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11th July 2011, 10:01 AM
How To I.D. Genetically Modified Food at the Supermarket.

Not many consumers realize that the FDA does not require genetically modified food to be labeled. That’s because the FDA has decided that you, dear consumer, don’t care if the tomato you’re eating has been cross bred with frog genes to render the tomato more resistant to cold weather. Some consumers may not be concerned with eating Frankenfood, but for those who are, here’s how to determine if the fruits and vegetables you’re buying are (GM) genetically modified.

Hat tip to Marion Owen for her valuable information. Here’s how it works:

For conventionally grown fruit, (grown with chemicals inputs), the PLU code on the sticker consists of four numbers. Organically grown fruit has a five-numeral PLU prefaced by the number 9. Genetically engineered (GM) fruit has a five-numeral PLU prefaced by the number 8.

For example:

A conventionally grown banana would be: 4011

An organic banana would be: 94011

A genetically engineered (GE or GMO) banana would be: 84011

These tips are specially important now that over 80% of all processed foods in the US are genetically modified. Many countries in the European Union have been banning GM products and produce (including Austria, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary and Luxembourg). We say “Eat healthy, buy or grow organic”.


11th July 2011, 11:52 AM
From the comments:

Shawn Campbell · University of Idaho
Your post is full of a large number of misstatements. The numbering system is an urban myth that has been passed around the internet for sometime. While the number 8 has been designated for GM, its use is voluntary and pretty much nobody uses it. This means that a lack of a number 8 does not indicate non-GM. Also GM crops are developed using genes from plants or bacterium, not animals.

53 ·
· Reply · May 2 at 4:07pm

11th July 2011, 12:39 PM
The Giant Waxy Monkey Tree Frog genes were spliced into potatoes to prevent infection.
Winter Flounder genes were spliced into tomatoes for the antifreeze properties.

Get your hysteria straight, people.

11th July 2011, 01:32 PM
Tree Frogs in my potatoes?..........no wonder my potatoe salad keeps jumping in my stomach.

11th July 2011, 01:53 PM
Tree Frogs in my potatoes?..........no wonder my potatoe salad keeps jumping in my stomach.

Ponce you may not be cooking your beans enough!


11th July 2011, 02:39 PM
Maybe you use beans in your potatoe salad but I don't.

11th July 2011, 02:47 PM
Maybe you use beans in your potatoe salad but I don't.

Just funning you buddy, tho with the talk of frogs in tatter salad who knows? Seems like every family in the world has their special family tatter salad. I figured somewhere and someone , uses beans!

Especially peoples of the Latino side of the world! ;D

11th July 2011, 02:53 PM
We don't eat potatoe salad American style.

11th July 2011, 03:10 PM
We don't eat potatoe salad American style.

May try this , sounds good!

Joe King
11th July 2011, 03:31 PM
How To I.D. Genetically Modified Food at the Supermarket.

Not many consumers realize that the FDA does not require genetically modified food to be labeled. That’s because the FDA has decided that you, dear consumer, don’t care if the tomato you’re eating has been cross bred with frog genes to render the tomato more resistant to cold weather.

I don't think they require it to be labeled as such because they know a lot of people wouldn't want to buy it if it was plainly labeled as to exactly what it was.

3rd October 2011, 11:44 PM

Dr. Mercola simplified the GMO in USA food chain list to these 8 items (selection harvested from a shared email update in our circle.)

Since the US government prevents the labeling of GM foods, it's imperative to educate yourself on what they are, and to help spread awareness.
First and foremost, avoid most processed foods, unless it's labeled USDA 100% Organic. You can also avoid GM foods that are not found in processed foods, if you know what to look for. There are currently eight genetically modified food crops on the market:
Sugar from sugar beets
Hawaiian papaya
Cottonseed (used in vegetable cooking oils)
Some varieties of zucchini
Canola (canola oil)
Crookneck squash
The free Non-GMO Shopping Guide (http://mercola.fileburst.com/PDF/GMObrochure.pdf) is a great resource to help you determine which food brands and processed food products are GM-free. Print it out for yourself, and share it with everyone you know.

If you feel more ambitious you can order the Non-GMO Shopping Tips brochure (http://www.seedsofdeception.com/Public/Products/Brochures/index.cfm) in bulk, and bring them to the grocery stores in your area. Talk to the owner or manager and get permission to post them in their store.

beefsteak likes the above "action plan"....makes me and my wife feel like we are pushing back on this GMO thing.