View Full Version : Whistleblower Maguire - This Will Destroy Gold & Silver Shorts

6th July 2011, 11:20 AM
This morning London whistleblower Andrew Maguire told King World News that the launch of the new gold and silver exchange in China will destroy the remaining gold and silver shorts. Maguire stated, “The launch of this new gold and silver exchange has flown under the radar, but certainly has my attention. I firmly believe we are marking a pivotal point that will in very short order affect current precious metals price discovery dynamics. We now have an additional factor to be vended into the supply demand equation. This factor will ultimately destroy the remaining short positions in both gold and silver.”

“China is keen to diversify their cash holdings and is also encouraging citizens to make investments in gold and silver. The Pan Asia Gold Exchange is another step in this direction by opening up ease of access to physical gold and silver to their bank customers. This physical backed exchange is going to be a big game-changer.

Just look at the scale of this to get an idea of how massive this game-changer will be, The Agricultural Bank of China has over 320 million retail customers and 2.7 million corporate customers and has integrated its customer account information system with this platform.

By creating the first ever rolling spot contract, Chinese bank customers will for the first time have ease of access to 10 ounce gold contracts in Renminbi directly from their bank accounts and with the click of a mouse. To give a further idea of scale, if just 1% of their customers bought a single 10 ounce contract, that would equate to 1,000 tons of physical gold being drawn down....

“The impact on the price of silver will be even more pronounced. Silver is a much smaller market and already in tight supply. If just 1% of Agricultural Bank of China customers buy 500 ounces of silver, that would require 1.6 billion ounces of silver! I believe the leveraged and naked existing short side concentration in silver will be blind-sided by this. In my opinion it will create a massive short squeeze.

None of this potential new physical demand has been factored in by analysts and I expect a large and unanticipated drawdown of physical gold and silver over the next few months, ahead of the international contracts going ‘live.’

One of the key points here Eric is that many of these shorts are naked and heavily leveraged. Thus for every physical ounce of gold and silver taken out of the physical market and into this new exchange in China, it will force many multiples of that to be covered in the paper market.”

The KWN audio interview with Andrew Maguire will be available shortly, you can listen to it by CLICKING HERE.

6th July 2011, 08:34 PM

6th July 2011, 09:30 PM
Interview should be available here at some point when they get around to uploading it...


7th July 2011, 03:31 PM
“When asked about Maguire’s comment that for each ounce of physical gold and silver taken out of the market by the new exchange in China that there would be multiples of that covered in the paper market Embry stated, “Yes indeed and I’ve always believed that when push came to shove in this area that a lot of these silver contracts are going to be settled for paper because the silver isn’t available.

I’ve seen some staggering statistics about the little amount of silver underlying all of the paper silver that is floating around. My partner Eric Sprott and his associate Andrew Morris wrote a brilliant paper on it a couple of weeks ago. They indicated that the amount of silver that is trading on the various paper exchanges, and the amount of physical silver that is in inventory on these exchanges is preposterous! If anybody went in and asked for 5% of the silver it would be all gone.
Yesterday London Whistleblower Andrew Maguire informed KWN that he believes the new gold and silver exchange opening in China will destroy the gold and silver shorts. Today King World News interviewed John Embry Chief Investment Strategist at Sprott Asset Management to get his take on Maguire’s comments.

When asked if this could create the upside explosion in gold and silver Maguire is looking for Embry responded, “First, I happen to agree with about 99% of what Andrew Maguire says most of the time and I certainly agree with this. It sort of encompasses two things. It’s been well documented, the Chinese interest in gold and silver is immense. They have a natural tendency towards it. They are getting wealthier and now they are setting up an opportunity where the public can get easier access to it, so to me that just cements the demand side of the equation.”

Embry continues:

“The other side that Andrew knows a lot about because of his vast experience is the paper short positions that are carried by the bullion banks. The fact is these things (short positions) are extremely vulnerable and they can be taken out by physical demand.

When the pricing mechanism changes from the paper market to the physical market, which is what Andrew is suggesting, this is the inflection point where the price of gold is going to go berserk. Silver even more so because of the tightness in the silver market and the fact that the short position is even more extreme.”

When asked where the silver will come from to supply the new exchange in China Embry replied, “Basically the only way you are going to draw it (silver) out is by dramatically higher prices. I think there’s a very distinct silver shortage, unlike gold where there is still some left in central bank vaults. In this recent takedown in gold that took place over the last several weeks, clearly they accessed some central bank gold to assist their paper takedown. But this is going to be harder and harder to do in silver because there just isn’t that inventory lying around that can meet a sharp increase in demand...

What I’ve always said Eric is that the catalyst (to explode the metals markets) will probably be something that we didn’t foresee. Nobody was talking about this Chinese exchange until Andrew Maguire pointed it out. The market is amazing, sometimes it just kind of glides along and then all of the sudden something gets its attention and it changes the whole dynamic.”

http://kingworldnews.com/kingworldnews/KWN_DailyWeb/Entries/2011/7/7_Embry_-_Maguire_Correct%2C_Gold_Silver_Shorts_Will_be_Des troyed.html