View Full Version : Palin's film 'Undefeated'

midnight rambler
7th July 2011, 03:54 PM
Yes, it's possible to be undefeated, yet still be a complete moron who's a quitter.

Have your barf bag at the ready. If this isn't a led-in to a POTUS run I don't know what is.


I wouldn't piss down her Zionist cock-sucking throat if her guts were on fire.

7th July 2011, 04:42 PM
I'm patiently waiting for her to throw her hat into the Republicocksuckercan ring.
Why else did she happen to show up at Romney's and Bachman's campaign ralley to steal support from them?
The Ziocons have been grooming her for this.

7th July 2011, 04:46 PM