View Full Version : West Point DISAPPOINTMENT

10th July 2011, 06:52 PM
I have been stewing over this for weeks now. And I saw a news broadcast that popped this zit. Mind if I rant a little?

A while back I joined an email group of West Point classmates. When I asked to join the group, I was expecting to get into a forum of threads like this one. I also expected to be communicating with some erudite and patriotic movers. I have classmates who are commanding generals in key locations and many retired or ex-officers in key positions.

I quickly learned that most are MORONS. When I hit them up with the simplest of concepts that we, here, find foundational, I was labelled as a radical nutcase. I have to tell you that my hopes of some constitutionally knowledgeable and honorable leaders arising for this country were dashed into a million shards of razor sharp crystals.

Except of one or two, I see most of them as politically motivated ass-kissing cowards with no vision. Leaders? Pfffshit. I am thoroughly disgusted. So what popped the zit tonight? I saw one of them on the news tonight, sitting on a stage with visiting prince honeymoon charming giving his happy speech to the American subjects.

10th July 2011, 07:08 PM
I wouldn't judge them too harshly. They probably remembered that many of their classmates got recruited by CIA and they only hold their jobs as long as they remain somewhat silent. They have no idea of who they are talking to.

This attitude was drummed into everyone in 4 years of service school. Those bi-annual fitness reports can interfere with a successful retirement program.

10th July 2011, 08:44 PM
Have a good friend who graduated WP. Tank guy, action in desert storm, all American soldier type. Whatever Sean hannity says is gospel.

10th July 2011, 08:48 PM
So... you took a journey into the fledgling heart of the future MIC, and found to your surprise that it stinks? The apple does not fall far... even in .gov environs.

11th July 2011, 08:36 AM
Have a good friend who graduated WP. Tank guy, action in desert storm, all American soldier type. Whatever Sean hannity says is gospel.

He may grow out of that. Could be worse.

So... you took a journey into the fledgling heart of the future MIC, and found to your surprise that it stinks? The apple does not fall far... even in .gov environs.


11th July 2011, 08:37 AM
military industrial complex.

11th July 2011, 09:02 AM
Spectrism is a WP graduate - I'm impressed. Only the very best and brightest can gain admission to WP. As for the OP's remarks concerning the WP email group, all I can say is that intelligence is like speed and wisdom is like direction. We have some very smart people today who are macinating very quickly but in all the wrong directions. Their moral compass is skewed badly - and their collective arrogance prevents them from admitting the error of their ways. Is this not the story of human failings since time and memorial?

Hatha Sunahara
11th July 2011, 10:10 AM
I also have my doubts about the 'very best and brightest' whenever someone characterizes some group that way. The best and brightest are often marginalized because they are the best and brightest and can see through the screen of bullshit thrown up by the 'evil mediocrities' who just follow orders. The best and brightest stand on their own everywhere--even among WP graduates.

People who put their careers first above everything else, well, I call them 'careerists'. I have yet to meet a careerist whom I consider the 'best and brightest'. Most of the people on this planet who hold some degree of power over others, are truly scumbags. The people who get to the top do so by conforming with and obeying the orders emanating from some evil power whom they are not willing to accurately assess because that would disqualify them from promotions.

I share your disillusionment with humanity Spectrism. There are some things that you learned and believed that do not hold up under close scrutiny. It's a bitter pill to swallow. I reached a point where my eyes opened and I could see through the filter of belief, and all the beliefs I held dissolved into a mountain of regret that I did not see the reality sooner in my life. I'm glad you are sharing this. Plato was right. Most of humanity lives in a cave and what they see are just shadows on the wall. It's better for the soul to come out of the cave and see things in full sunlight.


11th July 2011, 10:23 AM
So... you took a journey into the fledgling heart of the future MIC, and found to your surprise that it stinks? The apple does not fall far... even in .gov environs.

Well, that venture into the MIC was quite some time ago. I was just recently surprised that maturing classmates were so foggy-eyed and naive. I have been into the belly of a few beasts and know some of the inner workings.

As Hatha noted, careerists in the military are just as bad as politicians who serve themselves.

I even saw how one is playing the race card to wealth and power... and among the new Obama regime, he will probably do well for himself. He was my sparing partner in boxing.... and I used to clean his clock.

Joe King
11th July 2011, 10:25 AM
Good post, Hatha.

I merely offer that the only way that anyone can be disillusioned with anything, is to have held but an illusion of it to begin with.

11th July 2011, 10:45 AM
I also have my doubts about the 'very best and brightest' whenever someone characterizes some group that way.

The "best and brightest" tend to be those who have a perfect memory.

11th July 2011, 11:09 AM
What is the first things the military tries to remove form a recruit?

Individuality and free thinking.

They don't want a platoon of individuals, they want a platoon following orders without question as one unit

And they do that on young, foolish and impressionable men. As they age, the questions of value arise like weeds in a garden. When I was in, there was a strong core of NCOs who would question everything and taught their men to think for themselves. In special schools all are taught the chain of command understanding that they will possibly have to take charge of the unit. Thinking independently is not shunned. The mindless training is to instill fast and efficient reactions to common situations. Martial arts. Conditioning makes the machine better in certain circumstances. Some times/conditions, however, take radical and unplanned methods.

The ability of american soldiers to operate independently and the strength of its small unit leaders has been the envy of world forces.

Surely you don't think any training would tell the soldiers that our government is illegitimate and murdering millions of civilians around the world.

11th July 2011, 11:18 AM
If learning to kill doesn't teach you something about legitimacy you're the one being learned.

11th July 2011, 12:50 PM
When I hit them up with the simplest of concepts that we, here, find foundational, I was labelled as a radical nutcase.

This is how it works. Anytime you broach the simplest subject, you're a paranoid, tinfoil hat wearing anti-semite.

They are grooming the entire world to think this way.