View Full Version : Jesse Jackson "The Death of the Swedish People Should Not be Seen as Something Negati

General of Darkness
7th July 2011, 06:41 PM
Just when I thought I'd seen it all. Holy smokes.


midnight rambler
7th July 2011, 06:58 PM
What the hell do you expect in a socialist paradise??

willie pete
7th July 2011, 07:01 PM
Sweden was built on the backs of slaves? ...never heard that one, it'll be interesting to see Sweden in 30-50 years....bet it'll look a lot different

7th July 2011, 07:19 PM
Is it true Jesse Jackson is a 33rd degree Prince Hall Freemason?

7th July 2011, 07:44 PM
Sweden was built on the backs of slaves? ...never heard that one, it'll be interesting to see Sweden in 30-50 years....bet it'll look a lot different

The Swedes had nothing to do with the black slave trade. The leveling of white guilt by Jackson on the Swedes vis-a-vis black slavery shows him for the racist that he is: he sees all whites as evil slaveowners and is a bigot dripping with hate. Unfortunately for the Swedes, they've allowed their racial memory and ethnic identity to be erased on the alter of political correctness and appear to be consenting to their own extinction. Planet of the Apes here we come.

7th July 2011, 07:45 PM
Is it true Jesse Jackson is a 33rd degree Prince Hall Freemason?

More likely the Fresh Prince of Bel Air.

willie pete
7th July 2011, 08:00 PM
The Swedes had nothing to do with the black slave trade. The leveling of white guilt by Jackson on the Swedes vis-a-vis black slavery shows him for the racist that he is: he sees all whites as evil slaveowners and is a bigot dripping with hate. Unfortunately for the Swedes, they've allowed their racial memory and ethnic identity to be erased on the alter of political correctness and appear to be consenting to their own extinction. Planet of the Apes here we come.

Yep......like I said, it'll be interesting to see Sweden in 50 years, I'll wager the country will have a new name...lol ...it won't even be named Sweden anymore....lol ...Sweden reminds me of the US right around the begining of the LBJ era....open up the liberal-socialistic flood gates, and without a doubt it's going to blow up in their face

7th July 2011, 08:21 PM
This ultra racist is definately an agent for the NWO.
Sweden is destined to become a multi racial society, why?
Do they owe the black man for when the Jews brought the slaves?

I like jackson as much as I like the two other ultra-racists, Al Sharpton and Herdildo Rivera

Joe King
7th July 2011, 08:36 PM
Sweden reminds me of the US right around the begining of the LBJ era....open up the liberal-socialistic flood gates,
If the populations in question would have maintained sufficient growth in their own populations, that wouldn't have been necessary. But the ptb will do anything to keep the perma-growth ponzi schemes of the World, that have been so graciously provided for your benefit, going.

Across Europe, birth rates are falling and family sizes are shrinking. The total fertility rate is now less than two children per woman in every member nation in the European Union (see Figure 1). As a result, European populations are either growing very slowly or beginning to decrease.

At the same time, low fertility is accelerating the ageing of European populations. As a region, Europe in 2000 had the highest percentage of people age 65 or older — 15 percent. According to data from the U.S. Bureau of the Census, this percentage is expected to nearly double by 2050.[1]

These demographic trends portend difficult times ahead for European economies. <--- emphasis mine.

People, it's all about keeping the debt-based-ponzi-scheme-of-a-monetary-system going.
Or otherwise known as the elites bread and butter. You don't want them to go without bread and butter, do you?

General of Darkness
7th July 2011, 08:41 PM
If the populations in question would have maintained sufficient growth in their own populations, that wouldn't have been necessary. But the ptb will do anything to keep the perma-growth ponzi schemes of the World, that have been so graciously provided for your benefit, going.

Across Europe, birth rates are falling and family sizes are shrinking. The total fertility rate is now less than two children per woman in every member nation in the European Union (see Figure 1). As a result, European populations are either growing very slowly or beginning to decrease.

At the same time, low fertility is accelerating the ageing of European populations. As a region, Europe in 2000 had the highest percentage of people age 65 or older — 15 percent. According to data from the U.S. Bureau of the Census, this percentage is expected to nearly double by 2050.[1]

These demographic trends portend difficult times ahead for European economies. <--- emphasis mine.

People, it's all about keeping the debt-based-ponzi-scheme-of-a-monetary-system going.
Or otherwise known as the elites bread and butter. You don't want them to go without bread and butter, do you?

That's bullshit. Innovation creates effeciancy. The muds that have been invading Europe, just like the Kwan, take more than they put in, and their offspring tend to be more useless and violent than their, "I'm just looking for a better life", bullshitting parents. Those are the facts.

Joe King
7th July 2011, 08:48 PM
How does a shrinking, or at best, stagnant growth in population continue to feed a debt based monetary system that requires its participants to continulously increase their levels of debt just to keep it all going?
At some point people can't afford to continue to assume ever increasing levels of debt, so you have to grow the base in some other way. ie immigration.

General of Darkness
7th July 2011, 09:03 PM
How does a shrinking, or at best, stagnant growth in population continue to feed a debt based monetary system that requires its participants to continulously increase their levels of debt just to keep it all going?
At some point people can't afford to continue to assume ever increasing levels of debt, so you have to grow the base in some other way. ie immigration.

Please define who's going into debt, and for what reasons? This should be fun Joe.

Joe King
7th July 2011, 09:28 PM
Please define who's going into debt, and for what reasons? This should be fun Joe.

Virtually everyone is, be it either privately or publicly. Or as it is in most cases, both.
Or at least everyone that is a card carrying, participating member of their respective Civil States, that is.

The reason is to keep growing the base that fuels the demand to keep what has been created for your benefit, inflated.

I'm not saying i agree with it, just that I understand that if we are going to have a debt based monetary system that relies on the continuous expansion of credit just to keep it all going, participants within that system either have to continuously increase their own levels of debt or find a way to increase the number of willing participants.

General of Darkness
7th July 2011, 09:39 PM
Virtually everyone is, be it either privately or publicly. Or as it is in most cases, both.
Or at least everyone that is a card carrying, participating member of their respective Civil States, that is.

The reason is to keep growing the base that fuels the demand to keep what has been created for your benefit, inflated.

I'm not saying i agree with it, just that I understand that if we are going to have a debt based monetary system that relies on the continuous expansion of credit just to keep it all going, participants within that system either have to continuously increase their own levels of debt or find a way to increase the number of willing participants.

Blah, blah blah, oh come on Joe, don't be a dickhead with me, I know the answer, and you SHOULD know the answer, you post on gsus for Christs sake. Don't make me spell it out for you, again, the question is, please define who's going into debt, and for what reasons?

7th July 2011, 09:53 PM
How does a shrinking, or at best, stagnant growth in population continue to feed a debt based monetary system that requires its participants to continulously increase their levels of debt just to keep it all going?
At some point people can't afford to continue to assume ever increasing levels of debt, so you have to grow the base in some other way. ie immigration.


God forbid jew teevee depict happy White Americans having children.


Joe King
7th July 2011, 10:33 PM
Blah, blah blah, oh come on Joe, don't be a dickhead with me, I know the answer, and you SHOULD know the answer, you post on gsus for Christs sake. Don't make me spell it out for you, again, the question is, please define who's going into debt, and for what reasons?

Who is going into debt, you ask? Look around you. Who isn't?
From the govs of the World on down, there's more debt that's been assumed than you can shake a stick at.

And it's all based upon future growth that hasn't been being provided for in countries like Sweeden by their own populations. Same as in a lot of western nations.

A ponzi-scheme just can't work with too low of a population growth.

Either have babies in numbers great enough to fuel future demand at the expotential rate necessary to keep the system going, or the ptb that rely upon that growth for their very existence will have the 3rd world do it for you.
The choice was made generations ago. We deal with the consequences of that choice now.

The other alternative would be to get rid of the system that requires the aforementioned expotential growth.
....but not enough people want to do that. The very idea scares them and they prefer to suffer while suffering is still bearable, and the rest get drug along, kicking and screaming all the way. Because after all, even those few who choose not to participate in the ponzi-scheme, are surrounded by those who do.

8th July 2011, 05:16 AM
We are witnessing the veritable ethnic dick-stabbing of Sweden. Let us lament the coming extinction of beautiful blondes with square shoulders, small waists, steel-blue eyes and high cheek bones.

Twisted Titan
8th July 2011, 05:31 AM
Another sucessful operation of :infiltration,intergration and emasculation of a culture wholly funded by the zionist inbread tribe.

8th July 2011, 05:40 AM
We are witnessing the veritable ethnic dick-stabbing of Sweden. Let us lament the coming extinction of beautiful blondes with square shoulders, small waists, steel-blue eyes and high cheek bones.

Perhaps the next GSUS roundup should be going to Sweden. Do our part in trying to stop this extinction by spending time with all those beautiful blondes. It would be a tough job, but some of us may have to take one for the team here. Maybe we could even get the Peace Corp to sponsor our mission of love.

8th July 2011, 05:50 AM
Perhaps the next GSUS roundup should be going to Sweden. Do our part in trying to stop this extinction by spending time with all those beautiful blondes. It would be a tough job, but some of us may have to take one for the team here. Maybe we could even get the Peace Corp to sponsor our mission of love.



8th July 2011, 05:51 AM
Perhaps the next GSUS roundup should be going to Sweden. Do our part in trying to stop this extinction by spending time with all those beautiful blondes. It would be a tough job, but some of us may have to take one for the team here. Maybe we could even get the Peace Corp to sponsor our mission of love.

I'm in. Where do I sign up?

8th July 2011, 06:05 AM
I'm in. Where do I sign up?

I'm thinking the first thing we need to do is get in touch with some locals to host our arrival. Maybe those 4 gals in that first picture Dogman posted above. I'll step up to the plate and help that gal in the middle left. Her smile pulls at the altruistic side of me. We could use translators of the bubbly kind, the more the better.

8th July 2011, 06:10 AM
I'm thinking the first thing we need to do is get in touch with some locals to host our arrival. Maybe those 4 gals in that first picture Dogman posted above. I'll step up to the plate and help that gal in the middle left. Her smile pulls at the altruistic side of me. We could use translators of the bubbly kind, the more the better.

Translators Hell! Some things Need no translation! Sign language works just fine thank you!

Edit: Two is company and three is a crowd,, or kinky depending on the m/f ratio!

8th July 2011, 06:13 AM
Perhaps the next GSUS roundup should be going to Sweden. Do our part in trying to stop this extinction by spending time with all those beautiful blondes. It would be a tough job, but some of us may have to take one for the team here. Maybe we could even get the Peace Corp to sponsor our mission of love.

What about Art?

8th July 2011, 06:36 AM
I see he mentions the New World Order, he must be a conspiracy theorist. I'll bet he's hoping to be tapped as a new spokesman for TPTB, showing how he can even con Swedes into accepting the dissolving of their national and ethnic identity.

Wish this a-hole would just go away already !!