probably be redefined by the elite in such a way as to reduce the population of the sheeple rather than themselves. Say a comet struck the earth...the msm would say it's a nuke and say it's al qaeda. the sheeple will gladly sign up. So actually, the global disaster would have to be a super disaster, destroying the entire northeast region of the US, UK, france, israel, and italy.

Even then, after a few thousand years, the sheeple will say all that was a hoax, america is a myth, this time will be different, let's do it all over again...in china!

5th July 2011, 09:04 AM
I can't even bother to read the article after seeing the quote Joboo put up.

5th July 2011, 09:43 AM
He lost me when he said that dealers wouldn't sell any gold if they really thought it was going to go up significantly in price. No understanding of buy/sell price spread?

5th July 2011, 11:36 AM
This is his conclusion:

You bring your idea of precious metal to the table and I'll bring mine, but all you need is just a tiny bit of personal responsibility and a plan to get food and water for a week.

When things get bad my gold and silver is about me planning my security to last longer than a week!

Basically I find these articles are written to support the denial of those half awake (including the authors).

Not yet being awake (but realizing there are problems) they can only be satisfied with a herd solution. A mix of 'if the herd sticks together we will be safe' and thinking one would only want to leave the herd (invest in PMs as example) for personal profit. Not yet realizing the herd is being herded by Wall Street to a slaughter and at the heart of most PM investing is attempt at being equiped to survive (form more than a week!).

I think Max K said it simply on Mike R's show last month, people will move out of paper derivatives of assests and into fiat money like the US dollar and PM's. The US dollar is a short term move and may even do better over the short term. But really it is a move into both and the fiat will only be a short term bet.

His whole attacking the PM dealers thing shows his ignorance of economics and markets in general.