View Full Version : shot with a 45/// language alert

5th July 2011, 02:46 PM

5th July 2011, 02:53 PM
LoL Dueebe!

Never , Never ! Put your finger on the trigger until ready. He is lucky the shot missed bone.

Training taking over "MOM" "Dad" help!!


5th July 2011, 04:13 PM
This is why you practice presentations over and over again. Your finger never leaves straight untill the weapon is rotated.,even if some one is grabing it and trying to twist it this will save you from a broken finger and possibly getting shot like that dude. when I carry small of the back this is exactly why I have a holster that lets me grab the pistol with an overhand grip (palm facing back) this way as I bring it around it flags my self much less and that is the stronger position for your arm to present the pistol. if you don't believe me try it some time with some one putting resistance there.

At least he will learn somthing from that with out crippling himself or others. Ironic that he blasts his leg using the pistol with a safety after practicing with a pistol that did not have one.

Proving the point keep your finger off the trigger untill you are ready to fire.

5th July 2011, 05:04 PM
My holsters dont do that :)

5th July 2011, 05:13 PM
Personaly they gave me one of those retention holsters when they first came out. After carrying one and using it in the field I evaluated as total crap. I like my nylon with a flap for tactical open carry. Nothing removes confidence after crawling around and finding your pistol packed full of dirt rocks leaves etc.

Just because it has bells and whistles and is labeled tacticool, that does not make it better.

Mr Murphy loves to hang out with people that can't kiss.


For example our friend with the uber-race badass Kimber and super-whamodyne holster.

Not try all that shit he is doing when your heart rate is 180+ and you are scared out of your mind.

Slow and simple is smooth, and smooth is fast.

5th July 2011, 05:16 PM
As with most things in life , K.I.S.S works for the best!


5th July 2011, 05:27 PM
Booger hooks and bang buttons 101 for you dude.

I kinda get a kick out of it when self proclaimed know it all gun guys get shown that they are indeed fallible.

Hate to see the guy take a round though.



lol - I said the same thing while watching

5th July 2011, 05:31 PM
Slow and simple is smooth, and smooth is fast.


I've got to give the guy credit though, he acknowledged his mistake and posted it to help others. That took balls, imo.

5th July 2011, 07:41 PM
No ND to report, but about I week after getting my concealed carry license, I accidently hit the magazine release on my waistband holstered PF9.

I was standing alone, in a quiet storage room, and that “click” was so loud I swear it echoed.

Noob lesson learned: Holster the gun, and leave it alone! Resist the urge to needlessly touch it and fiddle with it.

Half Sense
6th July 2011, 09:02 AM
Ol' Tex needs to get himself an old fashioned wheel gun and stop playing tacticool games with paper bad guys.

Or, he can keep adding switches, buttons, and controls to his carry rig. We've seen how well that works.

6th July 2011, 01:01 PM
LoL Dueebe!

Never , Never ! Put your finger on the trigger until ready. He is lucky the shot missed bone.

Training taking over "MOM" "Dad" help!!


that was funny...

"My training took over... I called my parents."

midnight rambler
6th July 2011, 01:18 PM
"join the NRA"

Well, there's his problem right there! lol

9th July 2011, 07:02 AM
Where is this guy even trying to shoot? A target facing his neighbors trailer?
