View Full Version : this is a good one!

6th July 2011, 06:20 PM


by Katharine Watts
Think you've waited too long to find the one? Gilbert Herrick waited longer.

The 99-year-old World War II veteran was married for the first time on June 6, 2011, according to the Democrat and Chronicle.

Why wait so long?

"I never met the right woman until I met Virginia," Herrick told the newspaper.

Herrick, who has been a resident at Monroe Community Hospital in Rochester, New York for 1 ˝ years, met Virginia Hartman, 86, shortly after she moved in. After spending their days talking and bonding over art (they both love to paint) they wanted to start sharing a room. Unfortunately, the hospital's policy only allows married couples to cohabitate—so Hartman asked Herrick to marry her.

Herrick said yes, and after spending 99 years as a bachelor, he became a husband.

Though they may be an elderly couple, their marriage more closely mimics the relationship of high school sweethearts. They spend their days writing each other secret love notes, singing each other songs (I love you, a bushel and a peck) and doing the things they love together.

Besides giving us a valuable lesson (wait for the right person, instead of settling for the right now person) and showing us that being single at 30 does not make you a spinster, Herrick's also given us an excuse to crank up the Motown.

The Supremes were right all along—you can't hurry love.
What do you think? Would you rather settle down sooner, or wait for the right person to come along? Can love happen at any age?

---the first thought i had was that the honeymoon might have gave them both heart attacks! lol

7th July 2011, 03:32 PM
"Old people can be so sweet"

General of Darkness
7th July 2011, 03:38 PM
"Old people can be so sweet"
