View Full Version : A jewish blogger, raised by satanists, now Christian

7th July 2011, 07:07 AM
I found a link to this site while reading on some other site about how NASA faked the moon landing.

This woman is very aware of the satanic conspiracy, and I read a good chunk of her blurbs, but then I wondered what hers stance was on jews/fake jews (Babylonian Talmudists), and did a word search.

Strange. She's a jew, raised in a satanic/pagan cultist home, suffered abuse as a child, turned Christian, and blogs on the conspiracy. She is aware of the banking cartel, CFR, etc.

Strange mix. I am not pro or con of her site, because I am still reading right now, but I though some of you might find it interesting.


EDITed because the author is a woman, but I originally assumed the author is a man.
Brutal childhood.

7th July 2011, 07:24 AM
That's a lot of material Awoke - it will likely be a few days before I personally draw my own conclusions but it is certainly an interesting collection and I'm already reading it. He has an interesting article about Howard Hughes that caught my attention and how his obsessive compulsive disorder included pedophilia - I've read before that was the case, but I also know it is a short-list method to smear detractors of the conspiracy. Will this guy's material read as minefields to recognize or just personal musings based on good research? Time will tell but definitely a good read either way from a cursory pass.

7th July 2011, 09:05 AM
Holy shit man, I just read all the chapters from the "My Story" section, and this woman has been through the worst satanic abuse I could image.

God have mercy and bless her with strength. I am stunned.

I also read one of her "Survivor Essays" titled "Ritual and the Ten Commandments", which made me think of Dysgenic when she closed with this:

I think the twentieth century marked a change in the modus operandi of the secret societies as science began to have greater power. The cult goal, social control, began incorporating "scientific methods" into its doctrines. Satan became the "evil scientist". They began a movement from demons to space aliens. And most evil of all, they began a scientific investigation into the most efficient methods of mind control, which included modern electronic devices. The devastation to the mind was now complete, a crime far exceeding a simple murder, where the victim finds release. The victim of the new mind control must live the rest of his life in the hell that was created in his own head! And is our Government a party to this new evil? Many say yes.

7th July 2011, 09:55 AM
that is gonna take me some time to digest all of that, but with a quick skim, it looks very interesting.

thanks, Awoke!

7th July 2011, 10:07 AM
Read her story, under the headings on the left. You won't be able to stop reading once you start.
It starts with "Walpurgisnacht Baby", in which her birth was forced prematurely in order that she was born on the eve of May, which is a pagan holiday.

7th July 2011, 12:07 PM

7th July 2011, 03:06 PM
Sold to nazi aliens in California. Mengele was there. Ok I am done.

11th July 2011, 04:35 AM
You figure Mengele never interacted with anyone, ever? Did he live in a box? What makes it seemingly impossible to you that mengele didn't run in satanic circles and interact with cult members?