View Full Version : Moving in search of Liberty is only biding you time

General of Darkness
9th July 2011, 06:15 PM
I've been thinking about this for some time now. The ONLY reason I'm still in L.A. is because of my mum. The rest of my entire family is in Croatia and in Switzerland.

So today I was driving my mom around dealing with CD's from bank to bank. And I said, I'm really sick of this country, and she said, where are you going to go? It's no better in Croatia, yeah, they might be all white, but there's a ton of mafia idiots there too.

So we talked some more, and the conclusion was that that we'll ultimately leave this country, and figure out how to protect our money, but with the understanding that it's just a matter of time before the kikes come after their cut. Through their laws, taxes, whatever. But ultimately, hiding or moving is not the answer.

Yeah I know, I'm not offering a solution, but if you don't stand your ground, however weak it is, as a man, what do you, or will you ever stand for?

9th July 2011, 06:28 PM
I can understand moving if you are moving to where there will be support and
the potential for more strength to resist.
Otherwise you are just being chased.

Joe King
9th July 2011, 06:32 PM
It's no better in Croatia, yeah, they might be all white, but there's a ton of mafia idiots there too.

That's true for all the Peoples of the World.
Because good and bad when it comes to people, is color blind.

9th July 2011, 06:34 PM
You have more options than just spic infested kommiefornia, or Croatia.

I read this article some time ago and thought of you and your situation.


For me personally it wouldn't really be flee to another country, it would be find a remote ass location. Today with wind and solar technologies you can still have a decent amount of electricity without being on the grid and if you were in a place with very minimal property taxes you wouldn't have to really make much money to survive. IMO there has never been an easier time in history to live in a remote location. A good documentary is "Survivorman: Off The Grid" where he moves to a remote area of Canada with his family.

9th July 2011, 06:37 PM
That's true for all the Peoples of the World.
Because good and bad when it comes to people, is color blind.

Funny, South Africa and Rhodesia were thriving countries in Africa when Whites ran the show, now they can't even keep the electricity on or feed their own people.

This colorblind stuff is nothing but reality denial.

midnight rambler
9th July 2011, 06:39 PM
I can understand moving if you are moving to where there will be support and
the potential for more strength to resist.
Otherwise you are just being chased.

There's little more miserable than being a refugee.

Joe King
9th July 2011, 06:40 PM
Funny, South Africa and Rhodesia were thriving countries in Africa when Whites ran the show, now they can't even keep the electricity on or feed their own people.

This colorblind stuff is nothing but reality denial.

The method of a Peoples living is not what defines "good and bad" in a particular person.

General of Darkness
9th July 2011, 06:45 PM
The method of a Peoples living is not what defines "good and bad" in a particular person.

You know, I've been watching your posts. Some are good, but some, like this one are full of shit. I hope this post chokes the shit out of you, because reality trumps belief in method. Have a nice day.

9th July 2011, 06:51 PM
You know, I've been watching your posts. Some are good, but some, like this one are full of shit. I hope this post chokes the shit out of you, because reality trumps belief in method. Have a nice day.

I think what Joe means, is that it's the actions of folks that determine whether they are good or bad, their intentions. "Good or bad" is not defined by color of skin, or cultural behaviors necessarily, or living conditions. Who's to dictate how folks decide to live? Putting a good or bad shaming brand on folks just leads to tyranny. I agree with Joe on those points.

Hey General, if it's only your Mom that's keeping you in L.A, I'd seriously consider getting her out of there. The problem with living in L.A. is that if a disaster strikes, you most likely won't be able to leave. Even getting 1 hour out that damn place improves your chances to adapt to what's going on, and be mobile if it becomes a necessity.

9th July 2011, 06:53 PM
The method of a Peoples living is not what defines "good and bad" in a particular person.

I'm assuming you are White.

So you would have no trouble living in Detroit or Zimbabwe, Sudan, or South Africa? How about Somalia?

The races are not the same, claiming that they are is like I said denying reality.

9th July 2011, 06:54 PM
The races are not the same, claiming that they are is like I said denying reality.

The races are not the same, but being different doesn't make a person bad or good. It's their actions that make them so.

9th July 2011, 06:55 PM
I think what Joe means, is that it's the actions of folks that determine whether they are good or bad, their intentions. "Good or bad" is not defined by color of skin, or cultural behaviors necessarily, or living conditions. Who's to dictate how folks decide to live? Putting a good or bad shaming brand on folks just leads to tyranny. I agree with Joe on those points.

Hey General, if it's only your Mom that's keeping you in L.A, I'd seriously consider getting her out of there. The problem with living in L.A. is that if a disaster strikes, you most likely won't be able to leave. Even getting 1 hour out that damn place improves your chances to adapt to what's going on, and be mobile if it becomes a necessity.

I think that is what Joe means too, but the point GoD was making is that he doesn't want to leave because he is surrounded by evil people (or whatever Joe talks about) but rather non Whites with a different language, beliefs, customs and way of life which compared to White Western Civilization is largely uncivilized.

It is only natural for kind to live with kind, GoD wants to be with his kind and so do I.

9th July 2011, 06:55 PM
The races are not the same, but being different doesn't make a person bad or good. It's their actions that make them so.

Who claimed anything to the contrary?

9th July 2011, 06:56 PM
well, you may not find liberty per se, but you can certainly increase your odds of living!

9th July 2011, 06:57 PM
well, you may not find liberty per se, but you can certainly increase your odds of living!


You could move to Monaco, the life expectancy is close to 90.

Joe King
9th July 2011, 06:57 PM
You know, I've been watching your posts. Some are good, but some, like this one are full of shit. I hope this post chokes the shit out of you, because reality trumps belief in method. Have a nice day.

I was merely agreeing with the jist of what your own mother told you.

I'm simply applying it to all races because there are in fact good hearted people within all races, as well as those who aren't.

Are you actually saying that you've never met or even heard of a white person you thought were a bad person? Not ever? No matter their actions? Your mother knows there are.

9th July 2011, 06:59 PM

Im glad you finaly pulled your head out of your dogs ass. I've been telling you for how many years now the exact same thing you posted in your OP. You'll only be hiding a little bit more and eventualy itll catch up with your ass there.

Get the fuck out of california, get around people you indetify with, find that nice man you've been looking for, settle down and adopt some special needs, interracial fillipino children and you wont be constantly making "LOOK THE FUCK AT ME NOW" attention-whore post about how you're going to move to some shit hole eastern european country cause their brand of raving socialism and corruption has three less jew's than ours.

But, thats just my opinion anyways.

:D :D :D :D :D

9th July 2011, 06:59 PM
everything i've seen, heard, or read of croatia makes it seem x100 better than the PRC.

9th July 2011, 07:02 PM
I was merely agreeing with the jist of what your own mother told you.

I'm simply applying it to all races because there are in fact good hearted people within all races, as well as those who aren't.

Are you actually saying that you've never met or even heard of a white person you thought were a bad person? Not ever? No matter their actions? Your mother knows there are.

Joe, the point is he doesn't want to live in a city run by mexicans.

There is a reason Mexico is a shithole. It's run by mexicans, and the same goes for Africa as well.

Joe King
9th July 2011, 07:10 PM

Im glad you finaly pulled your head out of your dogs ass. I've been telling you for how many years now the exact same thing you posted in your OP. You'll only be hiding a little bit more and eventualy itll catch up with your ass there.

Get the fuck out of california, get around people you indetify with, find that nice man you've been looking for, settle down and adopt some special needs, interracial fillipino children and you wont be constantly making "LOOK THE FUCK AT ME NOW" attention-whore post about how you're going to move to some shit hole eastern european country cause their brand of raving socialism and corruption has three less jew's than ours.

But, thats just my opinion anyways.

:D :D :D :D :D

Good advice Heimdhal.

Hey GoD, there's a good lil' a white girl in Florida that's about to get out of jail and will surely be lookin' to hook up soon. Oh wait.....he said nice man. Nevermind. lol

Joe King
9th July 2011, 07:12 PM
Joe, the point is he doesn't want to live in a city run by mexicans.

There is a reason Mexico is a shithole. It's run by mexicans, and the same goes for Africa as well.I never knew that Africa was run by Mexicans. I guess you realy do learn something new everyday. lol

9th July 2011, 07:15 PM
I never knew that Africa was run by Mexicans. I guess you realy do learn something new everyday. lol

Kidding around is certainly easier than answering ANY of the questions I have asked.

9th July 2011, 07:22 PM
Kidding around is certainly easier than answering ANY of the questions I have asked.

You didn't really ask any questions though, you just gave your perceptions. You believe Mexico is a shithole, that's your opinion. People in Mexico actually have more freedoms than we do...sad to say. They can pretty much do whatever they want, without being hassled by the police or any government. That's some great freedom. Yes, they have a lower "quality" of life. Quality by our standards. Standards we set. They don't care, they are too busy enjoying life for the most part. Family means more to them than possession or wealth. We link wealth to quality of life, but that's not the best way to look at things.

9th July 2011, 07:24 PM
You didn't really ask any questions though, you just gave your perceptions. You believe Mexico is a shithole, that's your opinion. People in Mexico actually have more freedoms than we do...sad to say. They can pretty much do whatever they want, without being hassled by the police or any government. That's some great freedom. Yes, they have a lower "quality" of life. Quality by our standards. Standards we set. They don't care, they are too busy enjoying life for the most part. Family means more to them than possession or wealth. We link wealth to quality of life, but that's not the best way to look at things.

How many Whites do you see streaming across the border headed South?

Joe King
9th July 2011, 07:25 PM
Kidding around is certainly easier than answering ANY of the questions I have asked.
All joking aside, I've no problem with people merely choosing to live with or around whomever they want.

That was not the issue. The issue is mistakenly trying to define entire races of people based upon their skin color or method of living, as opposed to what is currently in the heart of whatever individual person may be in question, at the time.

9th July 2011, 07:28 PM
All joking aside, I've no problem with people merely choosing to live with or around whomever they want.

That was not the issue. The issue is mistakenly trying to define entire races of people based upon their skin color or method of living, as opposed to what is currently in the heart of whatever individual person may be in question, at the time.

So if you can not differentiate based on race why in your opinion is Africa the richest continent on Earth in terms of natural resources yet only accounts for less than 5% of world trade?

Why is it that when Whites ran Rhodesia it was prosperous but now that blacks have control they experienced the worst hyper inflation in world history?

Why is it that blacks in South Africa under apartheid owned more vehicles than blacks in every other African country combined?

Why is it that blacks in South Africa under apartheid now have daily rolling blackouts, yet under apartheid they still had a higher standard of living than Whites living under jewish marxism in the USSR?

9th July 2011, 07:29 PM
You didn't really ask any questions though,

See post 10.

9th July 2011, 07:31 PM
One thing I can say about Liberty . . . there's more of it out here in the sticks! Less neighbors, more self-reliant people, more guns, more animals, and sheriffs that don't come looking for trouble. I also think it may be a longer time to stand my ground. I don't think zombie idiots will be showing up here post-SHTF knowing who's up in these hills.

We all choose where we bide our time. So if I'm gonna wait this out, I might as well be around my kind of people.

midnight rambler
9th July 2011, 07:33 PM
People in Mexico actually have more freedoms than we do...sad to say. They can pretty much do whatever they want, without being hassled by the police or any government. That's some great freedom...They don't care, they are too busy enjoying life for the most part.

Haven't spent much time in Mexico, huh? lol Why do you think so many of them invade the states without an invitation??

Are you aware that more than 40 people have been killed in Mexico's drug wars in the past day?


FYI, the Zetas have taken over the Riviera Maya on the Yucatan, and they're a malignant tumor killing what little is left of the tourist industry there.

9th July 2011, 07:37 PM
This thread is EPIC on so many levels! ;D

Joe King
9th July 2011, 07:37 PM
So if you can not differentiate based on race why in your opinion is Africa the richest continent on Earth in terms of natural resources yet only accounts for less than 5% of world trade?

Why is it that when Whites ran Rhodesia it was prosperous but now that blacks have control they experienced the worst hyper inflation in world history?

Why is it that blacks in South Africa under apartheid owned more vehicles than blacks in every other African country combined?

Why is it that blacks in South Africa under apartheid now have daily rolling blackouts, yet under apartheid they still had a higher standard of living than Whites living under jewish marxism in the USSR?Since when does a societies mis-management of resources automaticly infer that all individuals within that society are "bad" people?

9th July 2011, 07:38 PM
Haven't spent much time in Mexico, huh? lol

No, but I do have some Mexican friends, from Mexico, that I've had that discussion many times over with.

Remember, their freedoms do NOT apply to us when we are there. Because we are different. This is where I agree with Luckystrike's loaded questions. I agree for different reasons though...when you are with folks that are similar, you are not a target. Because you are similar to your surroundings. You tend to culturally have similarities, mindset, and fit it...blend in. Mexican's in Mexico are and understand their surroundings. You wouldn't believe the stuff they can do, that we can't do here.

Same as where I live now. I am a minority here. It makes me a target, I know that. I'd much rather have you folks for neighbors than the people around my neighborhood. That's reality.

9th July 2011, 07:41 PM
Since when does a societies mis-management of resources automaticly infer that all individuals within that society are "bad" people?

You joe use the word bad, show me one time where me or the OP said they are "bad" or "evil"

I don't want to live around them because I have nothing in common with them and I assume GoD feels the same way. I don't see why you have to come here making a big deal out of nothing.

9th July 2011, 07:43 PM
No, but I do have some Mexican friends, from Mexico, that I've had that discussion many times over with.

Remember, their freedoms do NOT apply to us when we are there. Because we are different. This is where I agree with Luckystrike's loaded questions. I agree for different reasons though...when you are with folks that are similar, you are not a target. Because you are similar to your surroundings. You tend to culturally have similarities, mindset, and fit it...blend in. Mexican's in Mexico are and understand their surroundings. You wouldn't believe the stuff they can do, that we can't do here.

Same as where I live now. I am a minority here. It makes me a target, I know that. I'd much rather have you folks for neighbors than the people around my neighborhood. That's reality.

Was it a loaded question when I asked how many Whites you knew who streamed across the border heading south?

9th July 2011, 07:49 PM
Was it a loaded question when I asked how many Whites you knew who streamed across the border heading south?

Nope, not a loaded question. I know a few...I hear the weather's nice down there, the margarita's are good, the water's warm, and you can kick your feet up and enjoy life without the noise and rat race we've come to chase here. Sounds pretty nice actually! BTW, they streamed down there via sailboat. ;D I'd kinda like to join them.

9th July 2011, 07:52 PM
Nope, not a loaded question. I know a few...I hear the weather's nice down there, the margarita's are good, the water's warm, and you can kick your feet up and enjoy life without the noise and rat race we've come to chase here. Sounds pretty nice actually! BTW, they streamed down there via sailboat. ;D I'd kinda like to join them.

Yeah I wouldn't mind heading to South America myself, there are a surprising number of Whites down in some of those countries, and like you said in many respects they enjoy more freedoms than we do. They all have their flaws but I don't think the police in some of those countries enjoy killing civilians like cops here do.

Joe King
9th July 2011, 07:56 PM
You joe use the word bad, show me one time where me or the OP said they are "bad" or "evil"

I don't want to live around them because I have nothing in common with them and I assume GoD feels the same way. I don't see why you have to come here making a big deal out of nothing.

The original term was, "mafia idiots" who are white.

Correct me if I am wrong, but those in the "mafia" tend to do what bad people do to other people.
Therefore, by the OP's own words, some white people are bad people. So when you seek out only white people to live around, you are choosing to live around some very bad people as well as some very good people and all types in between. Same as with every other race of people.

You can live around whoever you want. Just don't think that race is what makes one person "better" than another.

General of Darkness
9th July 2011, 07:59 PM
This thread is EPIC on so many levels! ;D

You bet your sweet tits you ass poundering fairy. :)

General of Darkness
9th July 2011, 08:00 PM
The original term was, "mafia idiots" who are white.

Correct me if I am wrong, but those in the "mafia" tend to do what bad people do to other people.
Therefore, by the OP's own words, some white people are bad people. So when you seek out only white people to live around, you are choosing to live around some very bad people as well as some very good people and all types in between. Same as with every other race of people.

You can live around whoever you want. Just don't think that race is what makes one person "better" than another.

AHHHH here we go cock holster. Don't be putting words in my typing. :) Jews are not white. Keep it real negro.

midnight rambler
9th July 2011, 08:03 PM
No, but I do have some Mexican friends, from Mexico, that I've had that discussion many times over with.

I've a relative who has lived in Mexico for over 20 years. I've spent time down there with him, at his ranch in north central Mexico and on the Mayan Riviera. You are only hearing what you're friends are telling you from their perspective, you haven't lived it. You have no idea how it is down there. There's a permit required for everything and the thievery is incredible. ANYONE who shows ANY indication of wealth becomes a kidnap target, and I gather that Mexico is one of the worst countries in the world relative to kidnapping (along with the cutting off of appendages of the kidnap victim and sending them to the family). All manner of crime and guns in the hands of the people are outlawed - you call that freedom??

Joe King
9th July 2011, 08:10 PM
AHHHH here we go cock holster. Don't be putting words in my typing. :) Jews are not white. Keep it real negro.

The reson you said you wanted to go there was to be around your own people. White people. Besides, your mothers statement infers that the mafia she spoke of are made up of white people. It's in the context of her own words.

It's no better in Croatia, yeah, they might be all white, but there's a ton of mafia idiots there too.
So who's "all white"? The people in Croatia? Where there is also "idiot mafia"? That would mean the idiot mafia members in question are also white people. They are in Croatia, no?

Just reading the words you posted, friend. Not trying to start WWIII here. lol

9th July 2011, 08:19 PM
This thread is EPIC on so many levels

Check out my tits, and how I shake my ass like a fairy!

Uhh... no thanks.

General of Darkness
9th July 2011, 08:53 PM
I'd like to see that :)

I bet you would sicko. :(

Twisted Titan
9th July 2011, 09:44 PM
I've a relative who has lived in Mexico for over 20 years. I've spent time down there with him, at his ranch in north central Mexico and on the Mayan Riviera. You are only hearing what you're friends are telling you from their perspective, you haven't lived it. You have no idea how it is down there. There's a permit required for everything and the thievery is incredible. ANYONE who shows ANY indication of wealth becomes a kidnap target, and I gather that Mexico is one of the worst countries in the world relative to kidnapping (along with the cutting off of appendages of the kidnap victim and sending them to the family). All manner of crime and guns in the hands of the people are outlawed - you call that freedom??

Coming to america sooner rather then later ...........

Joe King
9th July 2011, 09:50 PM
Yep. Them mafia idiots are going to screw it up for everybody. With their robbing and plundering, murdering and raping, and what not.
...and we can give thanks to the General for pointing them out to us. lol

General of Darkness
9th July 2011, 10:05 PM
Yep. Them mafia idiots are going to screw it up for everybody. With their robbing and plundering, murdering and raping, and what not.
...and we can give thanks to the General for pointing them out to us. lol

Joe Jew Lover, stop being so obvious, it makes you look really really stupid.

Joe King
9th July 2011, 10:09 PM
Joe Jew Lover, stop being so obvious, it makes you look really really stupid.Aw c'mon. Don't be so uptight. You know I'm just joking.

General of Darkness
9th July 2011, 10:20 PM
Aw c'mon. Don't be so uptight. You know I'm just joking.

Fair enough. But I suscribe to the school of thought, "NO JEWS, JUST RIGHT".

Joe King
9th July 2011, 10:33 PM
Fair enough. But I suscribe to the school of thought, "NO JEWS, JUST RIGHT".Jews are like Wal-Mart.
ie when they opened up their respective shops, nobody had a gun held to their head in order to make them do business with them. Seems to me there's always been a choice. Vote your with your so-called "money".
Oh, wait. I forgot. No one can resist a bargain. lol

9th July 2011, 11:23 PM
You know I'm just joking.

I never would have guessed it. ;D

9th July 2011, 11:39 PM
Jews are like Wal-Mart.
ie when they opened up their respective shops, nobody had a gun held to their head in order to make them do business with them. Seems to me there's always been a choice. Vote your with your so-called "money".
Oh, wait. I forgot. No one can resist a bargain. lol

So if I go out and buy a bunch of Chinese crap, I can't complain about jobs going to China anymore? ....damnit. That makes too much sense. I'm not sure if the masses are ready for this awakening yet. ;D

Joe King
9th July 2011, 11:52 PM
Oh, you can complain about it. In fact, I encourage you to.

All I ask is that your anger be directed in the appropiate direction, that's all.

That direction would be towards your agents, who through their woeful lack of fiscal responsibility have created an enviroment that prohibits many manufacturers from being able to both produce a product here and be able to sell it at a price that people can actually afford to pay for it.

10th July 2011, 12:04 AM
GoD, I made it to Ky from Fl and I can truthfully say my mental load is greatly reduced. I stayed in Nashville last night and met 2 preppers, met a new relative here today in Ky that's one too. Pick a place and take the leap, I'd stay in the states but that's your decision. This feels good, even though it is one hell of as task and a challenge.

10th July 2011, 06:11 AM
mexico is a shithole.

my family owned a business in a resort town. it had t be abandoned (abandoned, as in, just left, couldn't even go there to get the equipment, etc.). because it was too dangerous to go from the airport to the business anymore. one of the locals let it be known to our family that a drug cartel was waiting for my mom or step dad to show up and then kidnap them.

2 weeks after they abandoned it, the cartel executed the sister of the guy that managed it for them because they found out she was the snitch.

the federales said "there was nothing they could do," in regards to helping get our equipment shipped back to the u.s. we "needed to talk to this or that exporter," all who needed huge sums of cash "to help us out."

loss of 50k in the end.

last i heard, the manager whose sister was killed had fled to the southern part of the country because a bounty was out on him as well.

fucking awesome country.

10th July 2011, 10:21 AM
The issue is mistakenly trying to define entire races of people based upon their skin color or method of living, as opposed to what is currently in the heart of whatever individual person may be in question, at the time.


How can we recognize who the "good jews" are among the bad zionists again?

Tell us one more time how to distinguish between them Joe King.


10th July 2011, 10:31 AM
How can we recognize who the "good jews" are among the bad zionists again?

Tell us one more time how to distinguish between them Joe King.


I believe you distinguish between them, based upon their actions. I don't know why it's so hard to see individuals in that simple way. If it's a greedy bankster giving fraudulent loans, to a simple man with a bakery raising a family.

Actions, Book. Not words, or ethnicity...actions.

10th July 2011, 11:40 AM
but if you don't stand your ground, however weak it is, as a man, what do you, or will you ever stand for?


Joe King
10th July 2011, 01:46 PM
How can we recognize who the "good jews" are among the bad zionists again?

Tell us one more time how to distinguish between them Joe King.


In the same manner you would tell the good white people from the bad ones.
Or do you think all white people can only be "good"? If you don't think so, and can make a distinction there, then you can do it for all races.
That's assuming of course that you actually want to be fair and open mined about the subject matter at hand.

10th July 2011, 01:54 PM
In the same manner you would tell the good white people from the bad ones.
Or do you think all white people can only be "good"? If you don't think so, and can make a distinction there, then you can do it for all races.
That's assuming of course that you actually want to be fair and open mined about the subject matter at hand.

Joe, that might require a bit too much self reflection than some here are willing to accept.

The quick thought.."that man's different, blame him!" is much easier for some folks to digest.

Joe King
10th July 2011, 02:10 PM
Solid, I can't help but to think that if you were to ask people how they themselves would like to be assessed by others, it would be in the manner I described.

Therefore, when one is unwilling to extend that same courtesy to others, it is easy to see where the root of the problem lies.

There should be a name for that.

10th July 2011, 06:27 PM
There should be a name for that.

There is a name for that actually. We call them hammerheads.

10th July 2011, 06:35 PM
The quick thought.."that man's different, blame him!" is much easier for some folks to digest.

Do you honestly believe that is how people like myself operate?

10th July 2011, 06:47 PM
Do you honestly believe that is how people like myself operate?

I can't answer that, only you can. Do you see men as individuals?

You see two mexican guys walking down the street. One was born in America, is an iron worker, with 3 kids. The other man jumped the border and is leeching off the system. Can you tell the difference between those two men without getting to know them?

10th July 2011, 06:52 PM
I can't answer that, only you can. Do you see men as individuals?

You see two mexican guys walking down the street. One was born in America, is an iron worker, with 3 kids. The other man jumped the border and is leeching off the system. Can you tell the difference between those two men without getting to know them?

No I cannot, but I can tell you that I wouldn't want to live in the vicinity of either.

Is that acceptable or not?

If it is then I really don't see the point of this thread ever getting derailed.

10th July 2011, 06:59 PM
...I can't help but to think that if you were to ask people how they themselves would like to be assessed by others, it would be in the manner I described.

How does "Israel" assess us goyim when it comes to their immigration policy?

::) they forbid us goyim from immigrating to their JEWS ONLY nation. nice try JK.

10th July 2011, 07:02 PM
No I cannot, but I can tell you that I wouldn't want to live in the vicinity of either.

Is that acceptable or not? .

It's not acceptable for me, for the values I place on myself and how I hold myself to them. I would need to know those men before deciding if I'd be happy living in the vicinity of them. I'm speaking for myself, nobody else.

Joe King
10th July 2011, 07:29 PM
How does "Israel" assess us goyim when it comes to their immigration policy?

::) they forbid us goyim from immigrating to their JEWS ONLY nation. nice try JK.AFAIC, other Sovereign Nations can run their immigration policys as they see fit.
My question would be, if you don't like Israel, why would you want to emigrate there to begin with? What would be the point?

Joe King
10th July 2011, 07:37 PM
No I cannot, but I can tell you that I wouldn't want to live in the vicinity of either.Fair enough. Everyone is entitled to their opinion.

For a follow up question, if you had to pick one of the two, either the aforementioned mexican iron worker who works hard and supports his family without gov assistance, or Casey Anthony, whom would you prefer to live next door to?

10th July 2011, 08:15 PM
Fair enough. Everyone is entitled to their opinion.

For a follow up question, if you had to pick one of the two, either the aforementioned mexican iron worker who works hard and supports his family without gov assistance, or Casey Anthony, whom would you prefer to live next door to?

I can't choose.

It's like asking would you rather have your nuts stuck in a blender or get shot in the back with birdshot.

10th July 2011, 08:22 PM
Apparently it's necessary to elaborate as to why I do not want to live next to people of a different race.

I do not share the same values as these other people, often times not even the same language, if I am raising a family I do not want their foreign influence on my children. Statistically non Whites (specifically, mestizos and negros) commit crimes at a staggering rate, so just based on that in general it's safer to practice total avoidance.

The idea that I have something to gain or learn from them and their culture is nothing but jewish multi cultural brainwashing.

My family has been here since the 1700's so I have much deeper ties and a much different perspective than some third worlder.

As per their very own words this country was created for the "posterity" of the founding fathers, posterity of course meaning the literal descendants to the furthest generation and it may surprise you but the founders where White men, not black, asian, jewish or mestizos. They have absolutely no place here, I don't wish them harm, but I do not want them enjoying benefits MY ancestors died to give ME nor taking benefits that I would hope to live my posterity as well.

10th July 2011, 08:32 PM
My family has been here since the 1700's so I have much deeper ties and a much different perspective than some third worlder.

Lucky, my ancestry dates back to early 1800's or so, immigrants, from Europe. Polish, Irish, German, and Flemish. I'm a mixed breed.

My point is that our country was founded by folks from other places. Unless you are Native American, we're all from places all over the world. I see your point, but thought I'd mention that our culture is very unique, in regards to the rest of the world. We're all originally from somewhere else.

Joe King
10th July 2011, 08:41 PM
Thanks for responding LS. I appreceiate your honesty.

My only question about your post would be, did the Founders of this nation allow for immigration to America in their own day?

10th July 2011, 08:55 PM
Lucky, my ancestry dates back to early 1800's or so, immigrants, from Europe. Polish, Irish, German, and Flemish. I'm a mixed breed.

My point is that our country was founded by folks from other places. Unless you are Native American, we're all from places all over the world. I see your point, but thought I'd mention that our culture is very unique, in regards to the rest of the world. We're all originally from somewhere else.

You are not a "mixed breed" you are 100% White, that is not mixed.

Who do you think your values most closely resemble your blood relatives in your homeland 1000's of miles away or some mexican who lives down the street?

10th July 2011, 08:59 PM
Thanks for responding LS. I appreceiate your honesty.

My only question about your post would be, did the Founders of this nation allow for immigration to America in their own day?

Immigration in that day was like freedom of religion, it was kind of, any religion as long as it was Christian. Of course not everyone in the late 1700's was a church going Christian but this land wasn't full of mosques and synagogues in every major city like it is now I can assure you.

It was a relative recent immigration policy that has allowed the third world to flood our borders.

Joe King
10th July 2011, 09:14 PM
LS, I agree with you that the large increase in immigration is relatively recent. But the reason for that was because Americans weren't having babies at fast enough rate to keep the ponzi-scheme of a system we have, going. Which gets into a whole differnt issue as the Founders didn't have to deal with such things as gov-run ponzi-schemes.

The reason I asked if the Founders permitted immigration was because if they did, that would show that "the posterity" mentioned in the Constitution included naturalized citizens from other countries along with their decendants too. As well as all those that came later and were naturalized.

So "the posterity" doesn't only mean white people. It means the decendants of all Americans.
...and freedom of religion means just that. Not just Christian, or it would have been written, "freedom of Christian religion".

11th July 2011, 05:57 AM
Joe, the point is he doesn't want to live in a city run by mexicans.

There is a reason Mexico is a shithole. It's run by mexicans, and the same goes for Africa as well.

Africa is run by mexicans?


11th July 2011, 06:22 AM
Moving in search of Liberty is only biding you time

Liberty is not something you find. It is not under some rock or hidden in a cave. Liberty is something you must practice and adhere to, for it takes responsibility. Liberty is something that must be CLAIMED and DEFENDED if/when needed.

11th July 2011, 01:02 PM
so much bullshit here . biding my time?? seriously?? i walk the streets armed, concealed or not with no permit....no state tax info gathered...none shared with the feds...few if any blacks...and you say im "biding my time" here,while you sit imprisoned in LA?? really.... i can walk down ANY alley in ANY town at ANY time without caution...bidding my time?? i think your making excuses for your refusal to include geography as the most important part of a shtf scenario. its the FIRST consideration of generals in warfare, and should be ours. Following your logic, we shouldnt gather food preps because EVENTUALLY they will run out!...just biding my time here in a mountain paradise surrounded by millions and millions of acres of unspoiled and uninhabited wilderness.....yeah....ill be kicking back here while fvkn jewyork, chi and la are in flames!

11th July 2011, 06:57 PM
Africa is run by mexicans?


always the wise guy hahahaa

11th July 2011, 07:42 PM
My first European relatives came here in 1621. Do I get brownie points? :)

11th July 2011, 07:44 PM
My first European relatives came here in 1621. Do I get brownie points? :)

With or without THC?

11th July 2011, 07:45 PM
With or without THC?

Baker's choice.

11th July 2011, 07:57 PM
I wont stop ya... ;)

11th July 2011, 08:33 PM
How does "Israel" assess us goyim when it comes to their immigration policy?

::) they forbid us goyim from immigrating to their JEWS ONLY nation. nice try JK.

If a theocratic country with nukes in the middle east want's to develop a racist immigration policy to go along with their racist colonization policies I suppose that's their prerogative....world peace being considered and all...lol

11th July 2011, 09:31 PM
Joe, the point is he doesn't want to live in a city run by mexicans.

There is a reason Mexico is a shithole. It's run by mexicans, and the same goes for Africa as well.

Yeah, and that's why we have the immigration policy we have in "The West" -- to destroy it from within. Kids now are taught that this is the only way to a better society. [White] Racial homogeneity is a disease that needs to be cured immediately be adding in "people of colour", not knowing or understanding the implications. As our cities become more dilapidated, who/what will be blamed? Whites and White racism. Many kids today will eat it up.

I think people are starting to wake up, but i think it's too late to right the ship.

Joe King
11th July 2011, 09:38 PM
Too late? Ya think? Really?

Probably only about 3 or 4 generations too late to fix the problems you're pointing out . Do anything about it in a truly effective way now and it's called genocide. lol

12th July 2011, 06:06 AM
how much time do you need ?

take 100, subtract your age, that's about how much time you need.

18th July 2011, 09:13 AM
My point is that our country was founded by folks from other places. Unless you are Native American, we're all from places all over the world.

False. Amerinds a/k/a "Native Americans" are ALSO from somewhere else. They are from Asia, crossed the Bering Straits about 12,000 years ago. When they got here, they genocided the Solutreans from Europe who WERE HERE FIRST. Google Ice Age Columbus.

our culture is very unique, in regards to the rest of the world.

False. Every. single. person. alive has ancestors from somewhere else EXCEPT, possibly, the Khoi San people of the Kalahari desert in Africa, whom the African Bantus joyously took to slaughtering when they moved in.

18th July 2011, 12:16 PM
I'm really glad to see you back, Berzerker.