View Full Version : Video - Zionist 'Thugs' Behind America's Police State

General of Darkness
8th July 2011, 10:36 PM
While Brother Nathanael is kinda quirky, he's spot on here.


9th July 2011, 06:53 AM
While the video is a broad overview of the causes, it's really a matter of shit flows downhill. Politicians talk to police commanders. Then the commanders talk to their lieutenants about policy and procedure as outlined by politicians. Then the lieutenants tell the sergeants on the street their men are now going to operate with protocol X,Y, or Z - any and all of which are designed around a common framework of intimidation and violence against innocent people. The cops on the beat, and the bottom of this conduit, may or may not like what they are told to do but do it anyway as part of the thin blue line. So in the end you get Zionist influence throughout law enforcement and create an atmosphere where anyone with a dissenting opinion is categorized as a criminal terrorist or enemy of the state.

And yet once again the truth is the opposite of the illusion - the police are the terrorists. The politicians are the terrorists. And the system itself is a terrorist. But none of that matters when it's all about command and control. Remember this - without the police they are powerless to stop dissent. Only the military would be left, which is why they are integrating it into Homeland Security. And even then, when painted into a corner, some people will make the ultimate sacrifice on principle and punish those that dare take away their rights. So no matter what they do, the police state, while potent, will never be perfect. That's why they circle the drain with other related legislation to cover their tracks to criminalize anything that threatens them.

Hatha Sunahara
9th July 2011, 09:48 AM
The mainstream media present only the zionist point of view, which is that everyone who does not completely agree with them is a terrorist, and must be beat into submission or destroyed. It is all done very subtly. In the 1960s and 1970s they called this issue 'law and order'. Politicians campaigned on 'law and order'. Back then, that meant anyone who dissented from official policies mostly in re Vietnam, was a criminal, a traitor. Those who sympathized with the dissenters were told 'America, Love it or leave it.' The media repeats the lies that we are in danger of destruction by dissenters. They repeat this theme so often, that the majority believes it. You could see Lieberman repeating this lie. He says the internet kill switch is a matter of national security. He doesn't say it is for Israel's national security. Lieberman is a traitor to America and the constitution.

I'm not sure about Brother Nathaniel. Somehow, I think there is a very subtle streak of controlled opposition here. How is it that the zionists tolerate him? Or do they? Somebody who speaks so poorly about the Zionists would be going through a living hell, if he was not assassinated through some unfortunate accident. Until I get a better grasp of Bro Nathaniel i'm going to not take him seriously.


9th July 2011, 11:08 AM
And he is always begging for money, fighting zionism isn't cheap you know.