View Full Version : 5 reasons Ron paul will win

5th July 2011, 05:52 PM
Five reasons why Ron Paul will win in 2012


It's the economy, stupid.
Even mainstream surveys like this recent one by CNBC show that Americans don't buy the spin of economic recovery. Almost two thirds of respondents felt that the economy would not improve in the next year. And this a full two years after the recession officially ended. Manufacturing is now in its second decade of continuous decline, real job growth is non-existent, prices are rising, and incomes are stagnant.

For many Americans trapped in this economic malaise, it has become clear that the economic policies of both parties have failed them. Many are now beginning to realize that it is the very existence of government interference that has shifted prosperity from those businesses that compete in the market, to those that are favored by government. Capitalism isn't the problem, as Ron Paul points out, it's the absence of capitalism that has gotten us into this mess. Failed banks and corporations must be allowed to fail. The bailouts advocated by both parties have been a disaster. Ron Paul is the only choice for those who want free markets.
America's endless wars.
A significant portion of the Hope and Change vote in 2008 was centered about an end to Bush's two wars in the Middle East. Two and half years later, Obama's war record looks indistinguishable from a Bush third term. Anyone who voted for Obama as the peace candidate can't feel anything but betrayed.

Afghanistan is now the longest war in the history of the United States. The occupation of Iraq continues as well, despite its false flag origin. Neither has any quantifiable measure of victory, and as such, no real reason to ever end. And now, despite trillions of dollars spent and thousands of lives lost, Obama is expanding the war into Libya. Americans have grown weary of the continuous wars, and many no longer see the point. One of the most amazing facts of the 2012 presidential race is that Ron Paul is the only true peace candidate running.
The Federal Reserve.
After having contentedly spent nearly the first century of its existence in the dark shadows of obscurity, the Federal Reserve, and it's inflationary policies, are withering in the light of day thanks to Ron Paul. The Fed is now actively recognized by a growing number of Americans as the epicenter of America's decline. Centrally planned economies always fail. Our planners at the Fed will prove to be no exception. Inflationary monetary policy and artificially low interest rates, have led to a continual cycle of booms and busts, along with a concentration of the nation's wealth in the hands of a tiny minority.

The Fed is an issue that will only become larger. Young people, in particular, have latched onto the Fed as the single greatest threat to their future standard of living. Thanks to Ron Paul and the internet, more people every day are educating themselves as to how banking and the real economy operate. There is no going back once the true nature of the fraud is understood. Ron Paul owns the Federal Reserve issue.
Personal liberty.
Since 2001 there has been a monumental loss of liberty in the United States that has occurred in the name of security. The Patriot Act and TSA presence at airports, train stations, and even hotels are two examples in a long list of affronts. In a recent survey, 68% of Americans polled felt that they had lost some freedom under Obama.

This is yet another issue where it is virtually impossible to tell Democrats from Republicans. Even many of the so called Tea Party candidates voted in favor of renewing the Patriot Act. Americans are finally starting to say enough is enough. Only Ron Paul has the voting record that backs up his position on personal liberty.
In 2011 a majority of Americans still do not favor Obamacare. So what is the alternative offered by the mainstream media's Republican front-runner? Yes, Romneycare. The narrow space between those two options doesn't leave a lot of room for the large number of Americans who don't want the government determining their healthcare options.

There's never been a single case where the government has been more effective than the free market in driving down costs while improving quality. Healthcare will not be the exception. Ron Paul understands this. He is the only candidate who is willing to eliminate the profits of the protected special interests by removing the barriers to true market competition.

5th July 2011, 06:02 PM
It only takes one reason to lose.

As he does not have the boyish features of Bill Clinton I doubt if Paul will get the female vote.

5th July 2011, 06:08 PM
He is the right man in the wrong times, if he would get elected , to get anything that he wants done. He would need support from the other Washington critters. And I feel there are not enough that would support him on about anything he would want done.

It is sad, but I think true. If you think Washington is grid locked now, in partisan bullshit, it would be worse , unless a very good majority of the critters in office now got voted out. Plus, hang/shoot all of the lobbyist's.

5th July 2011, 06:15 PM
He would be suicided before his inaguration.

And that is only after a one in a bazillion castrophic failure of Deibold.

Joe King
5th July 2011, 06:32 PM
He is the right man in the wrong times, if he would get elected , to get anything that he wants done. He would need support from the other Washington critters. And I feel there are not enough that would support him on about anything he would want done. Even without support from the other critters, and assuming the will to do so, there is quite alot that could be un-done via "Executive Order" alone.

Veni, vidi...evigilavi!
5th July 2011, 06:41 PM
He would be suicided before his inaguration.

And that is only after a one in a bazillion castrophic failure of Deibold.

HUH? I believe the word you're looking for is murdered/killed, I don't think Dr. Paul would committ suicide. ;)

5th July 2011, 08:50 PM
HUH? I believe the word you're looking for is murdered/killed, I don't think Dr. Paul would committ suicide. ;)


5th July 2011, 09:06 PM
Several thoughts run through my head on this subject. With the backdrop that I do indeed think he has a fighting chance this time not a sure thing by any means but he is basically a household name now whereas I don't know anyone personally who had even heard of him before his run in 08.

1) In some respects it seems to me as though the path is being cleared for him, Palin and Huckabee not running, much more media coverage, less hostility etc.

I think we can all agree, the wheels are coming off this country and not just the economy but even down to a personal level, we have a demographic crisis that to me is much more serious than the economic one (which is saying a lot) and a moral and spiritual crisis which enables all other crisis's to take place.

With that said could it be that Paul is being set up so to speak since he is in many ways the antithesis of their marxist agenda? My point being that say Paul get's elected, as we all know the dumbass inhabitants of this country blame 100% of the current trouble on the current president at the time, so he get's in the wheels fly off and once and for all they can say "see we tried it his way, we tried no intervention and this is what happened" I wouldn't underestimate this, it would work it's way into textbooks and for generations our kids would read about how horribly the free market works.

I should also note that even though sometimes I think a path if being cleared for Paul I certainly don't think it is TPTB first choice, but I think even if he did win they could and would play it to their advantage. Currently they have everything working together in their current system, sure it's going the wrong way but it's efficient, we know from history that if you go against them they can and do have the power and wealth to wreck and entire economy, at least for a time.

2) If RP did get elected I think he could help, first he would never sign a non balanced budget, he could repeal other executive orders, bring our troops home, veto everything that wasn't Constitutional. So who knows how much they could roll back, but they certainly wouldn't push forward to more and more marxism every year.

I have more thoughts but I've typed enough.

willie pete
5th July 2011, 09:30 PM
Ron Paul is unelectable

5th July 2011, 09:51 PM
Five reasons why Ron Paul will SHOULD win in 2012

There, fixed it for you!

5th July 2011, 09:59 PM
As he does not have the boyish features of Bill Clinton I doubt if Paul will get the female vote.

Maybe if Paul started preaching 'hope' and 'change' he'd get a few more votes.

The thing is, it really doesn't matter which hammerhead we stuff in the white house. Nothing changes for the better. We basically vote for which puppet is going to be the next asshole that wears the president badge, yet they don't call the shots anyways. It's clear it's all basically pointless.

General of Darkness
5th July 2011, 10:17 PM
Here's reality, the media, which controls peoples minds has been pushing this b.s with the Casey Adams trial. The media, which is owned by TPTB is going to get their guy in, how else was the head negro put in charge. If RP gets elected I'll stab my own dick.

6th July 2011, 12:09 AM
Elections are hardly legitimate horse races. They have them picked in advance as they grow new ones like sharks replacing teeth - just look at Gavin Newsom for example. Same thing as Obama - hooked in with wealthy influences that groom them into higher office. All it takes is a Trojan horse running mate to seal the deal and RP will be neutralized with the media giving cover. Same shit, different day. Besides, the Presidency is just window dressing - there are still the Congress and the Courts - both infested nests of cronies. Not to mention the banking cartel that owns the whole show and our dear friend Israel, who RP is on record supporting. No matter how you slice it, I wouldn't get worked up about hope - that cliche is already a shop-worn whore in American politics. Rome is already burning friends. While people jockey for position others are cutting the firehoses.

6th July 2011, 01:49 AM
He would be able to slow down what is happening but not stop it.......only time will do that now.

6th July 2011, 01:53 AM
I don't know if Dr. Paul will win the republican nomination or not, no less the general election. But I will say this, the American people will get what they ask for. If they ask for another corporate/government con-man, they'll get their wish. If they've had enough of the shenanigans and are truly looking to save whatever may be left of this country, Ron Paul will be elected.

Celtic Rogue
6th July 2011, 04:17 AM
Considering all of the potential candidates... Dr. Ron Paul is the only person running that I would trust to bring back the Constitutional form of government that we need.

I make this decision not by how snappy he looks or dresses... not on what party he affiliates himself with... but by his voting record and his being a hard core Constitutionalists over the entire time of his political life.

If we dont get him elected... then I am afraid the person that does win will continue the path of destruction that has been going on for my entire lifetime.

Voting for the Dr. is not wasting a vote. Its only wasting your vote if you vote for anyone that doesn't believe that Our Constitution is the law of the land.

He had my vote before... and I urge EVERYONE to make Dr. Paul theirs this time! But alas with the media lies and the peoples easily distracted state.... We once again will get what we dont deserve!

6th July 2011, 05:27 AM
Maybe if Paul started preaching 'hope' and 'change' he'd get a few more votes.

The thing is, it really doesn't matter which hammerhead we stuff in the white house. Nothing changes for the better. We basically vote for which puppet is going to be the next asshole that wears the president badge, yet they don't call the shots anyways. It's clear it's all basically pointless.

An insurgency was set up by the 14th amendment and you can only vote in insurgency. The one who gets the most votes is the head insurgent. The oath he takes to get into office is not to the insurgents who placed him there but rather to those who did not elect to be insurgent themselves. What is not to like about a system like this?

6th July 2011, 05:41 AM
Here's reality, the media, which controls peoples minds has been pushing this b.s with the Casey Adams trial. The media, which is owned by TPTB is going to get their guy in, how else was the head negro put in charge. If RP gets elected I'll stab my own dick.

The self dickstabbing has to be video taped and posted pleasee. hahahah

6th July 2011, 07:00 AM
RP is unelectable because the majority of the people have been corrupted spiritually and morally. Denial is a very useful technique when it justifies your do-nothing job and lush pension - denial of honest pay for honest work. If you showed the people a full discourse on RP's positions versus the other candidates I am confident that the large majority would admit that RP's solutions are honest and logical and fair. That same majority would proceed to elect someone else.

Most people fear things like open competition, advancement based purely on merit, and elimination of social welfare 'safety nets,' because they fear that they may lose more than they gain. In the real world, we all cannot be winners and the best. Adults accept a fair game even when they may not be a winner - and they acknowledge that the game being fair is best for all collectively, because we all profit when our culture rewards true ability and talent over birth right, ethnic or racial membership, or class.

But today, the people have swallowed the sweet nostrums of the socialist exploiters in government: we can all be winners! Right and wrong don't matter; judgements are to be eliminated. Everyone can be guaranteed a happy outcome and the realization of their dreams, irregardless of irresponsible and reckless conduct (i.e. drug abuse, out-of-wedlock pregnancy, high-risk sexual practices, homosexuality), lack of true work ethic and sacrifice (i.e. lack of thrift and living on debt and credit), and least of all intrinsic ability and aptitude (i.e.'No Child Left Behind'). Today, we are a nation of children that believes in rainbows, unicorns and happy endings for all.

So RP really represents a noxious idea: that there are no guarantees, that our rewards need be earned through honest sweat and toil, and the role of government is rather narrow and does not include providing you with social comforts, privileges and guarantees. No my friends, America is a deluded child and she does not want to hear the message being extolled by Dr. Paul. Dr. Paul's way is the right and true way; but it requires hard work and sacrifice. And those are just no longer acceptable to most.

6th July 2011, 07:12 AM
the media will decide who is going to be your president, thank you very much. and the media does not like ron paul.

the media likes black guys, mormons, and crazy women from minnesota. they are much more entertaining than white guys from texas who like the constitution. and never forget it is all about the entertainment.

6th July 2011, 07:36 AM
Several thoughts run through my head on this subject. With the backdrop that I do indeed think he has a fighting chance this time not a sure thing by any means but he is basically a household name now whereas I don't know anyone personally who had even heard of him before his run in 08.

1) In some respects it seems to me as though the path is being cleared for him, Palin and Huckabee not running, much more media coverage, less hostility etc.

I think we can all agree, the wheels are coming off this country and not just the economy but even down to a personal level, we have a demographic crisis that to me is much more serious than the economic one (which is saying a lot) and a moral and spiritual crisis which enables all other crisis's to take place.

With that said could it be that Paul is being set up so to speak since he is in many ways the antithesis of their marxist agenda? My point being that say Paul get's elected, as we all know the dumbass inhabitants of this country blame 100% of the current trouble on the current president at the time, so he get's in the wheels fly off and once and for all they can say "see we tried it his way, we tried no intervention and this is what happened" I wouldn't underestimate this, it would work it's way into textbooks and for generations our kids would read about how horribly the free market works.

I should also note that even though sometimes I think a path if being cleared for Paul I certainly don't think it is TPTB first choice, but I think even if he did win they could and would play it to their advantage. Currently they have everything working together in their current system, sure it's going the wrong way but it's efficient, we know from history that if you go against them they can and do have the power and wealth to wreck and entire economy, at least for a time.

2) If RP did get elected I think he could help, first he would never sign a non balanced budget, he could repeal other executive orders, bring our troops home, veto everything that wasn't Constitutional. So who knows how much they could roll back, but they certainly wouldn't push forward to more and more marxism every year.

I have more thoughts but I've typed enough.

I've been thinking along these same lines. We all know that the deteriation of this country has been slowly progressing to where we are today. Its true that whatever bad happens, the sitting president gets blamed.Ron Paul getting elected and then having everything completely fall apart, therefore receiving all blame is a very distinct possibility. My thoughts have been that
TPTB get a black man in and then a woman, the country goes down the tubes, and that is the first and last time one of them
gets in office.

6th July 2011, 08:21 AM
Obama vs. Palin ... i almost don't see a reason to drive to the polls.

Obama vs. Paul - for that i would drive to the polls.

6th July 2011, 08:28 AM
I'm with Mrnhtbr, NordicBerzerker and GoD on this one.

If RP won, he would be a lamb surrounded by wolves. If he wasn't suicided right away, the smear campaign would rev up to a million RMPs. He is one man who shows integrity, swimming in a sea of scandelous greedy backstabbing traitors.

Let's also remember that he is a member of the FMC, just sayin...

6th July 2011, 11:14 AM
ill give you 5 reasons he WONT....
1. Rothschild
3. cohen
5. any other jewish names i can think of.

6th July 2011, 11:29 AM
ill give you 5 reasons he WONT....
1. Rothschild
3. cohen
5. any other jewish names i can think of.

In short, the Schwartz is not with him!

6th July 2011, 12:17 PM
RP is not Hollywood enough. Get some big studly guy like John Wayne, have him campaign on forcibly serving people shit at all street corners, and he will get more votes than RP.... and the people will eat the shit as long as it seems to be the "trendy" or more "exciting" choice.

Silver Rocket Bitches!
6th July 2011, 02:08 PM
You can certainly try and help him win. At the very least you can put your weight behind a candidate who shares your ideals.


6th July 2011, 06:24 PM
the smear campaign would rev up to a million RMPs.

That is a lot of Royal Mounted Police.


6th July 2011, 06:37 PM
RP is unelectable because the majority of the people have been corrupted spiritually and morally. Denial is a very useful technique when it justifies your do-nothing job and lush pension - denial of honest pay for honest work. If you showed the people a full discourse on RP's positions versus the other candidates I am confident that the large majority would admit that RP's solutions are honest and logical and fair. That same majority would proceed to elect someone else.

Most people fear things like open competition, advancement based purely on merit, and elimination of social welfare 'safety nets,' because they fear that they may lose more than they gain. In the real world, we all cannot be winners and the best. Adults accept a fair game even when they may not be a winner - and they acknowledge that the game being fair is best for all collectively, because we all profit when our culture rewards true ability and talent over birth right, ethnic or racial membership, or class.

But today, the people have swallowed the sweet nostrums of the socialist exploiters in government: we can all be winners! Right and wrong don't matter; judgements are to be eliminated. Everyone can be guaranteed a happy outcome and the realization of their dreams, irregardless of irresponsible and reckless conduct (i.e. drug abuse, out-of-wedlock pregnancy, high-risk sexual practices, homosexuality), lack of true work ethic and sacrifice (i.e. lack of thrift and living on debt and credit), and least of all intrinsic ability and aptitude (i.e.'No Child Left Behind'). Today, we are a nation of children that believes in rainbows, unicorns and happy endings for all.

So RP really represents a noxious idea: that there are no guarantees, that our rewards need be earned through honest sweat and toil, and the role of government is rather narrow and does not include providing you with social comforts, privileges and guarantees. No my friends, America is a deluded child and she does not want to hear the message being extolled by Dr. Paul. Dr. Paul's way is the right and true way; but it requires hard work and sacrifice. And those are just no longer acceptable to most.

This is one of the best posts I've read in quite sometime, I'm surprised everyone on GSUS hasn't left a thanks.

You are spot on in your assessment.

There are so many people on the take (last time I read it was almost 60% rely on a government check) that even though eventually the money will run out, they would rather go headlong off the cliff than do any sort of reform now. For these people (I will never call them Americans, being born in America doesn't make you an American any more than being born a male makes you a man) they can't even plan financially for next month, let alone come close to envisioning where we will be 5+ years down the road.

These citizens live a life of zero consequences, they do get bailed out despite their bitching, they do a shitty job and get laid off, they go directly on unemployment. Some girl gets knocked up in HS she will be getting freebies for life. These people are in massive amounts of debt yet at the same time bitch about their government who is also in massive amounts of debt. Nothing less than full on hypocrites.

The fact of the matter is people get the government they deserve, it is simply reality. William Penn said "men must be governed by God or they will be ruled by tyrants" and it is so true. The people that surround us in America due to a jewish created immigration policy, and vast amounts of brainwashing in various forms, are so medicated that they can't even face reality. They take their soma, or illegal drugs or become alcoholics as an escape so that they don't have to come to grips with the reality staring them in the face.

As I've said before you can't import the third world and think it won't effect your country. I put the demographic crisis on the very top of my list of concerns about this country (and most Western countries). Given complete control I have no doubt that within a few decades most of us here could fix Americas economic problems, it wouldn't be easy but certainly possible. But the demographic crisis is absolutely unfixable, White people under 18 in 1/5 of US States are now the minority, 44% of non Whites in the country don't even know who America declared independence from and why should they? It wasn't their ancestors who created this Republic.

6th July 2011, 07:45 PM
RP is unelectable because the majority of the people have been corrupted spiritually and morally. Denial is a very useful technique when it justifies your do-nothing job and lush pension - denial of honest pay for honest work. If you showed the people a full discourse on RP's positions versus the other candidates I am confident that the large majority would admit that RP's solutions are honest and logical and fair. That same majority would proceed to elect someone else.

Most people fear things like open competition, advancement based purely on merit, and elimination of social welfare 'safety nets,' because they fear that they may lose more than they gain. In the real world, we all cannot be winners and the best. Adults accept a fair game even when they may not be a winner - and they acknowledge that the game being fair is best for all collectively, because we all profit when our culture rewards true ability and talent over birth right, ethnic or racial membership, or class.

But today, the people have swallowed the sweet nostrums of the socialist exploiters in government: we can all be winners! Right and wrong don't matter; judgements are to be eliminated. Everyone can be guaranteed a happy outcome and the realization of their dreams, irregardless of irresponsible and reckless conduct (i.e. drug abuse, out-of-wedlock pregnancy, high-risk sexual practices, homosexuality), lack of true work ethic and sacrifice (i.e. lack of thrift and living on debt and credit), and least of all intrinsic ability and aptitude (i.e.'No Child Left Behind'). Today, we are a nation of children that believes in rainbows, unicorns and happy endings for all.

So RP really represents a noxious idea: that there are no guarantees, that our rewards need be earned through honest sweat and toil, and the role of government is rather narrow and does not include providing you with social comforts, privileges and guarantees. No my friends, America is a deluded child and she does not want to hear the message being extolled by Dr. Paul. Dr. Paul's way is the right and true way; but it requires hard work and sacrifice. And those are just no longer acceptable to most.

Spot on and quoted for truth.

This above was my take on the whole point of Ayn Rand's angle but she seems to be a villan around here.

willie pete
6th July 2011, 08:08 PM
RP is unelectable because the majority of the people have been corrupted spiritually and morally. Denial is a very useful technique when it justifies your do-nothing job and lush pension - denial of honest pay for honest work. If you showed the people a full discourse on RP's positions versus the other candidates I am confident that the large majority would admit that RP's solutions are honest and logical and fair. That same majority would proceed to elect someone else.

Most people fear things like open competition, advancement based purely on merit, and elimination of social welfare 'safety nets,' because they fear that they may lose more than they gain. In the real world, we all cannot be winners and the best. Adults accept a fair game even when they may not be a winner - and they acknowledge that the game being fair is best for all collectively, because we all profit when our culture rewards true ability and talent over birth right, ethnic or racial membership, or class.

But today, the people have swallowed the sweet nostrums of the socialist exploiters in government: we can all be winners! Right and wrong don't matter; judgements are to be eliminated. Everyone can be guaranteed a happy outcome and the realization of their dreams, irregardless of irresponsible and reckless conduct (i.e. drug abuse, out-of-wedlock pregnancy, high-risk sexual practices, homosexuality), lack of true work ethic and sacrifice (i.e. lack of thrift and living on debt and credit), and least of all intrinsic ability and aptitude (i.e.'No Child Left Behind'). Today, we are a nation of children that believes in rainbows, unicorns and happy endings for all.

So RP really represents a noxious idea: that there are no guarantees, that our rewards need be earned through honest sweat and toil, and the role of government is rather narrow and does not include providing you with social comforts, privileges and guarantees. No my friends, America is a deluded child and she does not want to hear the message being extolled by Dr. Paul. Dr. Paul's way is the right and true way; but it requires hard work and sacrifice. And those are just no longer acceptable to most.

Ron Paul would of had a MUCH better chance of being elected back in the '30's or '40's....before the tentacles of the liberal-socialists had grown so far and wide.....don't get me wrong, it would've been close back then too...at least back then, there weren't as many of them as are today, AND they weren't as many in high places, as are today....