View Full Version : "The Iceman Inheritance" Why Joo Culture Is So Demented

6th July 2011, 10:41 PM
The book "The Iceman Inheritance" describes "Ashkenazi Jews" as non-Semitic and 95% of the joo population of the planet. They come from an area on the Russian Steepes a high percentage of Neanderthal genes. Hearing this, the jooz typically went apeshit against the book and the author, Michael Bradley. He discusses it in this article:


The Iceman Inheritance
A frightening publication history of Jewish media suppression

Now, for the first time in 23 years, there is a new and revised edition of one of the most notorious underground bestsellers in recent North American publishing history – possibly second only to The Secret Relationship Between Blacks and Jews.

"................When I had finally digested all this (joo rage against his book, The Iceman Inheritance), which took about six months, the animal-like animosity of the New York Times editorial became crystal clear. The “Jewish” Ashkenazim had come from a region of known late-lingering Neanderthals, the Caucasus Mountains and the neighboring Russian steppes.

Some typically “Jewish” physical traits were very obviously vestigial Neanderthal ones – generally a short stature and a plump physique, many very short wide-hipped and big-breasted women, extremely hairy men and a tendency toward beetling brows and large beaky “hooked” noses in both genders. Many Ashkenazim have crinkly-curly head hair tending toward dark reddish brown or mahogany in color.

Among Ashkenazi “Jews” there is also a genetic tendency toward beaky faces, not only just noses, and big mouths (in more ways than one) that “wrap around” the lower face. Barbara Streisand and Julia Roberts provide two lovely and very well known examples of how attractive this genetic trait can be. But these are not “Semitic” physical traits. They are Neanderthal physical characteristics.

And maybe some Neanderthal emotional and behavioral
traits persisted among the Ashkenazim along with the physical ones.Their “chosen people” pretension is a typical Neanderthalin-group obsession that is actually a genetic racist predisposition against all other humans. It is a genetically determined “us against them” mentality. Their higher level of known Neanderthal aggression against outsiders is responsible for their disproportional social influence wherever they have settled in the West.

Their men’s feelings of sexual inadequacy are a Neanderthal genetic legacy reflected in much more frequent confusion of sexual orientation than occurs among males of other Caucasian ethnic groups and other races. It has been the subject of too-numerous Jewish-authored books and screenplays, and Woody Allen’s work (and private life) is a very well known example of this Jewish predicament.

This genetic Neanderthal psychosexual maladaptation has also bequeathed to Jews a tendency toward emotional instability and hysteria when they feel nervous or threatened...which is all the time when they are not in absolute control. And they are arrogant, but uneasy, even then. An ethnic symptom of this emotional instability is the Jewish tendency toward hypochondria. Even they cannot
(yet) control death.

This unfortunate combination of high aggression combined with a tendency toward hysteria and emotional instability has proved to be a dangerous and tragic situation over the course of Western history. Their aggression encourages continual Jewish attempts to control societies, while the emotional instability makes it difficult for most Jews to distinguish reasonably between justified social criticism by their non-Jewish neighbors and attacks."

7th July 2011, 07:28 AM

8th July 2011, 06:01 PM
"Some typically “Jewish” physical traits were very obviously vestigial Neanderthal ones – generally a short stature and a plump physique, many very short wide-hipped and big-breasted women, extremely hairy men and a tendency toward beetling brows and large beaky “hooked” noses in both genders. Many Ashkenazim have crinkly-curly head hair tending toward dark reddish brown or mahogany in color.

so when you see a Jewish actress like Kyra Sedgwick with a Madison Avenue nose - did she for sure have plastic surgery ? (besides on her boobs, they are disproportionately large for her skinny physique.)