View Full Version : 12 And 13-Year-Old Kids Turn In Dad For Marijuana Possession Say Police

8th July 2011, 12:28 AM
SALT LAKE CITY -- Authorities say a Utah man was arrested after his two children called police to report that he had marijuana in the house.

The Salt Lake Tribune reports the man was charged Tuesday with two third-degree felony charges of child endangerment and one class B misdemeanor accusing him of possession of a controlled substance.

The man's name wasn't reported.

The newspaper says the man was found to have 23.9 grams, or almost an ounce, of marijuana in his Salt Lake City home.

Authorities say his children, ages 13 and 12, found the drug and called police.

SALT LAKE CITY -- Authorities say a Utah man was arrested after his two children called police to report that he had marijuana in the house.

The Salt Lake Tribune reports the man was charged Tuesday with two third-degree felony charges of child endangerment and one class B misdemeanor accusing him of possession of a controlled substance.

The man's name wasn't reported.

The newspaper says the man was found to have 23.9 grams, or almost an ounce, of marijuana in his Salt Lake City home.

Authorities say his children, ages 13 and 12, found the drug and called police.


8th July 2011, 01:18 AM
Children is also useful for reporting thoughtcrime of the parents, if they are properly trained by the authorities.

8th July 2011, 01:25 AM
Yes they should be always on the look out and perhaps they could be trained to be highly skilled in this area.

8th July 2011, 01:55 AM
It almost sounds like they found it and didn't know it was his, so they panicked and called police (otherwise in their mind they could be guilty of having it). Sucks for them giving their dad felonies. More emotional damage involved in that than any "endangerment" they may have been in.

8th July 2011, 02:15 AM
Hemp is bursting out all over!
Friday, 08 July 2011 02:04 Acharya S Contributing Writers - Acharya S

In a world where bad news floods us, it's just so great to see all the positive moves toward hemp legalization and cultivation, not only in the United States but also in various other places globally. Many countries, such as Hungary, France and Canada, have been years ahead of the U.S. in sensibly recognizing the value in growing the hemp plant for a wide variety of purposes, from fiber to oil to seed. Before I continue, however, I must make the usual disclaimer that by hemp, which comes from the cannabis genus but which contains insignificant amounts of the psychoactive chemical THC, I am not referring here to medical marijuana, which itself has merits on its own.

In any event, along with the burgeoning medical marijuana industry, the cultivation of hemp as a major resource and economy saver is likewise receiving a great deal of positive attention nationally, and it appears that the state of California is just a hair's breadth away from passing the Industrial Hemp Farming Act or SB 676, introduced by Senator Mark Leno in February.

As a one-time denizen of Southern California who worked passionately as a hemp activist for a number of years, including faxing hemp information sheets to numerous law offices in the area, among other activities, I am delighted to see industrial hemp blooming into a potentially rich future harvest.

In 1994, I stood up at a Jerry-Brown-for-President press conference in Los Angeles and asked Brown - who was standing just a few feet away - whether or not it was time to look hemp as a means to solve many of the world's resource problems. I'm told there's a video of the exchange somewhere on Youtube.

Brown is now the governor of California, and I'd like to hope I planted a little hempseed, especially since he's previously made unsupportive statements about the subject.

Go, California! Hemp could TRULY help revitalize the economy. Are you listening, Governor Brown? (And Feds?)

"Support for hemp farming and manufacturing in California has been very strong."

Thanks also to the incomparable Jack Herer, RIP, whom I met a number of times and who inspired me to raise the issue with Jerry Brown.

For more information, see my articles:

Hemp for Food and Fuel!
Why hemp could save the world

Hemp Farming in California Even Closer to Reality as SB 676 Moves Through California Legislature

SACRAMENTO, Calif., July 7, 2011 /PRNewswire-USNewswire/ -- Introduced by Senator Mark Leno earlier this year, SB 676, the Industrial Hemp Farming Act is moving quickly through the California Legislature. SB 676 would create an 8-year pilot program to allow industrial hemp farming in five California counties, Kern, Kings, Imperial, San Joaquin and Yolo. Passing through the Assembly Committee on Agriculture last week with a 6-0 vote, leading hemp advocacy organization, Vote Hemp, expects the bill to reach the Governor's desk this September.

The bill has the endorsement of the UFCW, the Imperial County Farm Bureau, California Certified Organic Growers and other leading farming organizations. Dan Rush, UFCW 5 Statewide Special Operations Director, stated, "UFCW enthusiastically supports SB 676 because we see it as a jobs and revenue generator at a time when they are sorely needed in California."...

"Support for hemp farming and manufacturing in California has been very strong. It is passing through committee after committee with a positive reception. We expect this bill to be on its way to the Governor's desk by early September. Governor Brown will then have 30 days to act on the bill," explains Patrick Goggin, California Legal Counsel for Vote Hemp.

The bill clarifies that industrial hemp is separate and distinct from forms of Cannabis used to produce marijuana and if passed will allow commercial farming of industrial hemp in five counties (Imperial, Kern, Kings, San Joaquin and Yolo) under an 8-year pilot program. Industrial hemp was grown in California up until shortly after World War II. Industrial hemp is the non-psychoactive, low-THC, oilseed and fiber varieties of the Cannabis sativa plant. Hemp has absolutely no value as a recreational drug....

A variety of products made from industrial hemp including healthy food and natural body care products as well as eco-friendly clothing are made in California. "There are over 50 member businesses of the Hemp Industries Association (HIA) that make or sell hemp products in the state of California alone that could benefit from an in-state source of hemp seed, fiber and oil," says Eric Steenstra, Executive Director of the HIA. "Because of outdated federal and state policies these businesses are forced to import millions of dollars of industrial hemp from Canada, China and Europe." Companies that manufacture or sell products made with hemp include Dr. Bronner's Magic Soaps, a California company that manufactures the number-one-selling natural soap in the U.S. as well as best-selling hemp food manufacturers, such as French Meadow Bakery, Living Harvest, Manitoba Harvest, Nature's Path, Nutiva and Sequel Naturals who make their products from hemp grown in Canada. Major companies such as Ford Motors, Patagonia and The Body Shop also use sustainable hemp seed, fiber and oil.

"Dr. Bronner's currently purchases twenty tons of hemp oil each year from Canada. We look forward to the day that we can meet our supply needs from hemp produced right here in our home state," says David Bronner, President of Dr. Bronner's Magic Soaps of Escondido.

On May 11th, Rep. Ron Paul introduced The Industrial Hemp Farming Act of 2011 (H.R. 1831) in Congress along with 22 co-sponsors including 6 Representatives from California (Farr, McClintock, Miller, Rohrabacher, Stark, Woolsey). If passed, H.R. 1831 will remove federal restrictions on the cultivation of industrial hemp.

To date, 17 states have passed pro-hemp laws or resolutions, including the California Assembly in 1999 when it passed a resolution declaring that "the Legislature should consider action to revise the legal status of industrial hemp to allow for its growth in California as an agricultural and industrial crop...

The Hemp Industries Association (HIA) represents the interests of the hemp industry and encourages the research and development of new hemp products. Vote Hemp is a national, single-issue, non-profit organization dedicated to the acceptance of and a free market for low-THC industrial hemp and to changes in current law to allow U.S. farmers to once again grow this agricultural crop. More information about hemp legislation and the crop's many uses may be found at www.VoteHemp.com and www.TheHIA.org.

8th July 2011, 02:28 AM
Children is also useful for reporting thoughtcrime of the parents, if they are properly trained by the authorities.

Parents should be berry, berry carefull. And perhaps keep their thoughts to themselves, while allowing the MSM to help form their kids thoughts.

8th July 2011, 04:20 AM
Wouldn't it be interesting to find out where these children learned to identify MJ or was it in a bag labeled "marijuana"?

Shorty Harris
8th July 2011, 04:52 AM
Hey, just the instruments of the all powerful state doing what they have been "learnt" to do Thanks to yrs of thought control, brain washing, & state sponsored indoctrination.

8th July 2011, 05:00 AM
Wouldn't it be interesting to find out where these children learned to identify MJ or was it in a bag labeled "marijuana"?

they probly had some NWO pig show up at their school for show and tell...they did that when i was a kid, had samples of pills, pot, coke, etc.

i would have been 8 or 9 at the time.

8th July 2011, 06:08 AM
they probly had some NWO pig show up at their school for show and tell...they did that when i was a kid, had samples of pills, pot, coke, etc.

i would have been 8 or 9 at the time.

Yeah, I'd say it's a given.


8th July 2011, 06:21 AM
Thats what you get for sending your children to the 10th Plank of the Communist Manifesto. (FREE Public School for all children)

When you send your child to the FREE public school system, you are sending your child off to indoctrination camp. They will learn how to be a good productive unit for the STATE. One who cannot be influenced by moral or spiritual beliefs. One who is subservient to the will of the STATE. A cog in the wheel. NOT human.

They will learn that the STATE is the ultimate authority. That the STATE is not only above the parents, but above God.

The worst crime that could be committed is the destruction of a childs mind. A crime FORCED on all children through the ignorance of their parents.

Silver Rocket Bitches!
8th July 2011, 06:33 AM
More of these stories to come in the coming days.


8th July 2011, 07:10 AM
Do they get red berets and gold sashes as rewards?

Maybe a free pizza dinner my the local cops?

8th July 2011, 07:16 AM
Do they get red berets and gold sashes as rewards?

Maybe a free pizza dinner my the local cops?

Secret password to be used at the local donut shop, for free donut's!

8th July 2011, 07:16 AM
I hope the kids won't be expecting anything for Christmas.

8th July 2011, 07:16 AM
I hope the kids won't be expecting anything for Christmas.

They will probably still be with foster parents.

8th July 2011, 04:42 PM
Whatever you do, don't tell your father or mother first...go straight to the police. Sure...

Fucked up family...they probably want the dad in jail.

8th July 2011, 06:13 PM
If that man lived in California, due to the recently ratified SB1449, he would not be eligible for a court appearance, or an arrest, or any punishment beyond a $100 fine.

Real crimes must involve real harm. Produce the injured party, produce the harm.

8th July 2011, 06:20 PM
Federal government says marijuana has no accepted medical use

Marijuana has been approved by California, many other states and the nation's capital to treat a range of illnesses, but in a decision announced Friday the federal government ruled that it has no accepted medical use and should remain classified as a dangerous drug like heroin.

The decision comes almost nine years after medical marijuana supporters asked the government to reclassify cannabis to take into account a growing body of worldwide research that shows its effectiveness in treating certain diseases, such as glaucoma and multiple sclerosis.

Advocates for the medical use of the drug criticized the ruling but were elated that the Obama administration had finally acted, which allows them to appeal to the federal courts, where they believe they can get a fairer hearing. The decision to deny the request was made by the U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration and comes less than two months after advocates asked the U.S. Court of Appeals to force the administration to respond to their petition.

“We have foiled the government’s strategy of delay, and we can now go head-to-head on the merits, that marijuana really does have therapeutic value,” said Joe Elford, the chief counsel for Americans for Safe Access and the lead counsel on the recently filed lawsuit.

Elford said he was not surprised by the decision, which comes just after the Obama administration announced it would not tolerate large-scale commercial marijuana cultivation. “It is clearly motivated by a political decision that is anti-marijuana,” he said. He noted that studies demonstrate pot has beneficial effects, including appetite stimulation for people undergoing chemotherapy. “One of the things people say about marijuana is that it gives you the munchies and the truth is that it does, and for some people that’s a very positive thing.”

DEA Administrator Michele M. Leonhart sent a letter dated June 21 to the organizations that filed a petition for the change. The letter and the documentation that she used to back up her decision were published Friday in the Federal Register. Leonhart said she rejected the request because marijuana “has a high potential for abuse,” “has no currently accepted medical use in treatment in the United States” and “lacks accepted safety for use under medical supervision.”

This is the third time that petitions to reclassify marijuana have been spurned. The first was filed in 1972 and denied 17 years later. The second was filed in 1995 and denied in 2001. Both decisions were appealed, but the courts sided with the federal government.


8th July 2011, 06:28 PM
The medical laws in california are interesting, they are classified under Prop215 and SB420. These, coupled with the 10th amendment, are what make it legal to buy and use cannabis for many individuals in California.

However, according to SB1449, an individual with no medical documentation, i.e. "An illegal user" is still not eligible for jailtime, or a court appearance, or any punishment greater than a $100 fine. Previous to January 1st, 2011, individuals were arrested and often jailed for mere posession.

Joe King
8th July 2011, 07:20 PM
Federal government says marijuana has no accepted medical use

Marijuana has been approved by California, many other states and the nation's capital to treat a range of illnesses, but in a decision announced Friday the federal government ruled that it has no accepted medical use and should remain classified as a dangerous drug like heroin.

The decision comes almost nine years after medical marijuana supporters asked the government to reclassify cannabis to take into account a growing body of worldwide research that shows its effectiveness in treating certain diseases, such as glaucoma and multiple sclerosis.

Advocates for the medical use of the drug criticized the ruling but were elated that the Obama administration had finally acted, which allows them to appeal to the federal courts, where they believe they can get a fairer hearing. The decision to deny the request was made by the U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration and comes less than two months after advocates asked the U.S. Court of Appeals to force the administration to respond to their petition.

“We have foiled the government’s strategy of delay, and we can now go head-to-head on the merits, that marijuana really does have therapeutic value,” said Joe Elford, the chief counsel for Americans for Safe Access and the lead counsel on the recently filed lawsuit.

Elford said he was not surprised by the decision, which comes just after the Obama administration announced it would not tolerate large-scale commercial marijuana cultivation. “It is clearly motivated by a political decision that is anti-marijuana,” he said. He noted that studies demonstrate pot has beneficial effects, including appetite stimulation for people undergoing chemotherapy. “One of the things people say about marijuana is that it gives you the munchies and the truth is that it does, and for some people that’s a very positive thing.”

DEA Administrator Michele M. Leonhart sent a letter dated June 21 to the organizations that filed a petition for the change. The letter and the documentation that she used to back up her decision were published Friday in the Federal Register. Leonhart said she rejected the request because marijuana “has a high potential for abuse,” “has no currently accepted medical use in treatment in the United States” and “lacks accepted safety for use under medical supervision.”

This is the third time that petitions to reclassify marijuana have been spurned. The first was filed in 1972 and denied 17 years later. The second was filed in 1995 and denied in 2001. Both decisions were appealed, but the courts sided with the federal government.


The people fighting this are doing it all wrong.

The questions that need to be asked of the Court are,
If the natural substance truly has no medicinal use, how is it that the man-made synthetic copy of that natural substance does have medicinal use? {Marinol}
If the natural substance truly has no medicinal use, how is it the that the federal gov itself holds a patent for the medicinal use of cannibinoids as neuroprotectants, which are only found in the natural substance? {U.S. Patent 6630507}

I've never heard of any of the advocates ever having raised these issues.

I also wonder if the Constitunality of Single Convention on Narcotic Drugs treaty has ever been challenged in Court? After all, that is what is actually being enforced here by the fed gov.

Hatha Sunahara
8th July 2011, 10:49 PM
Is it really true that California Marijuana laws are dealt with in SB420? As in 4:20 PM? Somebody must have had a sense of humor. Or is that where the whole origin of 4:20 is--from the number of the bill?

They don't have any more jail space in California, nor any money to run their current jails, so it makes sense they would decriminalize marijuana--since that is what puts the most people in jails. Sounds like a budget balancing measure--to decriminalize marijuana. I'd like to see that in more places. Of course, decriminalizing marijuana has a lot of opposition in the legal profession and the judiciary who make a lot of money by recruiting labor for the gulag system.

I've always thought the drug laws are not only corrupt, but insane. And so are the people administering them.


9th July 2011, 06:31 AM
I've always thought the drug laws are not only corrupt, but insane. And so are the people administering them.


quoted for truth...

Twisted Titan
9th July 2011, 02:00 PM
I hope those kids go to the state for everything else as well.......then the cycyle of broken families will be complete